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General Information

Students registered for a course unit can sit the ordinary examination period and, if they get a failing grade, they have the opportunity to sit the supplementary examination period. In these situations, it is not necessary to register to resit the examination.

Students who have been approved in a course unit of the cycle of studies they are registered in (or were registered in, for final-year students) can improve their grade in an examination they have taken until the supplementary examination period of the following academic year in which they were approved. The grade improvement can only be taken once per course unit and if there is an examination scheduled for that course unit.

Students covered by statuses that establish their right to request examinations outside the ordinary or supplementary examination periods can access a specific examination period (see Special Status and Conditions), but they also have to register for the examination.

Students taking examinations on the 2nd call of the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies or on the special examination period for students with special status, which have a timeframe for examinations that coincides with the first semester of the following academic year (September, October and November), have 10 working days from the date of publication of their last grade to regularise/adjust their registration for course units. To do so, they must go to the Academic Services and present their course units registration form validated by the Director of the Cycle of Studies (DCS).


Examination Periods

Ordinary and supplementary examination periods

The ordinary examination period is available to students properly registered who have fulfilled class attendance requirements or have been exempted from it. The supplementary examination period is intended for students who have had a failing grade or were not assessed, as long as they have fulfilled class attendance requirements or have been exempted from it. Students do not need to register for these examination periods.


Specific periods available to students with a legally applicable status

Students who hold a legally applicable status that allows them to request examinations in periods outside the ordinary or supplementary examination periods (see Special Status and Conditions) may take examinations in accordance with the set calendar:

  • Course units of the 1st semester: from February 26th to May 3rd, 2024;
  • Course units of the 2nd semester: from September 2nd to November 29th, 2024.


In order to register for these examinations, students who hold a legally applicable status must meet the following requirements:

  • students must be registered in those course units in the corresponding semester;
  • students must have fulfilled class attendance requirements as they are defined in the programme of each course unit they want to register for.


Registration periods:

- From January 30th till February 17th (for 1st semester course units);
- From July 1st to July 31st (for 2nd semester course units).

Registering for each examination requires filling in and submitting a registration form. To do so, students must access the banner “Registration for examination for students who hold a legally applicable status” available at the homepage of FEUP during the registration periods. Students can register up to a maximum of 5 examinations via banner.  To register for more than 5 examinations, students must send an e-mail to percurso.academico@fe.up.pt and request them.


The registration in the examinations is not automatic and it is subject to analysis by the Academic Services.

Registering for examinations under special statuses is subject to the payment of fees, as stipulated in item 7 of the UP table of fees, with no right to reimbursement. Requests after the deadline to register for the examinations or to regularize the registration for the examinations (if a student registers for an examination but does not pay the corresponding fee within the set deadline), are subject to a fee for the practice of acts after the deadline, as set out in item 9 of the UP table of fees.

Students who take examinations in the 2nd call of the specific periods available to students with a legally applicable status, whose examinations schedule coincides with the 1st semester of the following academic year (September, October and November), have 10 working days, starting from the date of the posting of the last grade to regularise/adjust their registration in course units. To do so, they must submit a registration form validated by the Director of the Cycle of Studies to the Academic Services.


Firefighters from professional fire brigades with at least 2 years of actual service

In addition to the ordinary and supplementary examination periods, these students can take up to 5 examinations each academic year, with a maximum of 2 per course unit, in the deadlines set above. (For more information, see Special Status and Conditions)


Association Leaders

In addition to the ordinary and supplementary examination periods, these students can take up to 5 examinations each academic year, with a maximum of 2 per course unit, in the deadlines set above, in accordance with the applicable laws. (For more information, see Special Status and Conditions)



In addition to the ordinary and supplementary examination periods already set out in the applicable laws, these students can take up to 5 examinations (or specific global tests) each academic year, with a maximum of 2 per course unit, in the deadlines set above. (For more information, see Special Status and Conditions)


Students with SEN (Special Educational Needs)

The benefits granted to each student depend on their specific needs (see Special Status and Conditions). If the benefits include access to a specific examination period, the student must request the corresponding registration within the above-mentioned deadlines.


Student Parents

Students who have been granted this status (see Special Status and Conditions) can reschedule examinations, taking into account the existing examination schedule, whenever they are unable to take them for duly attested reasons, namely: prenatal medical appointments, childbirth, breastfeeding, child illness and assistance.

