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António Azevedo Ferreira

Fotografia de António Manuel Azevedo Ferreira
Name: António Manuel Azevedo Ferreira Ligação à página pessoal de António Manuel Azevedo Ferreira
Sigla: AMAF
Estado: Active
Extensão Telefónica: 3699


Categoria: Investigador Auxiliar
Carreira: Pessoal Investigador das Universidades
Professional Group: Investigação Científica
Department: Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering


Cargo Data de Início
Member of the Scientific Board 2023-05-31
Member of the Department Council Departamento de Engenharia Química e Biológica 2024-11-15

Apresentação Pessoal

António Ferreira graduated in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Beira Interior in 2001 and completed a PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP) in 2008. The main goals of his PhD research were to understand the mechanisms of impurity inclusion into the crystal lattice and its influence on crystal growth and dissolution rates from a thermodynamic and kinetic point of view. These studies were performed at laboratory (FEUP) and pilot scales (Audubon Sugar Institute—USA).

After obtaining his PhD, Ferreira started working as a researcher at CENTI (Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials), increasing his relationship with the industrial sector and consolidating his knowledge in project development.

At the end of 2008, Ferreira started his Post-Doc in bioreactor optimization at the University of Minho (2008-2014). The main achievement of this work was an improved apparatus for mixing intensification (EP3057694 (B1)).

From 2009 to 2012, in parallel with his Postdoc research, Ferreira lectured in chemistry and organic chemistry at FEUP.

In the period 2015-2021, Ferreira was an Auxiliary Investigator and Lecturer at FEUP, being deeply involved in meso-oscillatory flow reactors (meso-OFR) optimization and its application in multiphase systems, such as continuous crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients (including proteins), liquid-liquid extraction, microalgae cultivation, water treatment, solids drying, among others. The disruptive results obtained, marks in two Patents Granted, attracted the interests of several national and international companies and research units.

In 2019, Ferreira co-founded the company OFRTECH (www.ofrtech.com).

Ferreira was/is a project leader of 6 projects (R&D: ¤1.4 million, which includes a Starting Grant from the FCT Investigator program; R&D services: approximately ¤1 million) and a team member of 14.

Ferreira is (co)-author of over 70 publications (see publication list), including two patents. Ferreira completed the supervision/co-supervision of several PhD and Master's students and is now the supervisor/co-supervisor of four PhD students and one Master's student.

Ferreira belongs to the National Association of Science and Technology Researchers (ANICT) board.

Since 2022, António Ferreira has been Auxiliary Investigator with a permanent position at FEUP and team coordinator of the technological platform to be created at ALiCE (Associated Laboratory – alice.fe.up.pt) to strengthen the relationship with the industrial sector and society.

Áreas de Interesse

  1. Technological sciences > Engineering > Chemical engineering
  2. Technological sciences > Engineering > Process engineering > Bioprocess engineering
  3. Physical sciences > Chemistry > Applied chemistry
  4. Physical sciences > Physics > Condensed matter properties > Cristallography


Categoria: Membro Integrado
Research and Development Centre: LEPABE - Laboratório de Engenharia de Processos, Ambiente, Biotecnologia e Energia
University of Porto: University of Porto
Faculty: Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
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