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FC6 - Departamento de Ciência de Computadores FC5 - Edifício Central FC4 - Departamento de Biologia FC3 - Departamento de Física e Astronomia e Departamento GAOT FC2 - Departamento de Química e Bioquímica FC1 - Departamento de Matemática

Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Física

A informação detalhada sobre este curso é da responsabilidade da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Instituição Administrativa).

A página do curso pode ser consultada aqui.

Acreditação pela A3ES

O ciclo de estudo encontra-se acreditado pela Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior (A3ES). Mais informação pode ser encontrada nos relatórios produzidos pela A3ES.

Engineering physics doctoral programme deals with the application of advanced physics to modern engineering challenges. It differentiates from other engineering doctoral programmes in the more profound knowledge and use it makes of physics. It shares with other engineering doctoral programmes an interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity and action oriented approach to systems, processes, technologies and devices with strong impact in our society and economy.

Being a doctoral programme, training by research is mandatory, with the goal of autonomy. Autonomy in research is a very sophisticated skill, way beyond the proficiency in specific disciplines that characterizes pre-doctoral training. The student will approach problems that are open, don’t have unique solutions, in an environment of collaboration, networking and competition. The scale and time of effort to achieve a solution is also much larger than encountered before. PhD students have therefore, further to scientific proficiency, significant resilience, creativity and capacity to work in teams.

Training by research is present initially in the tutorial approach of its courses, in the thesis project definition by the student and in the research project undertaken. The students undertake the research project in leading Portuguese research units, most of the time in collaboration with foreign institutions and international teams. Throughout the programme attention is given to transferable skills and students employability.

Who can apply
Applicants must fulfil one of the requisites below:
a) Holders of a Master or a second cycle diploma in Engineering Physics, Engineering, Applied Physics or Physics;
b) Holders of a diploma from a certified Higher Education entity, obtained either in a Portuguese or foreign institution, recognized as adequate by the program Scientific Committee;
c) Have a professional or scientific curriculum recognized as relevant and adequate by the program Scientific Committee;
Applicants with published research of the level required for PhD can apply directly for a PhD evaluation. Special conditions apply.

Important dates (2018/2019)

3rd Phase 
Submission of applications: 7th May to 6th August 2019
Results published: 5th Sepetember 2019

4th Phase 
Submission of applications: 26th October to 26th November 2019
Results published: 14th December 2019

Note: Intent of application is possible at any time by sending email to and, 

Ranking Criteria
a) Academic curriculum and/or professional experience: 70%;
b) Motivation and readiness for the completion of a doctoral program with the specific characteristics that this presents: 30%;

The ranking is performed by the Scientific Committee considering the following elements:
a) Curriculum vitae, as regards the criterion relating to the academic curriculum and professional experience;
b) Covering letter and any letters of recommendation, with respect to motivation and flair, complemented by a possible interview if deemed necessary.

Áreas de Especialização

The main areas covered by the doctoral programme in physics engineering are:
a) Energy Storage and Energy Harvesting; b) Advanced Materials, Micro/Nano Fabrication, Biological materials; c) Optoelectronics, lasers, and instrumentation; d) Space engineering and astrophysics instrumentation; e) Plasmas and its applications including fusion; f) Computational physics and its applications to information systems; g) Applied nuclear and radiation physics; h) New technologies and methodologies in physics education.

The doctoral programme has an open approach by design. It nurtures other areas in interface and in collaboration with existing doctoral programmes at FEUP, Porto University or abroad.


Numerus Clausus: 6

Fees and funding opportunities

Tuition Fees: 3000¤

Funding opportunities are available via Erasmus Mundus ( mobility grants for foreign students, National Science Foundation PhD grants, National Science Foundation Doctoral Programme grants, European Doctoral Programme grants and ongoing research project grants.

See also the Porto University International Student Portal:


Rosário Macedo
Telefone: 22 508 1819 / 22 041 4984

Dados Gerais

Código Oficial: 5552
Diretor: Joana Oliveira
Grau Académico: Doutor
Tipo de curso/ciclo de estudos: Doutoramento
Início: 2009/2010
Duração: 3 Anos

Planos de Estudos

Unidades Orgânicas Envolvidas


  • Doutoramento em Engenharia Física (180 Créditos ECTS)
  • Curso de Doutoramento em Engenharia Física (36 Créditos ECTS)

Áreas Científicas Predominantes

Cursos/Ciclos de Estudos Antecessores

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