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Integrated Masters Degree in Medicine

General information

Official Code: 9813
Acronym: MIM
Description: A formação em Medicina no ICBAS teve início em 1976, assentando num projecto pedagógico e institucional inovador e diferente da formação tradicional da Medicina. Tal projeto tem evoluído, face aos novos desafios, sendo agora um Mestrado Integrado de acordo com a nova Lei
de Bases do Sistema Educativo, destinada a aplicar os princípios enunciados no “Processo de Bolonha”.

A nova filosofia curricular promove o contacto clínico precoce dos alunos, com uma abordagem integrada de problemas clínicos desde as fases iniciais do curso. O novo modelo promove a formação de forma ainda mais articulada, seja nas ciências mais básicas, seja nas puramente clínicas. Foi reforçado o espaço programático destinado a uma formação verdadeiramente profissionalizante, aquando do 6º e último ano.

O equilíbrio entre ciências exactas, biológicas, sociais e médicas, leccionadas por equipas multidisciplinares, foi e continua a ser um dos objetivos pedagógicos mais inovadores da Medicina no ICBAS. Acresce que, para bem concretizar o objetivo de formar médicos com uma preparação o mais abrangente possível, o ICBAS e o Centro Hospitalar do Porto (HGSA — que
funciona como o hospital nuclear desde 1980) colaboram em conjunto na formação da Medicina. Para além disso, o ICBAS estabeleceu protocolos com diversas instituições
de saúde do Grande Porto, tais como, o Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto, o Hospital de Magalhães Lemos e o Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia, além de diversos
Centros de Saúde que recebem estudantes ao abrigo de um protocolo de cooperação com a ARS Norte.


  • Master Degree in Medicine (360 ECTS credits)
  • First Degree in Basic Health Sciences (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Biochemistry and Metabolism

M123 - ECTS

Cellular metabolism is an integrated set of chemical reactions that aims to produce energy and to use it to synthesise the building blocks for protein, lipid and carbohydrate production. The Biochemistry and Metabolism subject aims at studying the cellular metabolism and the molecular mechanisms underlying its regulation, as well as the signal transduction pathways used to receive, process, amplify and integrate extracellular signals. The student must be able to recognize and explain the function of metabolic pathways, relate digestion and the production and storage of energy with food composition, relate the mechanisms of metabolic regulation by hormones, retro-inhibition and other mechanisms with energy and metabolites requirements, recognize and explain the molecular bases of metabolic homeostasis mechanisms, co-relate the metabolic pathways with the molecular bases, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and actively participate in the resolution of problems.

Systematic Anatomy I

M115 - ECTS

This is a classical course in human gross anatomy that aims at knowledge of human morphology based on the direct observation of the dtailed structure of the human cadaver. It includes both lectures (for all of the sudents) and laboratory classes for groups of about twenty students that will handle human cadavers and body components in search of a detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the human body.

Systematic Anatomy II

M122 - ECTS

Cell and Tissue Biology

M112 - ECTS


-Students should acquire the basic concepts of the structure and functionality of the cell.

-More specifically:

-have specific notions on the structure and function of the various cell components.

-learn to autonomy the use of the optical microscope.

-Know the processing for optic and electron microscopy.

-Know to identify the ultrastructural structure of the cell components.



-Promote theoretical and practical knowledge on the microanatomy and histophysiology of the human body tissues, gaining information and skills for enhancing the analysis, understanding, integration and of themes of cell biology, anatomy, physiology, pathology, etc.

Fundamentals of Chemistry and Biophysics

M113 - ECTS

1. To rationalize living systems in terms of basic Chemistry  and Physics principles. To present Biological Chemistry as a subset of Chemistry and Physics.

2. To correlate knowledge from Organic and Inorganic Chemistry with Biological Chemistry.

3. To aquire specific knowledge about biological molecules and and cellular chemistry organization.

Introduction to Medicine I

M111 - ECTS

The curricular unit of introduction to Medicine 1 encompasses areas of diverse knowledge essential to future physicians, namely: Bioethics, Sociology, History of Medicine, Communication and Reanimation - Basic Life Support.

