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Synchronous Machines

Code: M.EEC024     Acronym: MSIN

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2021/2022 - 2S

Active? No
Responsible unit: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
M.EEC 0 Syllabus 1 - 6 45,5 162/

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


This UC aims to provide students with scientific and technical knowledge and operational skills related to synchronous electrical machines, in particular allowing them to:

1. To know and understand the fields of application of synchronous machines

2. To know and understand the various types and conventional construction variants, their physical constitution and the main variables that define them.

3. Understand the physical functioning and know how to apply numerical models to analyze the steady state operation of synchronous electrical machines.

4. To know how to implement tests to determine parameters of synchronous electrical machines and other routine and special tests.

5. To know and understand the operation of a synchronous alternator, in isolated mode and in parallel mode with the network, including maneuvering, command and control procedures.

6. Characterize and describe the transient regimes of synchronous machines, in particular short circuits such as alternator.

7. To know and understand the main constructive and operational characteristics of special synchronous machines: a) permanent magnet synchronous machines and b) reluctance.

Learning outcomes and competences

Student's approval in synchronous machines curricular unit presupposes:

1. The consolidation of knowledge on synchronous electrical machines, their classification, constitution and operation, as well as the use of this knowledge in the formulation, resolution and discussion of problems and applications related to them and their insertion in Electric Power Systems (CDIO 1.2 and 2.1).

2. The skills referred to in 1) will be achieved through contact periods corresponding to theoretical sessions dedicated to the explanation of the central themes of the curricular contents and their debate, to theoretical-practical sessions aimed at the analysis and resolution of various problems of a theoretical nature. practice and laboratory sessions dedicated to practical laboratory work.

3. The acquisition of skills in the practice of testing electrical machines and experimental research on the operating characteristics of synchronous electrical machines in generator operation, through laboratory work provided for in the course unit (CDIO 2.2).

4. Appropriate conduct will be required in the laboratory, respecting safety standards, rules for the use of equipment, as well as the procedures for the work to be carried out (CDIO 2.5).

5. The assessment of skills will be carried out by monitoring students during the performance of laboratory work, the assessment of written reports, simulation work, or other elements prepared by students on topics related to the curricular unit.

6. The assessment of knowledge will be carried out by the assessment instruments provided for in the scope of the curricular unit.

7. The student must also demonstrate communication skills both orally and in writing, to the questions asked and the various assessment tests provided (CDIO 3.2).

Working method



1. Basics of synchronous electrical machines.
Classification, types and constructive variations.
Specific constructive features.
2. Three-Phase Synchronous Generators
Physical-mathematical fundamentals, associated with the operation and modeling in steady state,
Models such as:
Simplified Blondel (Doherty-Nickle)
Bhen-Eschenburg and
and Potier.
3. Tests to determine synchronous electrical machines parameters
test of saturation,
test of permanent short circuit,
test of with pure inductive load and
test of low-sliding
treatment of results 
4. Other routine and special tests of generators and synchronous motors.
5. Operation of an alternator in isolated mode and in parallel with the network, manoeuvring, command and control.
6. Transient regimes in synchronous alternators.
7. Three-phase synchronous motor.
fundamental characteristics,
advantages and fields of application.
Maneuver, command and control aspects.
8. Special synchronous machines
machine of permanent magnets and
machine of reluctance

Mandatory literature

Jesús Fraile Mora; Máquinas eléctricas. ISBN: 84-481-3913-5
A. E. Fitzgerald; Electric machinery. ISBN: 0-07-112946-4
Stephen J. Chapman; Electric machinery fundamentals. ISBN: 007-115155-9
J. Hindmarsh; Electrical Machines and Their Applications. ISBN: 0-08-030573-3 (flexicover)
Chee-Mun Ong; Dynamic simulation of electric machinery. ISBN: 0-13-723785-5
Dominick A. E. Fitzgerald; Solutions manual to accompany electric machinery. ISBN: 0-07-021135-3

Complementary Bibliography

Pál K. Kovács; Transient Phenomena in Electrical Machines. ISBN: 0-444-99663-X(Vol.9)
Laurence H. A. Carr; The Testing of Electrical Machines
John Hindmarsh; Electrical Machines and Drives. ISBN: 0-08-031685-9
Theorore Wildi; Electrical machines, drives, and power systems. ISBN: 0-13-098637-2
R. E. Steven; Electrical Machines and Power Electronics. ISBN: 0-442-30547-8 (Cloth)
Jacek Kabzinski; Advanced control of electrical drives and power electronic converters. ISBN: 978-3-319-45735-2

Teaching methods and learning activities

1. The learning objectives of the curricular unit will be achieved using, firstly, periods of direct contact with the student corresponding to theoretical sessions dedicated to the explanation of the central themes of the curricular contents and their debate,
2. theoretical-practical sessions aimed at the analysis and resolution of specific cases of exploration and
3. the sessions of experimental work in the laboratory.
4. In addition, the individual work of the student will be induced, which will be accompanied in specific periods of office assistance.



Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 50,00
Trabalho laboratorial 20,00
Teste 15,00
Trabalho escrito 15,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 16,00
Estudo autónomo 50,00
Frequência das aulas 20,00
Trabalho de investigação 30,00
Trabalho laboratorial 26,00
Total: 142,00

Eligibility for exams

1. In compliance with the regulatory provisions regarding attendance to face-to-face sessions (maximum number of absences in Laboratory Practices type sessions: 3 absences)
2. It is necessary to obtain a minimum classification of 40% in the Frequency Classification component.

Calculation formula of final grade


1 - FINAL EXAM (50%)
-assessment in the laboratory component of the UC
attendance (5%) +
results obtained in class (10%) +
report (5%) = (20%)

-1 Test (15%)
-1 Matlab/Simulink Simulation Work (15%)

- The Intermediate test focuses on the syllabus taught up to the date it takes place.
-The simulation work that consists of exploring a particular application on the contents of the UC, the themes will be presented to students 1 month after the beginning of the semester and constitutes an element of research and development.
-Formula above only valid in case the planned laboratory work is carried out

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

- Final Exam (written and/or oral): 100%.
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