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Systematic Anatomy I

Code: MV122     Acronym: ASI

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Basic Sciences

Instance: 2011/2012 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Anatomy
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Masters Degree in Veterinary Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMV 100 Plan 2007 to 2017 1 - 4,5 68 121,5

Teaching language



The aims of the Systematic Anatomy I discipline are:
1. The acquirement of knowledge on the normal morphology of the locomotor system (bones, joints and muscles), central and peripheral nervous system of domestic animals (carnivores, ruminants, equines, swines and lagomorphs).
2. The accurate designation of the anatomical structures according to the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria.


1.1. The concept of anatomy
1.2. Nomenclature of topographic anatomy

2.1 General osteology
2.1.1. Division of skeleton
2.1.2. Development of bone
2.1.3. Classification of bone
2.1.4. Macroscopic structure of bone
2.1.5. Vessels and nerves of bone
2.1.6. Surface contour of bone
2.2. Compared osteology
2.2.1. Osteology of the appendicular skeleton
The scapular girdle and thoracic limb (arm, forearm and forepaw)
The pelvic girdle and pelvic limb (thigh, leg and hindpaw)
2.2.2. Osteology of the axial skeleton
The vertebral column
The ribs and sternum
The skull (braincase and facial portions)

3.1 General arthrology
3.1.1. Joints classification
3.1.2. Peculiar aspects of synovial joints
3.2. Compared arthrology
3.2.1. Girdles joints (scapular and pelvic) and appendicular joints (thoracic and pelvic limbs)
3.2.2. Joints of the head and trunk

4.1. General miology
4.1.1. Skeletal muscles structure
4.1.2. Classification of muscles
4.1.3. Accessory muscular structures
4.2. Compared miology
4.2.1. Muscles of the thoracic limb (extrinsic and intrinsic of the scapular girdle, arm, forearm and forepaw)
4.2.2. Muscles of the pelvic limb (pelvic girdle, thigh, leg and hindpaw)
4.2.3. Muscles of the raquis and neck
4.2.4. Muscles of the thorax and diaphragm
4.2.5. Muscles of the abdomen and tail
4.2.6. Muscles of the head

5.1. General neurology
5.2. Central Nervous System
5.2.1 Spinal cord
5.2.2 Brain (forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain)
5.1.3. Meninges, cerebro-spinal fluid and ventricular system.
5.3. Peripheral Nervous System:
5.3.1. Spinal nerves: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, caudal, brachial plexus and lumbarsacral plexus.

•Boyd, J.S. - " A color atlas of clinical anatomy of the dog and cat", ed. Mosby Wolfe
•Dyce; Sack; Wensing - "Tratado de anatomia veterinária", ed. Guanabara
•Evans & Lahunta - "Guia para a dissecção do cão", ed. Guanabara
•Evans - "Miller´s anatomy of the dog", ed. W.B. Saunders Company
•Goody, D. ; Stickland, E. - "Color atlas of veterinary anatomy: the dog and cat", ed. Mosby Wolfe
•König; Liebich – “Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals”, ed. Schattauer
•Schaller – “Nomenclatura Anatómica Veterinária Ilustrada”, ed. Manole
•Sisson; Grossman - "Anatomia dos animais domésticos"; vol. I e II, ed. Guanabara
•Goody, D.; Stickland, E. - "Color atlas of veterinary anatomy: the dog and cat", ed. Mosby Wolfe

Mandatory literature

Dyce K. M.; Tratado de anatomia veterinária. ISBN: 85-352-1392-9
Konig Horst Erich 340; Veterinary anatomy of domestic mammals. ISBN: 3-7945-2485-3
Schaller Oskar ed.; Nomenclatura anatômica veterinária ilustrada. ISBN: 85-204-0828-1
Boyd Jack S.; color atlas of clinical anatomy of the dog & cat, Mosby Wolfe
Sisson and Grossman; Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos, Guanabara
Evans Howard E.; Miller.s anatomy of the dog. ISBN: 0-7216-3200-9
Ashdown Raymond R. 070; Color atlas of veterinary anatomy. ISBN: 0-7234-2662-7
Evans Howard E.; Guia para a dissecção do cão. ISBN: 85-277-0658-X

Teaching methods and learning activities

The teaching method includes theoretical classes (a) and practical classes (b), both 2 hours per week.
(a) In the theoretical classes, the systematic exposure of the contents is made using slides and occasionally video projection.
(b) In the practical classes, both observation and description of anatomical structures (bones and skeleton, dissected and fixed joints) previously prepared in the Department of Anatomy are made. Dissection, the main method for studying anatomy, is also performed in cadavers of dogs. Surface and radiographic anatomy are used whenever is considered useful.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 60,00
Preparation for Pratical Evaluation Trabalho laboratorial 10,00
Total: - 0,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Description Type Time (hours) End date
Preparation for the Written Evaluation Estudo autónomo 51,5
Total: 51,50

Eligibility for exams

The students must attain to at least 3/4 of the practical classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

The evaluation consists in Continuous Evaluation (CA) and Final Evaluation (FE).
Continuous Evaluation – 2 points
The students will be individually evaluated during the semester by the teacher responsible by their class. The methodology that will be used is determined by each teacher.
Final Evaluation – 18 points
The Final Evaluation consists in a Practical Evaluation (PE) and a Written Evaluation (WE) to be performed at the Evaluation Periods (regular and/or appeal).
The Practical Evaluation is composed of 1 anatomical practical test in which a minimal of 2 points is required for approval.
The Written Evaluation will be achieved by performing a single written test composed of 50 multiple choice questions. No minimal points are required.

The students that have previously attended to the practical classes are not obliged to Continuous Evaluation. In this circumstance, the Final Evaluation will worth 20 points that are distributed as following:
The same rules and determinations established to the students who are for the first time attending to the Systematic Anatomy subject will be used regarding to the form and minimal points required on both practical and written evaluation.

The Final Evaluation can be also achieved by performing 2 partial tests to be performed during the weeks determine by the Educational Board for the realization of the intercalary evaluations. In this case the following rules will be used:
PRACTICAL EVALUATION – will be divided in two anatomical practical tests. Attendance to the 2 tests and a minimal of 2 points in the sum of the 2 practice tests are required for approval. The final practical grade will be obtained by the sum of the points of each written test.
WRITTEN EVALUATION – will be divided in 2 partial written tests (25 multiple choice questions). Each written test will worth 7 / 8 (for students who have previously attendance in the subject) points and a minimal of 3 / 3,4 points (for students who have previously attendance in the subject) in each test is required to be approved. The final written grade will be obtained by the sum of the points of each written test
Note: If a student chooses to attend to the Partial Tests he can also attend to the Final Evaluation of the Regular and/or Appeal Evaluation Periods whenever one of the following situations occur:
a) the minimal of points in each written test is not achieved
b) the minimal 2 points in the sum of the 2 anatomical practical tests is not achieved
b) the sum of the points obtained in the Evaluations components does not reach 9, 5 points.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

The students who will attend to Special Evaluation Periods (working students and / or finalist students) and / or Special Calls (associative leaders and / or overlapping of written tests) will be evaluated by a single oral examination that is worth 20 points.

Classification improvement

The students who wish to improve its former classification will be evaluated by a single Written Test that is worth 20 points, unless they attend to Special Evaluation Periods or Special Calls. In this last case the rules established to these Evaluation Periods will be applied.
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