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Master in Fine Arts

General information

Official Code: 6840
Acronym: MAP


  • Fine Arts - Sculpture (120 ECTS credits)
  • Fine Arts - Intermedia (120 ECTS credits)
  • Fine Arts - Painting (120 ECTS credits)
  • Fine Arts - Drawing (120 ECTS credits)
  • Fine Arts (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Art and Technology

The Art and Technology curricular unit proposes to map the space between art and technology in contemporary culture. This mapping will be developed together, taking as starting points contemporary art in the context of its articulations and the intersection of various theoretical and practical contexts. If we consider that there is no singular methodology for " making ", the current viability of the articulation of art with technique will be problematised from the relations of passion and disappointment, as well as through a variety of practices.

In this sense, the general objective of this curricular unit will be the reinvention and imagination of possible approaches to this articulation and the search for theoretical and practical responses.

Sculptural Field and Contemporaneity

This course unit —Sculptural Field and Contemporaneity —intends to approach epistemologically and ontologically the sculpture fields from the beginning of the last century until the present moment, promoting the knowledge of this expanded subject, not only within itself but in the wider field of the fine arts.

Sculptural Field and Contemporaneity aims to raise awareness within the students for the fundamental discussions in the field of contemporary sculpture, promoting the acquisition of interpretative, critical and analytical skills of the artistic production of our time. It also seeks to define a conceptual framework that allows the student to inform and develop their individual artistic project.

Drawing and Project


Help to optimize the skills of drawing at different stages of formalization of a practical problem (project)

Promoting experimentation and organization of ideas, concepts and practices through operational drawing strategies;

Contribute to the experience and suitability of drawing tools that strengthen the development of projective and / or procedural methodologies;

Help form images and suitable concepts that support the development and formalization of the project.

Promote attitudes of active participation and encourage cooperation among students - respective academic aspects and professional practices - and between them and the different curricular units.

Promote reflection and critical thinking in the project.

Technological Studies in Painting


To provide the student with a set of material, technical and procedural knowledge in the field of painting in order to systematize an artistic practice. To create a space of technological experimentation with close relations to research projects. To introduce appropriate terminology and technical vocabulary to an artistic language.

Materials and Practises in Drawing


- To create a space for reflection on the nature, actions and the implications of different procedural drawing and printmaking tools, in particular on the techniques, processes, tools, media and technological means;
Developing the theoretical and practical knowledge and vocabulary specific to drawing and printmaking based on the historical evolution of its means and techniques;
To develop practical work and a critical discourse by being aware on the role of the tools used; Supporting the workshop and studio space in the consolidation of learning in strategic technology areas for the development of artistic practice, and towards its expansion;
To know and test in a directed and systematic selection of a technological components or stages of work of the practice of drawing in order to establish their fundamentals and replicable methodologies to inform in more complex contexts;
Work and expand the creative and experimental aspects which assist in the production of drawing and printmaking punctually, through the initiation to technology projects of short duration, conducted by a route based on methodological and historical review and update their practice learning outcomes;
To circumscribe technological learning by attending demonstrations on techniques and procedures related complementary to initial training, described in final report; The application in the production of a portfolio images which demonstrate the mastery of the methods introduced and agreement of them with a personal investigation; Development of an individual project consistent with the objectives and appropriate means to these ends, monitored and guided by the teachers responsible for the course; Developing skills to work independently or in collaboration in order to continue the practice of producing and editing after the training period; Acquiring and developing the skills and expertise, references to the conceptual drawing and printmaking work; Identifying, developing and consolidating knowledge about the techniques and processes of drawing and printmaking most appropriate for the work in progress; Learning how to maximize the use of available equipment and time in the workshops, participating actively in the environment of sharing and interdependence as well as the definition of patterns of interaction with more specific area of drawing; Developing editing and printing skills, presentation and time management, resources and equipment workshops for the implementation of the project personal or collective

Research Methodology Seminars I


1. To provide a basic understanding of the scientific procedure and the fundamental dimensions of the research process in Fine Arts and Art Studies;
2. To familiarize students with fundamental concepts, central problems, theories and practices inherent in the research process and the logic of empirical research;
3. To enable students to develop research practices based on the identification of an idea and formulation of a problem, on rational and logically elaborated argumentation, on research and organization of information and on structured, clear and consistent written and oral communication of objectives, methods, results and sources used;
4. Promote the development of an ethical and critical awareness of research activities and the production of scientific knowledge about the arts.
5. To teach students how to write academic texts.