The student at the end of the CU must acquire skills within the following areas:

-History of medicine: to know the general history of medicine, its evolution and importance at the present time (1);

-Sociology: understanding the social construction of medicine and the social role of the physician; identify the psychosocial determinants of health and disease, and relate them to the lifestyle; know how to apply a policy of prevention and health education; understand the attitudes of health professionals in the face of death(2);

-Bioethics: recognize and deal with ethical problems in their clinical practice and learn the bioethical knowledge appropriate to the practice of health care; stimulate reflection and critical thinking that allows implementing an ethically justifiable course of action (3);

-Information and Communication in Health: develop relational skills with peers, patients and their families(4);

-Rescue and first aid: learn how to perform Basic Life Support (BLS) (5).

Quantitative Methods

M114 - ECTS

The aim of this course is to familiarize first year students with basic statistical concepts and techniques essential for formulating and understanding models in biology.

Students should acquire skills to understand statistical principles and practical application of statistical models in biology. Skills in this case are of various orders, but basically it is intended that the student understand the usefulness of mathematical models for interpreting biological phenomena, as well as be able to realize, when you want to do a statistical study, what type of data to be collected, what type of analysis should be done in an attempt to obtain the desired results, i.e. the answer to research issues. The reality is that it is just that the student understand what role statistics play in the life Sciences. We do not intend to graduate the students as statisticians, but only someone who knows how to relate with statisticians

Systematic Anatomy II

M122 - ECTS

This is a classical course in human gross anatomy that aims at knowledge of human morphology based on the direct observation of the detailed structure of the human cadaver. It includes both lectures (for all of the sudents) and laboratory classes for small groups of  students that will handle human cadavers and body components in search of a detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the human body.

Basic Genetics

M125 - ECTS

With this discipline, we aim that the students: (i) understand the importance of Genetics in Medicine and in the daily clinical practice; (ii) raise hypothesis related with the observation of pedigrees, using concepts and mathematical approaches to identify the genetic causes responsible for certain diseases. We also aim that the students develop the critical thinking regarding the results; (iii) understand the evolution of the populations through the genetics frequencies.

Systems Histology and Embriology

M124 - ECTS To provide students with a high-quality teaching-learning experience in Histology of Systems and in Embryology, in the wake of the Cell and Tissue Biology course, thus expanding the previously promoted knowledge, skills, and competencies.

To provide students with a very dynamic view of the syllabus, encouraging the integration of knowledge and appreciate the usefulness and applicability of the learning outcomes and competencies for future physicians.

Introduction to Medicine II

M121 - ECTS

This course has two types of objectives:-

A - To provide students with knowledge about some of the problems of today (1,2)

B - To give students knowledge of quantitative methods applied to medicine, be it in its planning, public health or clinical research. (3,4)

Nervous System Anatomy and Physiology

M212 - ECTS NA

Science and Society

OPT2_12 - ECTS To develop skills in thinking about and in critically analysing science, scientific knowledge production and the place of science in society.

Epidemiology and Public Health

M214 - ECTS

KNOWLEDGE: Students will need to know that behaviour is an essential determinant of health and that information conveyed in the media is an important tool used in all modern societies. Students will learn that important public health issues can be addressed in films, watched by a large audience, with big positive and negative potential.


ABILITIES: Students will need to be able to integrate their previously acquired knowledge and abilities from the other units of the Master in Medicine and apply this within the context of Public Health. They will learn how to make a critical appraisal of health messages conveyed in commercial films.


ATTITUDES: Students will need to understand the importance of doctors acting as advocates of Public Health for the population.

Physiology I

M213 - ECTS Common targets to Fisiologia I and II, since they complement each other. Students should  be familiar with major and minor functions of physiological systems, by learning  their mechanisms of action; they should  understand their interrelationships and their contribute to homeostasis; students should  be able to point  the differences and complementary characteristics of the two majors control systems of the body, i. e., nervous system and endocrine system, with special emphazis to the endocrine system; these skills will be important to the later study of physiopatology . Study of nervous system runs in parallel in the UC Anatomia e Fisiologia do Sistema Nervoso.    ommon targets to Fisiologia I and II, since they complement each other. Students should  be familiar with major and minor functions of physiological systems, by learning  their mechanisms of action; they should  understand their interrelationships and their contribute to homeostasis; students should  be able to point  the differences and complementary characteristics of the two majors control systems of the body, i. e., nervous system and endocrine system, with special emphazis to the endocrine system; these skills will be important to the later study of physiopatology . Study of nervous system runs in parallel in the UC Anatomia e Fisiologia do Sistema Nervoso.

