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Opportunities for Network Coding in Satellite Networks

Opportunities for Network Coding in Satellite Networks
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Daniel E. Lucani
Fausto Vieira
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Marie-José Montpetit
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Classificação Científica
FOS: Ciências da engenharia e tecnologias > Engenharia electrotécnica, electrónica e informática
CORDIS: Ciências Tecnológicas > Engenharia > Engenharia de comunicações > Engenharia de telecomunicações
Outras Informações
Resumo (PT): Network coding benefits in terms of throughput, delay, and security are well characterized for variety of applications and networks, ranging from wireline networks to wireless sensor networks and robust mechanisms for distributed storage. Beyond traditional broadcast and multicast applications, we present opportunities for network coding to enhance satellite networks by exploiting the capabilities of end terminals to receive and process several, possibly heterogeneous transmission routes. Emphasis is given to the throughput, delay, resiliency and robustness of (i) multi-beam satellite systems with overlapping beams and terminals with multiple beam reception capabilities, (ii) LEO and GEO satellites which provide soft-handover for high-speed vehicles, and (iii) convergence of multiple satellite and terrestrial networks. At the core of our solutions lies a resource allocation problem that takes into account the load (traffic demands) per user, system constraints, topology, and channel conditions. Network coding is seen as an enabler of these mechanisms, allowing a seamless and efficient exploitation of the multiple, available paths by having (i) source nodes that manage and control the transmission of linear combinations of data packets through heterogeneous communication routes, and (ii) intermediate nodes at each route that can generate new coded packets with opportunistic storage.
Abstract (EN): Network coding benefits in terms of throughput, delay, and security are well characterized for variety of applications and networks, ranging from wireline networks to wireless sensor networks and robust mechanisms for distributed storage. Beyond traditional broadcast and multicast applications, we present opportunities for network coding to enhance satellite networks by exploiting the capabilities of end terminals to receive and process several, possibly heterogeneous transmission routes. Emphasis is given to the throughput, delay, resiliency and robustness of (i) multi-beam satellite systems with overlapping beams and terminals with multiple beam reception capabilities, (ii) LEO and GEO satellites which provide soft-handover for high-speed vehicles, and (iii) convergence of multiple satellite and terrestrial networks. At the core of our solutions lies a resource allocation problem that takes into account the load (traffic demands) per user, system constraints, topology, and channel conditions. Network coding is seen as an enabler of these mechanisms, allowing a seamless and efficient exploitation of the multiple, available paths by having (i) source nodes that manage and control the transmission of linear combinations of data packets through heterogeneous communication routes, and (ii) intermediate nodes at each route that can generate new coded packets with opportunistic storage.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
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