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Aquatic Sciences

General information

Official Code: 9708
Acronym: LCMA


  • First Cycle Degree (BSc) in Aquatic Sciences (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

General Ecology

MA112 - ECTS

Ecological concepts for Aquatic Sciences students

Cellular Structure and Function

MA113 - ECTS

Students should acquire basic knowledge about cell morphology, function and biogenesis of cell organelles and nuclear structures.  







MA117 - ECTS

It is intended to promote the learning of fundamental concepts for the comprehension of animal behavior in order to:
(1) analyze, in a historical perspective, the beginning of the systematic study of animal behavior and of the major behavioral systems common to several species, and
(2) apply the acquired knowledge to practical situations.
Students will develop works with the objective of consolidating the knowledge acquired in the theoretical aspects of the discipline and of promoting reflection skills.

Marine Geology

MA115 - ECTS

Physical Oceanography

MA116 - ECTS

LECTURES: It is intended that students acquire a general understanding of the fundamental concepts of physical oceanography on the global circulation system (incl. the Iberian system), and the role of the oceans in regulating climate.

LABORATORY SESSIONS: Learn how to manage, convert, analyse and represent meteo-oceanographic information.


MA114 - ECTS

Students should acquire basic knowledge about algae and protozoans, their biological diversity, life cycles, taxonomy and phylogeny.


Vertebrate Biology I

MA122 - ECTS

As the beginning of life and its evolution happened in the aquatic environment the Biology of Vertebrates I is a basic discipline for students of Aquatic Sciences. The aim of this discipline is to cover the maters related with life and its evolution. Vertebrate evolution, systematic, biology and morphology are the main concerns. After correlating geologic times with appearance, evolution and extinction of main animal groups in Earth, development biology and embryology are covered. The final part of the discipline is dedicated to the functional morphology aspects of vertebrates, including: motion, feeding, growth, based on the different systems as: Integument, Skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory and digestive.

Vertebrate Biology II

MA123 - ECTS

The students of the Course of the Aquatic Sciences, had a previous discipline Biology of Vertebrates I, where aspects related with evolution of the life in the hearth and the aspects on morphology are discussed, including: Systematic, embryology, skeletal, muscular, digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems. In Comparative Anatomy, an initial overview is given about the historical facts, which mark its importance to the biological Sciences. Following on, studies the structure, morphology, functional interpretation, origin and evolution of the organs and/or systems: Excretory system and osmoregulation; reproductive system and urogenital ducts; nervous system; sensory organs, endocrine glands and immunologic system. Finally it is made the integration of the different systems and organs, including those that had been studied in the Biology of Vertebrates I, giving a functional vision of organism of the vertebrates, debating the characteristics of its structural elements, its participation in the movement and of its relation with the environment and of the importance of this relation for its survival.

Biology of Invertebrates I

MA127 - ECTS

Understanding taxonomy, classification and systematic. Historical perspective of animal classification. The use of dichotomous keys. Emergence of multicellular organisms. Description and biology of invertebrates. General characteristics of phyla and their classes. The use of molecular biology in the taxonomy. Phylogenetic relationships between different organisms

Biology of Invertebrates II

MA128 - ECTS

General description of Arthropoda, Lophophorate, Echinodermata, Chaetognata and Hemichordates. General characteristics of phyla and classes. Biology and phylogeny.

Vegetal Biology I

MA124 - ECTS

The study of vascular plant morphology is the major objective of this curricular unit. In addition, plant reproduction and development, evolution, phylogeny and taxonomy are also studied. Students also should acquire basic knowledge about fungi, lichens and non-vascular plants (bryophytes).


Vegetal Biology II

MA125 - ECTS

The main objectives of this curricular unit are the study of plant physiology and the adaptations of vascular plants to aquatic environments and costal dunes.


Molecular Biology

MA222 - ECTS
The objectives are in the area of Molecular Biology:
1 – To form a matrix of knowledge analysis
2 – To transmit knowledge
3 – To enable the students to solve theoretical and practical problems.
4 - To make the students familiar with the laboratory and laboratory work.