Molecular Genetics

M215 - ECTS

Acquisition of knowledge concerning several molecular aspects, including the structure of genetic material, mechanisms of gene expression and regulation, and molecular genetic technologies. Training the readership, understanding and communication of relevant scientific articles.


M211 - ECTS

1. Acquisition of knowledge on fundamental immunology, necessary for the understanding of the immune physiology and pathology in humans. 2. Acquisition of skills for a better understanding of basic and advanced bibliographic information in the area of immunology. 3. Acquisition of of skills for self-oriented study. 4. Improvement of communication skills regarding oral and written transmission of knowledge. 5. Improvement of laboratory skills. 6. Acquisition of skills and knowledge on specific immunological diagnostic techniques.

Pathology I

M224 - ECTS
  1. Recognize Pathology as the study of the structural, biochemical and functional changes in cells, tissues and organs that underlie disease
  2. Understand the key mechanisms of cell and tissue adaptation, injury and death
  3. Identify main types and mechanisms of inflammation and its role in tissue regeneration and repair
  4. Identify conditions of metabolic alteration, correlating with clinical and pathological features
  5. Understand the mechanisms causing vascular wall damage, perturbed hemostasis and thromboembolism
  6. Identify the main pathological conditions due to deregulation of the immune system and its correlation with the clinical syndromes of immune disease
  7. Describe the life cycle of common parasites and associated lesions
  8. Understand the mechanisms by which tobacco, alcohol and drugs cause human disease
  9. Recognize the main cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying aging and associated pathological conditions


M216 - ECTS

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:

Students should i) know the main stages of the life cycle, integrating the aspects of human being biological,

psychological and social development; ii ) know the basic behavioral system, integrating the knowledge of

structure / function and iii ) identify the main focus of each stage of life and the challenges they pose in terms of


Introduction to Tropical Health

OPT2_15 - ECTS .


Introduction to Tropical Health having in mind the Global Health approach. An important part of the World population lacks proper health care. The poorest among the poor are particularly vulnerable. Medicine without Borders (emergency and development) may reduce the burden of daily life for millions worldwide. This subject aims to introduce the future MDs with topics on tropical health, and the existing opportunities in the developing world, particularly in Africa.


The desease seen by Literature and Painting

OPT2_21 - ECTS To slowly pleasure some of the iconic works of literature and painting regarding the sick man, with active search and coice by the students of the works to be analysed.

Clinical Anatomy

M222 - ECTS

This is a Course of Human Anatomy Applied to Clinical Practice that is the last element of a group of Anatomy Courses that started with Descriptive Anatomy ("Systematic Anatomy I and II") and continued with Neuroanamoty. Human Anatomy is now presented with a topographic focus and with the major goal of presenting the rationale of using anatomical information to address clinical problems.

Physiology II

M223 - ECTS

Common targets to Fisiologia I and II, since they complement each other. Students should be familiar with major and minor functions of physiological systems, by learning their mechanisms of action, understanding their interrelationships and their contribute to homeostasis, students should be able to point the differences and complementary characteristics of the two majors control systems of the body, i. e., nervous system and endocrine system, with special emphasis to the endocrine system. These skills will be important to the later study of physiopathology. Study of nervous system runs in parallel in the UC Anatomia e Fisiologia do Sistema Nervoso.

Reproduction Medicine

OPT2_23 - ECTS


Students should acquire the basic concepts on the evaluation and treatment of infertile couples. This curricular unit has as main objective to allow students to acquire general knowledge that enhance the ability to correctly approach infertility in their future medical future, including its prevention. In this Module, the student will acquire general knowledge of how to evaluate, diagnosis and treat most appropriately the different pathologies of infertile couples. We will also equip the student with knowledge about the associated laboratory areas. It will also address the indications and means available for the preservation of fertility, as well as the psychological, legislative and ethical aspects inherent in the diagnosis and treatment of infertile couples. In the area of basic science, we want students to deepen their knowledge about gametogenesis, fertilization, preimplantation embryo development and embryo implantation, and to acquire knowledge about research in this area.

More specifically:

-To obtain general notions on human gametogenesis, fertilization, preimplantation embryo development and embryo implantation.

-Acquire competences on how to deal with the infertile couple and to prevent infertility.

-Acquire notions on how to evaluate and treat the infertile couple regarding the main causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

-Acquire notions on the methods of the andrology and embryology laboratories.

-Acquire notions on the indications and methods for fertility preservation.

