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Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

It is possible to explain the foundations of quantum mechanics and its applications to first-year Engineering students. The simple approach used in this course is based on linear algebra and classical physics at the high-school level. Building upon that foundation, the principles of quantum mechanics are introduced in this course. The last part of the course will introduce the differential equations of quantum mechanics.


The goal of this course is to provide students with the minimum knowledge needed to understand the fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics and its technological applications. Students who approve this course should be able to: 1. Explain the postulates of Quantum Mechanics. 2. Understand the wave-particle of light and matter. 3. Represent the state of a quantum system using different bases and compute the expected values and uncertainties of some physical quantities of those systems.

Fields of Specialization

Professional Abilities

Employment Prospects




General information

Teacher Responsible: Jaime Villate
Acronym: IMQ
Type of course/cycle of study: Continuing Training Unit
Start: 2023/2024
Duration: 40,5 Hour

Study Plan


  • Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (1,5 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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