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Stress induced effects on piezoelectric polycrystalline potassium sodium niobate thin films

Stress induced effects on piezoelectric polycrystalline potassium sodium niobate thin films
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Pinho, R
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Vilarinho, R
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Agostinho Moreira, JA
Zorro, F
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Ferreira, P
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Ivanov, M
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Tkach, A
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Costa, ME
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Vilarinho, PM
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Vol. 11
Páginas: 7758-7771
ISSN: 2050-7526
Publicação em ISI Web of Knowledge ISI Web of Knowledge - 0 Citações
Publicação em Scopus Scopus - 0 Citações
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00Y-FFB
Abstract (EN): The piezoelectric market is ruled by lead-based compounds that should be substituted by environmentally friendly materials. Despite the substantial literature on lead-free candidates available, stress effects on the dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric performance of thin films from the nano- to macroscale have been barely addressed until now. In this work, a combination of multiscale characterization techniques is used to disclose the induced mechanical deformation impact on the dielectric, polar and structural properties of polycrystalline lead-free potassium sodium niobate (KNN) thin films fabricated on platinized silicon (Pt/Si(100)), strontium titanate (Pt/STO(100)) and magnesium oxide (Pt/MgO(100)) substrates. A tensile residual stress state characterizes KNN films on Pt/Si (+210 +/- 28 MPa), while KNN films on Pt/STO and Pt/MgO (-411 +/- 18 MPa and -494 +/- 26 MPa, respectively) evidence a compressive residual stress condition. Films with the highest compressive state (on Pt/MgO) exhibit the lowest dielectric losses with the highest electric permittivity and the maximum electric polarization; concomitantly they present the most dense and homogeneous microstructure, with small grains and a narrow grain size distribution. In contrast, tensile residual stress films (on Pt/Si) show the smallest polarization with an almost negligible out-of-plane component of piezoresponse. Of relevance, phase transition temperatures are markedly affected by the type and magnitude of the residual stress: they are the lowest for KNN films on Pt/MgO and highest for KNN films on Pt/Si. The narrowest temperature range for tetragonal phase is recorded for KNN films on Pt/MgO. For the first time, an approach to generate a morphotropic phase boundary in KNN thin films by use of compressive residual stress is thus demonstrated. This work highlights the impact of stress, as a key parameter in the performance of KNN polycrystalline thin films. These results have implications in terms of understanding lead-free ferroelectric/piezoelectric behaviour and its application/commercialization.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 14
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