PDEQB – the Doctoral Programme in Chemical and Biological Engineering at FEUP prepares highly qualified human resources in Chemical Engineering and related areas.
The programme is supported by an academic staff of more that 40 Ph.D.s, affiliated with the Chemical Engineering Department (DEQ/FEUP), the Associated Laboratory LSRE/LCM and the research laboratories LEPAE and CEFT, whose research and development activities cover a wide range of topics, ranging from theoretical and fundamental aspects to the experimental and applied areas of Chemical and Bilogical Engineering, and comprehend wide-ranging collaborative work with leading industries in this country and abroad.
The Doctoral Programme in Chemical and Biological Engineering targets both national and international students and is designed for excellence and competitiveness at the international level. It aims to prepare selected students for leadership in research and development careers in industry, academia and independent entrepreneurial initiatives.
To apply to PDEQB, a prospective student should follow the instructions available on-line at http://www.fe.up.pt/~pdeqb. Opção Livre - A 6 ECTS course chosen by the student, among any 6 ECTS courses available from UP or other universities, to complement the student education on subject areas other from that of the thesis - semester 1. Opção Direccionada - A 6 ECTS course chosen by the supervisor, among any 6 ECTS courses available from UP or other universities. It is intended to strenghten the student education on the subject area of the thesis - semester 2.
General information
Study Plan
Predominant Scientific Areas
Previous Courses/Cycles of Study