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Simultaneous chemiluminometric determination of levodopa and benserazide in a multi-pumping flow system with multivariate calibration

Simultaneous chemiluminometric determination of levodopa and benserazide in a multi-pumping flow system with multivariate calibration
Article in International Scientific Journal
Karine L Marques
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Joao L M Santos
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Joao A Lopes
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Title: Analytical SciencesImported from Authenticus Search for Journal Publications
Vol. 24 No. 10
Pages: 985-991
ISSN: 0910-6340
Scientific classification
FOS: Natural sciences > Chemical sciences
CORDIS: Health sciences
Other information
Authenticus ID: P-003-X45
Resumo (PT): An automated multi-pumping flow system is proposed for the simultaneous chemiluminometric determination of benserazide and levodopa using multivariate calibration methods. The developed methodology is based on chemiluminescence (CL) emission generated by the reaction of benserazide with luminol, and on a concurrent inhibiting effect of levodopa on this reaction. A multi-pumping flow system comprising multiple solenoid micro-pumps as the only active components was developed to implement a stopped-flow approach for signal acquisition and processing. Artificial neural networks were used to establish a relationship between the CL emission profile and the concentration of both drugs. The concentration values used to establish the experimental calibration samples were varied between 5 and 30 mg l-1 for levodopa and between 2.5 and 20 mg l-1 for benserazide. The proposed method was successfully applied to the simultaneous determination of levodopa and benserazide in pharmaceutical formulations combining both drugs. <br> <br> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/analsci/24/8/24_985/_article"> Texto integral</a> <br> <br>
Abstract (EN): An automated multi-pumping flow system is proposed for the simultaneous chemiluminometric determination of benserazide and levodopa using multivariate calibration methods. The developed methodology is based on chemiluminescence (CL) emission generated by the reaction of benserazide with luminol, and on a concurrent inhibiting effect of levodopa on this reaction. A multi-pumping flow system comprising multiple solenoid micro-pumps as the only active components was developed to implement a stopped-flow approach for signal acquisition and processing. Artificial neural networks were used to establish a relationship between the CL emission profile and the concentration of both drugs. The concentration values used to establish the experimental calibration samples were varied between 5 and 30 mg l(-1) for levodopa and between 2.5 and 20 mg l(-1) for benserazide. The proposed method was successfully applied to the simultaneous determination of levodopa and benserazide in pharmaceutical formulations combining both drugs.
Language: English
Type (Professor's evaluation): Scientific
No. of pages: 7
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