-Acquire notions on the psychological, legislative and ethical issues in assisted reproduction.


M221 - ECTS

At the end of this Microbiology course, students are expected to be able to:

Recognize the importance of Microbiology in the context of Biomedical Sciences.
State the basic structural characteristics known today for viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa.
Cite different strategies used by different bacteria to obtain energy and elements for biosynthesis.
Mathematically describe bacterial growth; enumerate factors that affect this growth.
Cite mechanisms of action of some of the presently available antibiotics and recognize potential new targets for the performance of future chemotherapeutic agents.
Explain how bacterial resistance to antibiotics arises and how this emergence can be prevented.
Explain how bacteria and viruses differ from eukaryotic organisms in terms of genetic organization and exchange of genetic material between individuals.
Generally describe the replicative cycles of different types of viruses.
Describe the types of damage that can be caused by viral infections.
To describe the mode of action of some of the antiviral drugs in clinical use.
Identify the main characteristics of fungi with relevance for their identification.
State and distinguish the different forms of manifestation of fungal infections.
To describe the replicative cycles of some protozoa with clinical and epidemiological relevance.
Recognize factors of virulence or microbial pathogenicity.
State the main components of the defense systems against infections present in vertebrate animals.

Properly perform the aseptic technique for handling microorganisms and comply with biosafety rules.
Properly use the optical microscope to observe microorganisms.
Use different staining techniques for the visualization and classification of microorganisms.
Properly use some metabolic tests for microbial identification.
Quantify the bacteria present in a sample.
Find effectively and critically the bibliographic sources that allow them to update this knowledge over the years.

Training of the student not only in the basic knowledge of etiology, pathogenesis, laboratory study, treatment and prevention of the great syndromes caused by bacteria, but also:
- Describe the different aspects of the microbiological diagnosis, knowing the importance and the impact of the preanalytical variables on the quality of the results
- Plan the whole microbiological diagnosis
- Correlate laboratory results with clinical information
- Have knowledge of the antimicrobials used both in the treatment and in the prevention of infections caused by bacteria
- Recognize the importance of epidemiological surveillance of nosocomial infection.
- Understanding the contribution of Microbiology in clinical research

Laboratorial Semiotics

M323 - ECTS

Students should be able to:

  • Possess a thorough understanding of the components of the diagnostic process and the role of laboratory medicine.
  • Propose the inclusion of new diagnostic tests based on studies of cost / benefit.
  • Formulate differential diagnoses and identify the most likely diagnoses.
  • Know how to use the evidence-based medicine for choosing the best test for a given clinical situation.
  • Know how to use "guidelines" in the stratification of test requests.
  • Incorporate the situation / patient perspective in deciding diagnosis.
  • Select the exams with the highest probability of getting a useful result, with costs / risks acceptable.
  • Understand how disease prevalence affects the predictive value of diagnostic tests.
  • Identify key factors to consider when selecting a particular test, including the pretest probability, the performance characteristics of the test (sensitivity, specificity and predictive values), costs, risks / benefits and preferences of the patient as an individual.
  • Limit the possibility of false positives / false negatives through a careful selection of tests.
  • Understand the way of determination of the reference values and the implications that follow from this to the interpretation of laboratory data.
  • Know how to interpret the results, integrating them into clinical.
  • Recognize how errors in interpretation may affect decisions and clinical outcome.
  • Possess the ability to select, justify and interpret diagnostic tests in the most common clinical situations.

Pharmacology I

M312 - ECTS

To give the students knowledge in General Pharmacology, with special reference to drug mechanisms of action (from molecules to the system), pharmacokinetics, relation of mechanisms of action to clinical response, side effects, clinical problems and toxicity, and its use in therapeutic.

Semiology and Fisiopathology I

M311 - ECTS

General objectives

-  To acquire autonomy, self-learning skills and continuing education purposes that guarantee the preservation of personal posture and professional competence, as well as the performance of the medical practice throughout life;

- To acquire postures and attributes, essential to medical profession, realizing the definitive importance of the doctor-patient relationship;

- To give clinical context to the basic scientific curriculum, integrating the knowledge previously acquired;


Specific objectives

In Semiology and Pathophysiology I (SFI), the objectives are to acquire knowledge and skills to establish an appropriate relationship with the patient, to collect information, to build a clinical database and reasoning clinically and critically on clinical cases. Cognitive learning focuses on the general and specific semiology of respiratory, cardiac and musculoskeletal systems. In addition to the collection of the anamnesis, the student acquires skills in performing basic physical examination of the adult and in the basic reading of certain complementary exams (Electrocardiogram, Chest Radiography and Spirometry)

Radiological Semiotics

M314 - ECTS

Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of techniques currently used in the imaging of patients: conventional radiology, computed tomography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, scintigraphy, SPECT and PET.