Painting Seminars


Painting Seminars is a course that promotes the discipline as an artistic expression in its most varied manifestations. As an art practice, painting is much more than just a physical activity, it is a long-term critical commitment to ideas and sensibilities. This course will be committed to help students deepen their vision, it will support the wide diversity of formal and conceptual approaches, styles and interests. The course will also encourage critical dialogue, in the form of debates, visits to exhibitions and artists studios and through the contribution of guest artists.

Fields and Specificities of Art Practise


The global objective of this unit is to contribute to broader discussions on contemporary artistic practices and their crossings with other areas. These discussions will take place with the work oh artits into the class room.

  • To value the experimental methodologies and group discussions.
  • To encourage the intersection with the work developed in other curricular areas or even in other contexts.
  • To develop analytical tools, individually and in group.

Drawing and Performativity


To explore the creative potentialities of transferences of actions between drawing and other performance fields.

To develop experimental and critical skills to analyze creative processes motivated by the used of drawing in performance contexts.

To identify the features and strategies that foster the emergence of drawing as a performative act in contemporary art, as well as the understanding of the performative act as drawing.

To support a more coherent and self-critic practice-based research that explores drawing in its performative dimension.

Technologial Studies in Sculpture

ETEN1 - ECTS The objectives of this UC, Technological Studies in Sculpture, correspond to procedural environments where the materials will be conformed by specific techniques. The students participate in practical practical approaches consolidated in the sculptural vocation of the FBAUP, as a process of questioning their individual practices and creative processes anchored in the know-how. Thematic nuclei and participation in research workshops on modeling, molding, casting, foundry and in materials such as stone, wood, metals, waxes, plaster and mud are promoted. The student deepens knowledge about techniques and processes related to these territories of Sculpture; settles operating skills in collective; extends methodological skills as a researcher in sculpture; exercise improvisation, as an exercise of freedom, unique feature of the artistic field.

Research Methodology Seminars II


The curricular unit "Seminars of Research Methodologies II" proposes a meeting with various artistic intensities, insofar as thinking methodologies in the field of art is done in an approximation to the practice. From the discussion on what could be a "practical methodology" and the essay on its various operational modes, it is intended to trigger the invention of a theoretical-practical individual research context.

"Research Methodology Seminars II" seeks, in the same way:

1) find solutions for an interconnection between this UC and the educational path of students in the context of Master. This communication seeks that the final material produced in this course unit, incorporate any reports of the course unit that students have to deliver at the end of the 1st year of the Master;

2) To provide students with a structured document presenting a plastic project and research intentions for the potential creation of an orientation team, scheduled for the beginning of the 2nd year of the Master's program;

3) Create a document that can be used as a starting point for the work to be carried out in the course Unit Study and Research Practices;

4) Learning and consolidation of processes, notions and methodologies, simultaneously incorporating new proposals and maturing the capacity for reflection and artistic-scientific production;

5) Involvement in the production of critical knowledge and creative thinking as a means to reflect and express cultural values;

6) Encourage the consideration and knowledge of creative processes to reframe the understanding of different tools, technologies, theories, concepts and methods.

Artistic Writing


To problematize the relations between verbal and nonverbal, between text and image, highlighting has working material the writings and the speech of the artists.
To develop tools of analysis and interpretation of the writings of artists, especially of contemporary artists.
For the students with artistic practice, it will also be the place to experiment and rehearse their own written production in parallel/intersection with their studio work, anticipating the completion of the final master's project.


