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Graphical Applications Laboratory

Code: EIC0084     Acronym: LAIG

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Interaction and Multimedia

Instance: 2019/2020 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Informatics Engineering
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEIC 160 Syllabus since 2009/2010 3 - 7,5 70 202,5
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2019-09-11.

Fields changed: Calculation formula of final grade, Provas e trabalhos especiais, Avaliação especial, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Programa, Observações, Obtenção de frequência

Teaching language




This curricular unit is defined in sequence with "Computer Graphics", from the 2nd semester of second year, where the main theoretical subjetcs were acquired.


The objective of this course is to develop a set of practical skills, some of them already tough in above courses. This course is focused in development practical works, multidisciplinary as possible, namely in the areas of Computer Graphics and Interfaces, Logic Programming, Operating Systems.

Scientific Component: 30%
Technological Component: 70%


It is also an objective to give the students the capacity to develop software, namely in the creation of 3D environments (polygonal representation, illumination and interaction) and in the use of services offered by the operating system, with emphasis in communications and synchronization.

Learning outcomes and competences

At the end of this course, students must be able to:
- Design adequate structures to the use in 3D rendering systems;
- Design, develop and evaluate software applications with a 3D graphical interface by the use of a proper graphical technology;
- Integrate code developed in different environments and languages, by the use of communication technologies.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

It is desirable that the students in this course acquired frequency in the courses Computer Grpahics, Algorithms and Data Structures, Algorithm Design and Analysis and Operating Systems, from the 2nd year, as well as they have a deep knowledge on the technologies to be used.


Image synthesis: Phong illumination model; polygonal surface rendering; texture mapping. Programação de GPU.

Human-Machine Interface: Functionality and usability Event handling and user interaction.

GUI building Operating Systems: Interprocess communication Synchronization mechanisms.

Mandatory literature

Foley, James D. 070; Introduction to computer graphics. ISBN: 0-201-60921-5
Andries van Dam, James D. Foley, John F. Hughes et al.; Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley Professional, 2013. ISBN: 978-0321399526
João M. Pereira, João Brisson, António Coelho, Alfredo Ferreira, Mário Rui Gomes; Introdução à Computação Gráfica, FCA, 2018. ISBN: 978-972-722-877-5 ((portuguese language))

Comments from the literature

User manuals of the graphics technology used in the assessments may be found in the respective site and made available by the professors.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical classes:

Reviewing of the relevant themes for the practical works.

Particular care with implementation details as well as proper cues for their development.

Presentation of the main characteristics related to the technologies to be used (WebGL/OpenGL, Operating System API...)

Practical classes:

Development of 3 software projects, in groups of two students, oriented to the themes mentioned in the "Contents" above.


Java Script, C/C++, WebGL


Technological sciences > Technology > Interface technology > Virtual reality
Technological sciences > Technology > Graphic techniques > Computer graphics

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Teste 16,00
Trabalho laboratorial 64,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 66,00
Frequência das aulas 70,00
Trabalho laboratorial 66,00
Total: 202,00

Eligibility for exams

Not exceed the absence limits and actively participate in the practical works that will be subject to evaluation as well as in the individual evaluation sessions.

Working students and equivalent, because they are exempt from classes must, in time periods defined with teachers, present the evolution of their works, and participate in the final presentations sessions as the regular students. They also must be subject to the normal individual practical tests.

Calculation formula of final grade

Continuous Evaluation: 20% (evaluation performed in all practical classes by teachers)
Assignments Assessment: 80% (criteria to be defined in the practical works)

FG = 20% CE + 80% AA

AA = 25% W1 + 40% W2 + 35% W3
W1 = A1
W2 = 50% A2 + 50% IA2
W3 = A3

FG: Final Grade
CE: Continuous Evaluation in classes
AA: Assignments Assessment
W1: Global grade obtained in assignment 1
W2: Global grade obtained in assignment 2
W3: Global grade obtained in assignment 3
A1: Assignment 1 (evaluation in classes)
A2: Assignment 2 (evaluation in classes)
A3: Assignment 3 (evaluation in classes)
IA1: (not applicable)
IA2: Individual practical test over assignment 2
IA3: (not applicable)

Examinations or Special Assignments

Main dates (provisional definition, subject to modification):

Practical Work 1
Delivery Date: (to be defined)
Working group evaluation: practical classes, week (to be defined)
Individual Practical Assessment: (not applicable)

Practical Work 2
Delivery Date: (to be defined)
Working group evaluation: practical classes, week (to be defined)
Individual Practical Assessment: (date and rooms to de defined)

Practical Work 3
Delivery Date: (to be defined)
Working group evaluation in practical classes: (to be defined)
Individual Practical Assessment: (not applicable)

- Each individual practical assessment will be composed by the implementation of new functionalities over the software previously developed in the correspondent group practical work.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

For working students and equivalent, the continuous evaluation CE in the formula above may be not considered and, in these cases, the component AA increases to 100%. These students must however accomplish with the above considerations about realization and evaluation of works. Association heading students are subject to the regular evaluation rules.

In special exams, a practical work will be enunciated (time duration to be defined). The practical work will visit and evaluate competencies that were evaluated in the three practical works.

Classification improvement

Development of alternative works in the next course term.


All the practical works will be evaluated in class, in the presence (mandatory) of every group member. The evaliuation includes a discussion with the professor.
The evaluation of the third pratical work will ocurr in January, in dates to be announced by the correspondent professors.

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