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The dark matter problem cannot be solved by 106 - 1012M¿ black holes

The dark matter problem cannot be solved by 106 - 1012M¿ black holes
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Augusto, P
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Wilkinson, PN
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Browne, IWA
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Henstock, DR
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Vol. 51
Páginas: 118-122
ISSN: 0920-5632
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00T-KEN
Abstract (EN): We are finalising the first systematic search for gravitational multiple images separated by 50-200 milliarcseconds (mas) corresponding to a mass range ~ 108.5 - 1010M¿. In a parent sample of 1586 radio sources selected from two VLA surveys, only 67 were found to have structure which could be ascribed to high magnification lensing on this scale. These were all observed with MERLIN, reducing the number that could be multiple imaged to 16. The best 7 of the remaining candidates have been observed with the VLBA, but none were confirmed as lenses. It is unlikely that any of the remaining 9 objects is multiply imaged. If this is confirmed a limit ¿L < 0.05 can then be placed on 109 - 1010M¿ black holes (BH). This range can be extended to 106 - 1012M¿ by combining our work with that of others, implying that BH in this range do not contribute importantly to the total mass of the Universe.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
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