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University of Porto Famous Alumni

Francisco de Salles Gomes Cardoso

Retrato de Francisco Salles Gomes Cardoso / Portrait of Francisco Salles Gomes Cardoso Francisco de Salles Gomes Cardoso
Doctor of Philosophy, Navy officer and teacher of the
Polytechnic Academy of Porto

Francisco de Salles Gomes Cardoso, the son of Miguel Joaquim Gomes Cardoso Sénior and D. Maria Inácia Alvares de Queirós, was born in Porto on 28 February 1816. He lived in Matosinhos, in Rua Direita, n.º 20.

When D. Pedro’s army entered Porto on 9 July 1832, Francisco Cardoso dropped out of preparatory studies to join the preventive police force of the 7th Department, stationed in Cedofeita. He was awarded a medal of freedom for excellent services from D. Pedro and D. Maria, and the Order of Tower and Sword Habit. In 1833 he enlisted in the Navy, where he became a Navy Captain.

At the end of the liberal campaigns, en enrolled in Navy Officers’ course in the Royal Academy of Navy of Navy and Trade Affairs of Porto, which he completed in Lisbon in 1842. In October the following year he was admitted to the faculties of Mathematics and Philosophy of the University of Coimbra, where he became an award-winning student from the very first year. At the University of Coimbra he obtained the Doctorate degree in Philosophy and the undergraduate degree in Mathematics.

Gravura de Joaquim Villanova da construção da Academia Politécnica do Porto / Picture of the building of the Polytechnic Academy of Porto by Joaquim VillanovaFrancisco Cardoso applied to the Navy to run for a teaching position at the Polytechnic Academy of Porto, which was granted to him by Order of 5 August 1851. In the same year, he was appointed teacher of Philosophy by Decree of 23 June, and royal charter of 30 August, taking up office on 20 September. He was responsible for the chairs of the Department of Philosophy.

In 1859, by Decree of 2 March and apostille of 29 of the same month, he was promoted to the category of Permanent Lecturer of the 10th Chair – "Botany, Agriculture and Mining " (renamed "Botany" after the reform of the Academy in 1885) – succeeding the Baron of Castelo de Paiva, who had been the 1st Lecturer of the subject between 1838 and 1858. He took up office on 30 April. At that time, he became inactive as a Navy officer.
Years later, in 1876 he received a raise of one third of his pay-check, as established by Decree of 10 August and royal charter of 31 December.

At the Polytechnic Academy of Porto, besides teaching Botany – he became the chairman of a jury panel of a Horticulture competition -, he taught, exceptionally, the 1st chair of the Department of Mathematics, for which he received a vote of appreciation from the Academic board. He was the President of the Department of Philosophy, head of the Botanical Garden and interim director of the Academy, as he was its oldest lecturer. He only left the after serving for many decades when he suffered a stroke that left him very weak.

Outside the Polytechnic Academy of Porto, he helped organise the preparatory works for the Portuguese section at the International Exhibition of London in 1862, earning him a public praise by Order of 11 July 1863. He was a member of the committee to evaluate the qualifications of candidates to the rank of aspirants and coast guards, in 1847. From time to time he was a member of the District Board of Porto and taught Arithmetic and Geometry applied to Industrial Arts at the Industrial Association of Porto, free of charge.

Francisco Cardoso was a Commander of the Military Order of S. Bento de Avis and a Knight of the Order of Avis. He retired as a Navy Admiral in 1889, and died on 21 January 1891, of influenza.

(Universidade Digital / Gestão de Informação, 2012)

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