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Facilities Rental


FPCEUP can provide some facilities from its public areas for the hosting of events, meetings and other occasions. Facilities Rental (brochure in portuguese) >> Download Request Form This form must be completed eletronically and sent to


  1. The usage of classrooms must always be approved by the Dean of FPCEUP.
  2. Payment must be completed within 15 days of the event.
  3. Cancelations will only be accepted if done within 15 days of the event.
  4. The use of the projection and sound systems must be required along with the request for the classrooms. When using auditoriums 2A, 2B and 2C simultaneously, the need for triple projection must be also previously requested, as well as any additional material
  5. The usage of the audiovisual equipment does not foresee the support of a technical operator. The provision of such support can only occur between 9h00 and 18h00 from Monday to Friday, upon request. Additional time upon availability and budget.
  6. The display and arrangement of materials, for promotion and/or exhibition, as well as all materials (adhesives, nails, screws, stands) should be previously agreed with FPCEUP
  7. Any damage or loss that may occur during the use the of facilities and equipment shall be charged to the applicant.
  8. The materials must be removed within 1 working day after the event, or in a shorter period if the facilities are needed on the next day


- Auditorium 1 (entrance) Located on the left side of the main entrance hall of the building. The auditorium has 126 seats and is equipped with a projection system. Auditorium 1 - Auditorium 2A (central) Located near the entrance of the building. The auditorium has 236 seats and is equipped with a projection system. Auditorium 2A - Auditoriums 2B and 2C (side) Located on the sides of the building, with 96 seats each. They can be attached to the main auditorium and have a total of 428 seats.

Other Rooms

- Classrooms - Computer rooms


>> Prices (in portuguese) To request rooms or other information, please contact:    E.|    T.| +351 226 079 713
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