DISSPRJ1 - ECTS To deepen, through research and preparation of an artistic project, the knowledge and skills in the areas of specialization in Fine Arts and the objectives of the Study Cycle.

Develop themes relevant to one or another area of specialization that can contribute to the field of Fine Arts.

To frame each student's scientific, authorial, and professional interests in the ongoing theoretical-practical investigation as well as in current professional practices.

Studio and Research Practices


- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and capacity of communication of their individual artistic and critical concerns;

- Evaluate critically the means and materials of presenting studio-based research;

- Utilise source material effectively for attaining innovative objectives of their individual practice and research;

- Understanding of the social, ethical and sustainable responsibilities of creative arts research.

Scuplture Studio


. Promover e consolidar a criação e produção autónomas, através da reflexão e experimentação contextualizadas no sentido do aprofundamento das competências necessárias ao desenvolvimento dos projetos de investigação em Escultura;

. Estimular o envolvimento dos mestrandos na articulação entre a concepção, indagação e concretização plástica, diligenciando para que referidos projetos sejam devidamente articulados com metodologias que os favoreçam;

. Incentivar ações individuais e em equipa promovendo a partilha de conhecimentos e o espírito de equipa;

. Fomentar o exercício da práxis artística, autónoma e comunicante preferencialmente em função de uma experiência prática, que se pretende consequente, rigorosa, e competente, favorecendo o estudo dos fenómenos relativos às práticas artísticas em articulação e diálogo com as restantes Unidades Curriculares; 

. Consolidar competências ao nível do enunciado verbal e escrito, estimulando a imaginação, a indagação e a análise crítica e autocrítica.

Estúdio de Escultura organiza-se e centraliza a sua ação no sentido da coordenação e apoio ao desenvolvimento e consolidação do projeto/ plano individual dos estudantes. Concentrado no modelo TP de orientação individualizada, promove igualmente diversas dinâmicas através de aulas de exposição temáticas, debates em grupo, residências e/ou workshops, aulas com convidados, para além da análise e estudo de casos concretos e/ou núcleos temáticos, fomentando-se igualmente a articulação com as outras Unidades Curriculares.



Drawing Studio



1. Definição de uma identidade artística e investigadora fundamentada no desenho, seus contextos de ação e ambientes mediais.
2. Desenvolvimento de uma reflexão rigorosa e crítica das preocupações inerentes ao projeto artístico/de investigação
3. Introduzir/aprofundar capacidades técnicas e processuais relacionadas com os procedimentos do desenho, ampliando as possibilidades instrumentais de cada estudante.
4.Desenvolver metodologias de investigação baseadas em práticas experimentais, cujos resultados se comunicam na sua dimensão de imagens/objetos.

Intermedia Studio

Desenvolver um projecto individual de trabalho;
Aprofundar as capacidades técnicas e conceptuais de concretização de um projecto;
Realizar um conjunto de trabalho que permita a sua exibição em lugar público.

Painting Studio


Pretende-se promover reflexão e experimentação continuadas no campo de intervenção da pintura de acordo com os interesses pessoais de cada estudante, com o objetivo de que cada um desenvolva um projeto de investigação TP. O projeto está centrado na pintura podendo abordar questões de ordem interna, da reflexão e do fazer da pintura; ou de ordem externa, na análise da pintura na transversalidade com outras áreas de interesse de cada estudante. É objetivo da UC a preparação do estudante para a segunda fase do CE, Dissertação/Trabalho de Projeto e por isso são objetivos específicos:

- Aprofundar competências técnicas enquadradas com os interesses do projeto pictórico.

-Aprofundar e desenvolver competências conceptuais para a concretização de uma pesquisa no âmbito da teoria e prática da investigação em pintura.

- Promover o questionamento da identidade cultural e pessoal em universo global.

- Desenvolver um projeto no âmbito da pintura em rigoroso em diálogo com outras práticas artísticas contemporâneas.


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