Familiarization with the radiological environment, namely with radiological protection and different devices.

Diagnostic capacity of emergency situations.

Diagnostic capability guided by reporting in non-urgent basic situations.

Virology, Mycology and Parasitology

M315 - ECTS

The main goal of Mycology, Virology and Parasitology curricular unit is:

To prepare the student in the basic knowledge of etiology, pathogeny, laboratorial diagnosis, treatment and prevention of clinical diseases caused by fungi, virus and parasites.

To describe the various aspects of microbiological diagnosis, know the importance and impact of pre analytic variables in order to achieve accurate results. 
To guide and interpret the results of microbiological tests.
To correlate microbiological results with clinical data. 
To acknowledge the antimicrobials use not only in treatment but also in preventing infections.
To plan for the laboratory diagnosis of major clinical syndromes
-To acknowledge the importance of epidemiological surveillance of nosocomial infection.
-To recognize the contribution of Microbiology in clinical investigation

The teaching team want to motivate and collaborate on the personal development of each student so that these objectives are achieved

Medical Epidemiology

M324 - ECTS

KNOWLEDGE: Students will need to know that behaviour is an essential determinant of health and that information conveyed in the media is an important tool used in all modern societies. Students will learn that important public health issues can be addressed in films, watched by a large audience, with big positive and negative potential.


ABILITIES: Students will need to be able to integrate their previously acquired knowledge and abilities from the other units of the Master in Medicine and apply this within the context of Public Health. They will learn how to make a critical appraisal of health messages conveyed in commercial films.


ATTITUDES: Students will need to understand the importance of doctors acting as advocates of Public Health for the population.

Pharmacology II

M322 - ECTS

Provide students with knowledge in Systemic Pharmacology, with relevance to drugs used to treat specific pathological entities of each organ or system, and important agents used to control infections and infestations of microbial agents (bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, etc.). In the approach of each drug group makes up a special reference to the mechanism of action (from molecules to the system), the pharmacokinetics, the relationship of the mechanism of action to clinical response, side effects, clinical problems and toxicity, as well as its clinical relevance to therapy.

Medical Genetics

M325 - ECTS

Concepts: genetic disease as an extreme of human variability; types of hereditary disease; genetic risks; diagnostic techniques for hereditary diseases; genetics of common diseases; genetic factor in cancer; screening, prevention and treatment of genetic diseases; the ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) of genetic diseases.

Skills: to collect, register and interpret a family history; to determine the hereditary nature of a disease; to evaluate genetic risks; to recognize the psychosocial impact of a hereditary disease; to recognize chromosomal syndromes and the most frequent hereditary diseases; to know the indications for genetic testing, to interpret results and to know its limitations.

Competences: to perform the correct diagnosis of genetic diseases; to know how and when to reference patients and relatives to clinical genetics service; to learn how to help patients in their decision-making without influencing with personal believes, to respect autonomy and not to judge choices.

Pathology II

M313 - ECTS
  1. Understand the concept of neoplasia as an alteration of growth and cell/tissue differentiation
  2. Understand the basis for classification and recognize the main types of human neoplasia
  3. Realize the epidemiological profile of the main cancer types and its time trends
  4. Recognize the main tumorigenic agents and its mechanism of action
  5. Identify the main phases of neoplastic development and the agents involved in that process
  6. Recognize the genetic, epigenetic and molecular basis of cancer
  7. Recognize and understand the mains hereditary conditions associated with cancer
  8. Integrate knowledge on genesis, biology and evolution of neoplasia using the most prevalent models of human cancer

Medical Psychology

M326 - ECTS The primary aim of the discipline of Medical Psychology Medical equip the future skills, attitudes and behaviors consistent with a comprehensive approach to human suffering.

To understand the psychological dimension of the illness process, the importance of psychosocial factors in triggering and course of the disease, the specificity of the relationship Medical (Caregiver) - Sick in its different contexts as well as differential aspects related to the life cycle, types pathology and Frames in which sickens and interacts. Knowing how to recognize and learn to cope effectively with the symptoms that the psychological sphere is more common - Anxiety and Depression - is also of key importance.