These students must submit an examination request within the above-mentioned deadlines, as well as a supporting document attesting to the reason of the absence.


Religious Practitioners

Whenever an examination date coincides with the established days of rest and worship of their religious faith, students who practice a certain religion can request the rescheduling of that examination to a day that poses no such objection, taking into account the existing examination schedule.


High Performance Athletes

Students who have been granted the High-Performance Athlete status (see Special Status and Conditions) are entitled to access the specific periods available to students with a legally applicable status whenever the period of participation in sports competitions or the period of preparation leading up to the competition coincides with assessment tests.

These students must submit an examination request, within the above-mentioned deadlines. Along with the examination request, students must also submit a declaration issued by the IPDJ (Portuguese Sports Institute) indicating the period in which they are participating in sports competitions.


Student-Athlete of U.Porto

Students who have been granted the Student-Athlete of U.Porto status may register, within the above-mentioned deadlines, for the examinations to which they are entitled to, according to the category they were given.


Status of participants in international events (training and attendance) for national teams or other national sports organisations

Students who have been granted this status (see information in Statutes and Special Conditions) may access the specific periods available to students with a legally applicable status, whenever the training and/or attendance in their sports competitions coincides with the scheduling of assessment tests.

Registration for the examinations must be made through an examination request within the above-mentioned deadlines. Along with the examination request, students must also submit a declaration issued by the IPDJ (Portuguese Sports Institute) justifying the need to access the specific periods available to students with a legally applicable status.


Special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies

The Special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies that takes place in September, is available for students of First degrees and Master’s degrees that can complete the cycle of studies with the approval of the maximum of legally allowed ECTS credits, provided the following conditions are all fulfilled:

i) students are registered in those course units in the corresponding academic year;
ii) students must have fulfilled class attendance requirements, as they are defined in the programme of each course units;
iii) students have already attended the Dissertation course unit and submitted a provisional version of that document;
iv) students shouldn't have more than 21 ECTS credits or 2 course units (semi-annual or annual) left to complete the cycle of studies, whichever is more favourable for the student.

Until and including the academic year of 2025/2026, the course unit Dissertation of the New Masters (Continuity) will, exceptionally, occur in the 1st and 2nd semesters. For that reason, there is a call for special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies scheduled for transition students who can conclude the New Masters in that call.

The 1st call of the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies (March) will also be available, exceptionally and until the academic year 2025/2026, to transition students:

- who have completed the Master’s degree and don’t have more than 21 ECTS credits left to complete the 1st Degree (Continuity);
- who have completed the 1st Degree (Continuity)and don’t have more than 21 ECTS credits left to complete the Master’s Degree (Continuity);
- who don’t have more than 21 ECTS credits left to complete both the Master’s Degree (Continuity) and the 1st Degree (Continuity);
- who don’t have more than 21 ECTS credits left to complete the 1st Degree (Continuity) and fulfil the following conditions for accessing the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies:

a. for 1st semester course units, students must have attendance in those course units in the current academic year;
b. for 2nd semester course units, students must have attendance in those course units in the previous academic year.

Registration periods:

  • From January 30 till February 17 (for the 1st call, which takes place between the 26th of February and the 15th of March 2024;
  • From 1st to 31st of July (for the 2nd call, which takes place between the 2nd and 13th of September 2024.

Registering for each examination in the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies requires filling in and submitting a registration form. To do so, students must access the banner “Registration for special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies”, available on FEUP’s homepage during the respective registration periods. Students can register up to a maximum of 3 examinations via banner. To register for more than 3 examinations, students must send an e-mail to percurso.academico@fe.up.pt and request them.

The registration in the examinations is not automatic and it is subject to analysis by the Academic Services.

Registering for examinations in the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies, is subject to the payment of fees, as stipulated in item 8 of the UP table of fees, with no right to reimbursement. Requests after the deadline to register for the examinations or to regularize the registration for the examinations (if a student registers for an examination but does not pay the corresponding fee within the set deadline), are subject to a fee for the practice of acts after the deadline, as set out in item 9 of the UP table of fees.

Students who take examinations in the 2nd call of the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies, whose examinations schedule coincides with the 1st semester of the following academic year (September, October and November), have 10 working days, starting from the date of the posting of the last grade to regularise/adjust their registration in course units. To do so, they must submit a registration form validated by the Director of the Cycle of Studies to the Academic Services.