Comparative Histology and Embryology I

MA215 - ECTS

Provide theoretical and practical knowledge about the structure of cells, tissues and organs, the level of microscopy, especially optical, but also electronic and on their histophysiology. Thus, the bases of knowledge and skills promoted to a better understanding of Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pathology, etc.. The practical component is based on the study of preparations of normal tissues and organs, subject directly to the optical microscope or indirectly, via his pictures taken by digital means.

It is also intended to demonstrate the importance of knowing and applying the normal histology of tissues and organs in the face of potential modifications of the same, as well as encourage students to make a morphofunctional integration of acquired knowledge and acquire, and use your creativity in planning of multidisciplinary projects, to include a histological component.

Finally, we aim to teach bases embryology general (descriptive and developmental biology) as well as simpler model organisms (invertebrates) that allow students to not only understand their importance as access and understand, then, embryology and general special organimos complex (vertebrates).

Comparative Histology and Embryology II

MA216 - ECTS

In the continuation of the unit of Histology and Embryology Comparative I provide theoretical and practical knowledge about the structure of cells, tissues and organs (now in recent emphasis), the microscopic level, particularly optics, but sometimes at TEM level, and the respective histophysiology. Thus, the bases of knowledge and skills promoted to a better understanding of Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pathology, etc.. The practical component is based on the study of preparations of normal tissues and organs, subject directly to the optical microscope or indirectly, via his pictures taken by digital means.

It is also intended to demonstrate the importance of knowing and applying the normal histology of tissues and organs in the face of potential modifications of the same, as well as encourage students to make a morphofunctional integration of acquired knowledge and acquire, and use your creativity in interpretation of results of scientific projects, multidisciplinary components that histological or embryological.

Finally, we aim to teach complementary bases of general and special embryology, now with emphasis on the latest, encompassing aspects of descriptive and developmental biology and studies aiming to model organisms (vertebrates). It is intended to provide students with knowledge to understand the structure and the normal organogenesis and placement of organs and tissues in the adult animal. It is also intended that students have the ability to discern the possible events that may cause teratological changes.


MA225 - ECTS

At the end of this course, the student shoud be able to: Acknowledge the central importance of Microbiology for his/her own daily life, for Earth’s environment, for the health of plants and animals and for the development of other Biomedical Sciences. Enumerate the basic structural features of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa, as they are know today. Enumerate different strategies used by bacterial cells to obtain the energy and biosynthetic precursors they need. Explain the main differences between procaryotic and eucaryotic cells in terms of the organization of their genomes and the way genetic material is transferred between cells. Identify microbial virulence factors. Enumerate the main components of the antimicrobial defense systems present in vertebrate animals. Enumerate the mechanisms of action of some the antibiotics in clinical use today and suggest new targets for the development of new antibiotics in the future. Explain the mechanisms of emergence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and ways to avoid this emergence. Manipulate microrganisms using a correct asseptic technique. Correctely use the optical microscope for the observation of different types of microrganisms. Apply different types of staining methods to visualize and classify microorganisms. Apply metabolic tests to the identification of microorganisms. Quantify bactéria or phages present in a given sample. Analyse a water sample for the presence of fecal contamination. Find and critically analyse scientific literature, so that he/she may keep up-to-date to relevant scientific knowledge throughout life.

Organic Chemistry

MA212 - ECTS

This course is intended to demonstrate the main transformations of carbon compounds, and demonstrate their influence on the Molecular Biology and Chemistry of the Environment. Thus, Its main objectives are:

- The study of three-dimensional structure of the main classes of carbon compounds;

- The relationship between chemistry, molecular biology and the environment through case study examples.


Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

MA217 - ECTS

The Fundamental Principles of Chemistry will be addressed and studied with special emphasis to the quantitative chemical description of natural as well  as non-natural water systems. Among the main topics we emphasize the following: Chemistry and  Transformations; stoichiometry and mass balances; Energy and transformation; Spontaneity, entropy and  Gibbs energy; Phase Equilibria, Chemical Equilibrium; rates of chemical transformations. Acids and Bases and their equilibria; Equilibrium Processes involving the Precipitation and Dissolution of solid minerals, the processes of electron transfer and the formation of metalic complexes and coordination compounds. Quantitative accurate treatments of the equilibrium processes studied earlier will be studied and conducted, as a means of quantitatively describing the composition of aquatic systems and its evolution, in order that speciation of the substances can be adequately described and characterized. In addition, a set of laboratorial classes is offered in order to introduce students to the main analytic techniques used in the chemistry and environmental chemistry laboratory.


