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Comparative Analysis of thirty-six Laboratory Safety Checklists

Comparative Analysis of thirty-six Laboratory Safety Checklists
Artigo em Livro de Atas de Conferência Internacional
Bernardo, CEP
A pessoa não pertence à instituição. A pessoa não pertence à instituição. A pessoa não pertence à instituição. Sem AUTHENTICUS Sem ORCID
Anthony Steven Danko
Diogo, MT
A pessoa não pertence à instituição. A pessoa não pertence à instituição. A pessoa não pertence à instituição. Sem AUTHENTICUS Sem ORCID
Ata de Conferência Internacional
Páginas: 29-31
International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Higiene: SHO2015
Guimarães, 12 a 13 de fevereiro de 2015
Publicação em ISI Web of Knowledge ISI Web of Knowledge - 0 Citações
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-00A-958
Abstract (EN): Laboratories are places where teaching and research can be performed. In these spaces, different risk groups co-exist, such as students, researchers, teachers, maintenance and cleaning teams. New university students are a special group risk. Risk perception is influenced by internal factors and by external factors. Every year, all laboratories that use chemical, physical or biological hazards should conduct a self-audit before an inspection by an Environmental Health & Safety Officer. An internet search was made using the terms "laboratory safety", "laboratory checklist" and "laboratory safety plan", prior to 31 March 2014. As a result, thirty-six laboratory safety manuals were found with 83% from the U.S.A, 8% from Australia, 6% from Canada and 3% from the U.K.. Thirty-six checklists related to laboratory safety were analyzed to study the most-and the least-commonly covered topics. These checklists usually are included in laboratory safety manuals where the Environmental Health and Safety manager regularly verifies the needs of safety. Categorizing the topics was a difficult task. Different synonyms were found for the same topic. The principal topics were: storage rooms, ergonomic safety, vacuum systems, seismic safety, cryogenics, biosafety cabinets, radiation safety inspection, training requirements, housekeeping, chemical safety, emergency & safety information, general lab safety, fume hoods and laminar flow cabinets, unwanted chemical storage, chemical storage & compatibility, mechanical & electrical safety, documentation (hazard communication) and personal protective equipment. The topics with a higher score were found to be Personal Protective Equipment and Documentation (Hazard Communication). The topics with a lower score were Closet, Ergonomic Safety, Pressure and Seismic Safety.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 3
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Artigo em Livro de Atas de Conferência Internacional
Bernardo, CEP; Anthony Steven Danko; Diogo, MT
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