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FC6 - Departamento de Ciência de Computadores FC5 - Edifício Central FC4 - Departamento de Biologia FC3 - Departamento de Física e Astronomia e Departamento GAOT FC2 - Departamento de Química e Bioquímica FC1 - Departamento de Matemática

Theoretical calculations of nonlinear optical calculations of 2D materials

Theoretical calculations of nonlinear optical calculations of 2D materials
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Ventura, G
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Passos, D
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Viana Parente Lopes, J
Lopes dos Santos, JMBL
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ISSN: 2101-6275
Editora: EDP Sciences
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ID Authenticus: P-00S-0NW
Abstract (EN): <jats:p>One important feature of two dimensional (2D) materials is that they possess an exceptional nonlinear optical (NLO) response to light, with conduc¬tivities that are several orders of magnitude larger than their 3D counterparts. The theoretical descriptions of these NLO responses in crystalline systems in¬volve two different representations of the perturbation: the length and velocity gauges. The former has been the formalism of choice for the past two decades; the latter was implemented only recently, due to concerns that it could not be pratically implemented without breaking sum rules ¿ a set of identities that en¬sure the equivalence between the two formalisms ¿ which would then render the results unphysical. In this work, we shall review and summarize our contri¬butions to the study of the two formalisms and of their relationship by means of the aforementioned sum rules.</jats:p>
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
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