MA214 - ECTS

The main objective of this training program is that students acquire both theorethical and practical knowledge in basic biostatistics, through a process where they have to solve problems and the teacher function as guider in their individual pathway. The exposition to small biological problems will explore both theoretical and practical aspects of biostatistics, including verbal and written communication. Topics of Biostatistics include types of data, descriptive statistics, probability distributions and inference.

Biophysics and Biochemistry

MA221 - ECTS

The program of Biophysics and Biochemistry aims to prepare students for the understanding of fundamental principles of Physics and its applications in Biology, as well of intermediate metabolism and regulatory mechanisms of metabolic pathways. It is highlighted the importance of signal transduction pathways used by cells to receive, process, amplify and integrate diverse extracellular signals. The student uses basic knowledge to discuss dysfunctions associated with traumas and specific conditions.
This curricular unit also aims at giving students the theoretical and practical knowledge required for the correct utilization of a group of experimental techniques based on physical principles and used for the biochemical characterization of cells, organelles, proteins and metabolites.

Aquatic Ecology

MA227 - ECTS

Transmission of knowledge of the fundamentals of aquatic ecology, methods of fieldwork and evaluation of data.

Comparative Animal Physiology

MA223 - ECTS

Physiology studies functions in living organisms. The comparative approach on the different solutions found in different organisms, regarding their adaptation to a specific and limiting environment, allows a better understanding of the general principles ruling the various homeostatic mechanisms involved. Information collection (from the environment and from the self organism), integration and regulation of the whole vital functions, analysed under a comparative and evolutive point of view, leads us to the understanding on why and how living organism response to the problems found on their surrounding environment. Accordingly, the main objective of the present course is to train students to understand how the activities of the various physiological systems are integrated to adapt the organism to different environments.

Physiology of Aquatic Animals

MA224 - ECTS

Following the knowledge of anatomy, histology and comparative animal physiology previously acquired, it is projected now address, a perspective more particular aspects related to the physiology of aquatic animals with emphasis on fish, but also covering topics selected mollusks, crustaceans and mammals.

With the approach aims to become an emphasis of integrating aspects of endocrinology, particularly with interest applied to the areas of reproduction and growth. Elected as central pedagogical concern the ability of the student to be an active element in the search for knowledge and exploration of unreleased songs from the scope of the unit, using the knowledge that has systematically from their experience as a student of the aquatic sciences.


MA226 - ECTS

Microbial Ecology

MA314 - ECTS

Concepts of Microbial Ecology

Engineering and Handling in Aquaculture

MA312 - ECTS

This course is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to apply, learn and enhance their skills and knowledge in the aquaculture environment. Support facilities, equipment and systems for aquaculture operations will be examined. Topics studied will include: selection of component materials and structures suitable for confinement, protection and support of aquaculture species; selection and application of mechanical/electrical support equipment such as pumps, motors, feeders, aerators and engineering aspects of facilities for harvesting and handling of aquatic production.

Ichthyology and Fisheries Biology

MA311 - ECTS

Ichthyology is a fundamental and propaedeutical discipline of the Aquatic Sciences Course that, on the basis of the basic knowledge of Biology, prepares the students for applied disciplines, as much in the environmental area as technology that they follow, giving the knowledge to them necessary to work in the area of Ichthyology, or to use these knowledge in the accomplishment of other disciplines related with this area of science, namely: To understand the organisms in study in the morpho-functional point of view; to apply the rules to the identification and systematic classification of fish species, making adequate use of the nomenclature and the concepts of taxonomy; to manipulate the equipment of measurement and analysis and to interpret the results; to use of critical form the currently available sources of information; to plan and to execute research works; to apply the methods of numerical analysis in the description of the biological processes and, to analyze the experimental data and to present the results.

