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Using quality costs in a multi-agent system for an airline operations control

Using quality costs in a multi-agent system for an airline operations control
Artigo em Livro de Atas de Conferência Internacional
Eugénio Oliveira
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Ata de Conferência Internacional
Páginas: 19-24
11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Milan, ITALY, MAY 06-10, 2009
Publicação em ISI Proceedings ISI Proceedings
Publicação em ISI Web of Knowledge ISI Web of Knowledge - 0 Citações
Classificação Científica
FOS: Ciências exactas e naturais > Ciências da computação e da informação
CORDIS: Ciências Tecnológicas > Engenharia > Engenharia de computadores
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-003-QB8
Abstract (EN): The Airline Operations Control Centre (AOCC) tries to solve unexpected problems that might occur during the airline operation. Problems related to aircrafts, crewmembers and passengers are common and the actions towards the solution of these problems are usually known as operations recovery. Usually, the AOCC tries to minimize the operational costs while satisfying all the required rules. In this paper we present the implementation of a Distributed Multi-Agent System (MAS) representing the existing roles in an AOCC. This MAS has several specialized software agents that implement different algorithms, competing to find the best solution for each problem that include not only operational costs but, also, quality costs so that passenger satisfaction can be considered in the final decision. We present a real case study where a crew recovery problem is solved. We show that it is possible to find valid solutions, with better passenger satisfaction and, in certain conditions, without increasing significantly the operational costs.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 6
Tipo de Licença: Clique para ver a licença CC BY-NC
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