Examination by Jury

Students who are in a position to complete the cycle of studies and have failed a course unit 4 or

Students who are in a position to access the examinations in the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies and have failed a course unit 4 or more times can request an examination by jury, provided they have authorisation from the Dean of FEUP.

This examination can be taken in a period when there is an examination scheduled for that course unit (ordinary or supplementary) or in the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies.

Each student can complete a maximum of two course units via examination by jury. Students must submit an online request duly substantiating the need to take an examination by jury (see information about Written Requests).

Note: For more information check the Regulation for Deliberation of the Academic Affairs Council - Examinations by Jury.


Grade Improvement

Students who have been approved in a course unit of the cycle of studies they are registered in (or were registered in, for final-year students) can:

  • improve their grade in an examination they have taken until the supplementary examination period of the following academic year in which they were approved. The grade improvement can only be taken once per course unit and if there is an examination scheduled for that course unit.

    Provided that is previously established in the course unit form, and in accordance with the conditions set out in the paragraph above, there is also the possibility to improve a grade in one or more components of the distributed evaluation whose type and formality are similar to an examination.
  • improve their grade in a course unit with mandatory attendance in accordance with the conditions set out in article 11 of the General regulation for the assessment of 1st cycle, integrated masters and 2nd cycle students of the University of Porto.

The final grade of the course unit will be whichever is highest, either the grade initially obtained or the one resulting from the grade improvement.

There is no possibility of grade improvement for Dissertation, project or internship reports, nor for the Project FEUP course unit.

After a degree certificate or diploma is issued, it is not possible to improve the grade of any course units included in that certification (Article 17(4), paragraph c, of the General regulation for the assessment of 1st cycle, integrated masters and 2nd cycle students of U.Porto). In other words, when students request a graduation certificate, or a degree diploma, they are implicitly stating that their path in that cycle of studies has finished. Thus their process will be closed and the corresponding graduation certificate will be issued or the process for the issuance of the degree diploma will be triggered, according to the student’s request.

Deadlines to request grade improvements:

Requests for improvement via examination in the Ordinary and Supplementary examination periods, in accordance with the following table:

Day of the examination Deadline for the student to register for the examination
Monday Previous Wednesday
Tuesday Previous Thursday
Wednesday Previous Friday
Thursday Previous Saturday
Friday Previous Sunday

In order to register for each examination, you must fill in and submit a form. After submitting each form, an e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the form with the deadline for payment of the corresponding fee, which will also be registered in your current account.

To access the form to register for grade improvement examination, students must access the Banner “Registration for grade improvement examination” available at the homepage of FEUP during the registration period.

Requests for grade improvement that imply the attendance of the curricular unit in the immediately following occurrence:

  • For 1st semester curricular units
    • Period for registration for the academic year.
  • For 2nd semester curricular units
    • From 1st February up to the beginning of the 2nd semester.

Note: In these cases, students are only registered for grade improvement examination, so that the grade obtained may be recorded.

Grade improvement in the 1st call of the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies (transition students):

Students who transitioned to the new cycle(s) of studies due to the reshaping of the corresponding Integrated Master's Degree and are in a position to complete their cycle of studies, can take an examination to improve their grade in the 1st call of the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies, which takes place during the first fortnight of March, for the course units they obtained approval in the 2nd semester of the previous academic year and in the current academic year.

Grade improvement in the 2nd call of the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies which takes place in the first fortnight of September:

Students of First degrees and Master’s degrees who are in a position to complete their cycle of studies, can take an examination to improve their grade in the 2nd call of the special examination period for completion of the cycle of studies, which takes place during the first fortnight of September, for the course units they obtained approval in the current academic year.

Registering for a grade improvement examination is subject to the payment of fees as stipulated in item 6 of the UP table of fees, with no right to reimbursement. If students do not pay the fee, they will become debtors. Requests after the deadline to register for the examinations or to regularize the registration for the examinations (if a student registers for an examination but does not pay the corresponding fee within the set deadline), are subject to a fee for the practice of acts after the deadline, as set out in item 9 of the UP table of fees.

Note: There are no grade improvement examinations for 3rd cycle studies students or for students enrolled in Single Curricular Units.


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