Nutrition and Feeding in Aquaculture

MA313 - ECTS During the course of the discipline “Nutrition and Feeding in Aquaculture”, the students will learn fundamental knowledge in the domain of applied biology. Within the scope of nutrition of aquatic animals, basic knowledge of the animal nutrition, with specific orientation to the fish nutrition and feeding, will be dealt. The transformation of relatively low valued food, to more attractive ones to human consumption, is the main goal of any animal production study. Even though the possibility to attain 100% conversion efficiency is an unachievable task, the degree in which the feed ingredients are used, constitutes the central concern of the nutritionists. The costs of the formulated feed in an intensive aquaculture system represent between 40 and 70% of the total production costs. The careful preparation of the discipline of Nutrition and Feeding in Aquaculture, will contribute for the preparation of capable and independent professional to contribute for the aquaculture management of the feed resources.

Environmental Chemistry

MA317 - ECTS

The Environmental Chemistry lectures focus on explaining some of the natural phenomena, in particular chemical processes taking place within and between de different environmental compartments: lithosphere including soil and sediments; hydrosphere and atmosphere that characterize the chemical composition of each one. The second main objective is to understand how these natural processes can be changed by anthropogenic action causing contamination and pollution. Within this context a whole chapter will be dealing with toxic compounds, groups of pollutants and physico-chemical properties that will influence the fate of the compounds in the environment. The development of the ability to apply the theoretical concepts into practice is another objective of the lectures. Therefore, strong practical learning sessions will enable the students to know and use analytical instruments of routine and specific chemical analysis. This opportunity has the advantage of seeing the practical application of some of the acquired concepts, providing the students with basic tools to choose from and to apply adequate methodologies to solve environmental problems as well as developing awareness of the quality of results.

Environmental Toxicology

MA315 - ECTS

The primary goal of the course is to present students with the basic principles of environmental toxicology, focusing on toxicological assessments, types and mechanisms of toxicological response, and the properties and effects of specific groups of toxicants that have been released into the environment (e.g. PAH, PCB, pesticides, metals, dioxins/dibenzofurans, natural and synthetic estrogens, pharmaceutical products). It is expected that students will became able to evaluate risk situations, propose solutions for its prevention and have the ability to use analytic tools to evaluate environmental toxicity.

Environmental Monitoring Methods and SIG

MA316 - ECTS

Basics on environmental monitoring and GIS


MA300 - ECTS

To offer the chance to have formation in an area of interest of the student, not covered in the compulsory curricular units (courses). It is intended to develop decision abilities, along with scientific-techniques skills.

Health and Pathology of Aquatic Animals

MA323 - ECTS

Provide the students with knowledge in fish hygiene and health, giving special attention to the most frequent fish pathogens and their negative effects on aquaculture. Give the students a profound understanding of the different diagnostic methods and their potentials and limitations. Make the students aware of the different aspects of disease prevention in fish.

Fisheries Technology and Management

MA321 - ECTS

Transmission of knowledge about artisanal and industrial fisheries, in the world, in Continental Portugal and at the islands (Azores & Madeira); fishing vessels. Introduction of stock assessment and management of fisheries.

Food Technology and Quality

MA322 - ECTS

To provide the students with the basic knowledge and training to achieve a clear thinking about the methods of seafood handling and processing, as well as a modern perspective of the food quality and corresponding technical and scientific skills, in order to prepare the students for the professional work they will have to develop. The capacity to criticize, to find and choose the right information and the contact with the realistic professional environment are favoured, by visiting industry facilities. The students should be able to describe, in a critical way, the characteristics and composition of seafood, food degradation, processing and preservation methods, and also quality and freshness evaluation methods.

Water and Effluent Treatment

MA324 - ECTS

Provide insight into the methods and techniques to use in water and wastewater treatment. Provide capabilities to define appropriate interventions and consider decision making in the assessment, design, planning, construction, operation and maintenance of municipal sewage and industrial wastewater treatment operations and water for urban supply.





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