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Theriogenology I

Code: MV514     Acronym: TERIO I

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Clinical Sciences

Instance: 2021/2022 - 1S (of 20-09-2021 to 14-01-2022) Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Veterinary Clinics
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Masters Degree in Veterinary Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMV 42 Official Study Plan 5 - 5 70 135

Teaching language



Acquire knowledge in theriogenology of dairy cattle, dogs, cats and know to relate them. To Know:

Objective 1: Female

a. Characteristics of the estrous cycle

b. To perform clinical and genital examination and use of complementary diagnostic techniques

c. Perform reproductive management and associated techniques (hormonal assays, insemination, ultrasound)

d. To perform pregnancy diagnosis

e. To diagnose and treat: abnormalities of the estrous cycle, pregnancy; ovarian, uterine, mammary gland and periparturient diseases; main causes of infectious and non-infectious infertility

f. To calculate and interpret reproductive indexes in dairy farms

h. To use the protocols to manipulate estrous cycle;

i. Utility of reproductive biotechnologies


Objective 2: Male

j . Breeding soundness evaluation

k . Perform the evaluation of fresh/chilled /frozen semen

l. Prepare cooled and frozen semen

m. Diagnose and treat major diseases of the testes, accessory glands and most common causes of reproductive failure.

Learning outcomes and competences

After successfully completion of the course, the students should have acquired the following practical skills: Dogs – breeding soundness examination, perform and interpret vaginal cytology smears, pregnancy diagnosis (ultrasound and palpation), diagnosis of pseudogenetra and pyometra, semen collection, evaluation, cooling and freezing, vaginal artificial insemination. Bovine – reproductive examination of the cow, diagnose and treat ovarian cysts, treatment of retained fetal membranes, identify and treat postpartum metabolic diseases, synchronize estrous and induce superovulation, evaluate frozen/thawed semen, caclculate and interpret reproductive indexes.

Working method



DOGS – Genetic and environmental influences on puberty. Normal canine cycle: stages, hormones, cytology. Natural breeding and AI with fresh, chilled and frozen semen. Pregnancy diagnosis: abdominal palpation, ultrasound, radiographic, hormonal. Estrus cycle control: prevention and induction of estrus. Contraception and mismate management. Pregnancy and pseudogenetra. Infectious infertility. Pyometra. Canine brucellosis. Noninfectious infertility: functional breeding problems, estrous cycle abnormalities, failure to cycle, prolonged estrous, short interestrous intervals. Signs and stages of normal parturition. Diagnosis of dystocia and plan of action. Peripartum care and diseases. Semen collection and evaluation. Semen packing, semen extenders and freezing. CATS - estrous cycle: puberty, seasonality, stages. Induction of ovulation and induction of estrus. Estrus prevention or suppression. Pseudopregnancy and pregnancy. Induction of abortion. Abnormal events of the luteal period. Dystocia: diagnosis and treatment. The normal postpartum period and abnormal events of the postpartum. BOVINE: Reproductive examination of the non-pregnant cow. Clinical management of anestrus. Diagnosis and treatment of ovarian pathologies. Venereal and other reproductive infectious diseases. Methods for pregnancy diagnosis. Dropsical conditions affecting pregnancy. Pyometra, fetal mummification and maceration. Metabolic diseases of the postpartum period. Postpartum uterine infections: etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Artificial insemination with frozen-thawed semen. Estrus cycle synchronization. Management of embryo transfer programs. Computation and interpretation of reproductive indexes.

Mandatory literature

Senger; Pathways to pregnancy and parturition, Current Conceptions, Inc., 2003. ISBN: 0965764818
Youngquist Robert S.; Current therapy in large animal theriogenology. ISBN: 0-7216-5396-0
Morrow David A.; Current therapy in theriogenology. ISBN: 0-7216-6580-2
Feldman Edward C.; Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction. ISBN: 0-7216-9315-6
Johnston, Kustritz, Olson; Canine and Feline Theriogenology, W B Saunders, 2001. ISBN: 0721656072

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures and practical labs (dogs and cattle) the later including interpretation of vaginal cytology in dogs, handling and evaluation of fresh and chilled semen (dogs) and frozen semen(cattle). In addition, students spend an average of 7 days on call (24h) with a practitioner (dairy cattle). Attendance of clinical cases. Videos of Theriogenology techniques. Evaluation of dairy farms' reproductive data.



Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 50,00
Teste 40,00
Trabalho escrito 10,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 25,00
Frequência das aulas 70,00
Trabalho de campo 30,00
Trabalho laboratorial 5,00
Trabalho escrito 5,00
Total: 135,00

Eligibility for exams

Only students that have taken at least 75% of practical classes, 2 ambulatory visits and obtained a minimum score of 9.5 points (in 20) in the practical exams will be admitted to the final exame.

Throughout the semester, during practical classes and ambulatory clinic, four practical exams will be performed. Each exam is scored up to 5 points:
1. Reproductive Assessment by transrectal palpation in the cow;
2. Interpretation of reproductive indices from dairy cattle farms;
3. Bull frozen semen handling and evaluation
4. Bitch breeding management with vaginal citology and progesterone measurement.
5. Perform a spermogram in dogs.

Calculation formula of final grade

 Final Grade*=(Pratical tests+work score)*+Exam score*)


       * minimum score of 9.5 points in 20.                                          

 Pratical tests score= score test 1+ score test 2 + score test 3+ score test 4+score + reproductive index written work.

Each practical exam and the reproductive index written work is scored up to 4points.

Final exam will be performed in MOODLE.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Four practical exams as well as the reproductive index written work, that will take place during practical classes and ambulatory, cannot be repeated.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the rules of ICBAS-UP. It applies only to the final exam and when the frequency and pratical evaluation criteria  are meet.

Classification improvement

According to the rules of ICBAS-UP.


Optional: Follow up bovine embryo production in vitro and canine clinical cases.

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