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Subsection-controlling strategy for improving sorption-enhanced reaction process

Subsection-controlling strategy for improving sorption-enhanced reaction process
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
G. H. Xiu
A pessoa não pertence à instituição. A pessoa não pertence à instituição. A pessoa não pertence à instituição. Sem AUTHENTICUS Sem ORCID
P. Li
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Alírio E. Rodrigues
Vol. 82 A2
Páginas: 192-202
ISSN: 0263-8762
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-000-BPA
Abstract (EN): The subsection-controlling strategy was applied to the design of the adsorptive reactor to improve the sorption-enhanced steam-methane reforming (SMR), by using subsection-packing ratio of adsorbent and catalyst, and sub section-controlling wall temperature. In the case of the subsection-controlling wall temperature, there is a lower operating temperature zone at the outlet of the adsorptive reactor, where the remaining CO and CO2 concentrations in gas stream can be decreased further by the principle of temperature-induced equilibrium shift. The feasibility and effectiveness of the subsection-controlling strategy for improving the sorption-enhanced steam-methane reforming process is analysed by numerical simulation based on literature data. At low operating pressure, in the range 222-445.7 kPa, combined with subsection-controlling strategy [higher temperature, 450-490degreesC, for subsections I (inlet zone of the adsorptive reactor) and II (middle zone of the adsorptive reactor) and lower temperature, 400-450degreesC, for subsection III (outlet zone of the adsorptive reactor); lower packing ratio of adsorbent and catalyst for subsections I and III and higher ratio for subsection II] a product gas with hydrogen purity above 85% and traces of CO2 (less than 300 ppm) and CO (less than 30 ppm) can be continuously produced with higher hydrogen productivity by a four-step one-bed (a 6 m long adsorptive reactor) pressure swing sorption-enhanced steam-methane reforming cyclic process, and may be directly used in fuel cell applications.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 11
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