Semiology and Fisiopathology II

M321 - ECTS

-  To acquire autonomy, self-learning skills and continuing education purposes that guarantee the preservation of personal posture and professional competence, as well as the performance of the medical practice throughout life;

- To acquire postures and attributes, essential to medical profession, realizing the definitive importance of the doctor-patient relationship;

- To give clinical context to the basic scientific curriculum, integrating the knowledge previously acquired;

Systemic Anatomic Pathology

M4_BM01 - ECTS
  1. Understand the role of Anatomic Pathology, as medical specialty, in the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of patients.
  2. Contextualize the information provided by Anatomic Pathology in the setting of clinical, analytical and imagiological data of the patients
  3. Correlate the morphologic alterations, macroscopic, microscopic, immunophenotypic and genetic
  4. Integrate the general concepts of Anatomic Pathology in the main clinical models of human disease
  5. Acquire and use adequate medical language in the discussion of clinicopathological cases

Medical Deontology and Ethics

M4_BC01 - ECTS

In the context of a secular and multicultural society, to provide the student:

  • Theoretical knowledge in bioethics appropriate to the practice of health care (including organization and research) and that can help in the doctor-patient relationship;
  • The minimum skills to perform an analysis ethically grounded regarding any matter about which there is no consensus;
  • Tools to develop character traits (tolerance, honesty, integrity, courage) necessary for good patient-doctor relationship.
  • Theoretical knowledge in bioethics that are appropriate to the practice of health care (including organization and research) and that can help in the doctor-patient relationship;
  • The minimum skills to perform an analysis ethically grounded regarding any matter about which there is no consensus;
  • Tools to develop character traits (tolerance, honesty, integrity, courage) necessary for good patient-doctor relationship.

Surgery I and Surgical Specialities

M4_BC02 - ECTS

To contribute to the training of competent physicians who provide high quality care by incorporating scientific advances into their clinical practice and to contribute to such advances and to acquire the ability to continue learning during their professional careers

Introduction to Clinical Research I

OPT4_03 - ECTS

Primary objectives:

Provide knowledge of scientific methodology, stimulating creativity and, simultaneously, the development of scientific thinking.

Encourage students to identify clinically relevant problems that deserve to be investigated and to design a research proposal in their different scientific, ethical and financial aspects.

Provide opportunities for initiation into clinical research in various areas of knowledge within the Medical Sciences.

Secondary objectives:

To awaken the scientific vocation, to encourage and identify potential talents among medical students, for their effective participation in research projects.

To awaken a new mentality in relation to the hospital medical activity, regarding the clinical research strand.

Emergency Medicine

M4_BM02 - ECTS

Resuscitation and approaching life at risk situations, destined for all 4th year medical students.

Medicine I and Medical Specialities

M4_BM03 - ECTS

The student should recognize the normal morphology and physiology of the human body and the mechanisms that threaten its homeostasis. She should learn the main clinical syndromes, how to choose the best diagnostic tests and to propose the adequate treatment. The student should recognize the value of the multidisciplinary approach and the limits of his individual action, always guided by the absolute respect for human life. The choice of a specialization will be the next step and it will represent a phase of the professional life where one can accumulate detailed knowledge that will enrich the multidisciplinary way of treating patients. It is demanded that the student be acquainted with this model and actively participate during the learning process.

Research Methodologies in Biopathology

OPT4_05 - ECTS
  1. Understand the Understand the basic principles underlying molecular diagnostics
  2. Know the main techniques and molecular and cellular analysis tools in biopathology and "hands-on" work
  3. Identify the situations in which each methodology is applied and respective limitations
  4. Learn how to design, organize and carry out a laboratory work in the field of biopathology
  5. Increase the scientific communication capabilities across the organization and interpretation of experimental results in the form of a scientific communication.

Quantitative Methods in Clinic

OPT4_01 - ECTS

The course aims to provide students with knowledge of statistical methods applied to clinical research.
The knowledge will be transmitted in a practical approach that complements the theoretical knowledge: teaching will be based on the study of specific cases of investigation and analysis of real data, for students to gain experience on the correct statistical implementation that should be used.
It is intended that students acquire skills that they can use during the execution of his master's thesis.

Clinical Neurosciences

M4_BC03 - ECTS Processual skills, capacity to
a) obtain a complete clinical history,
b) perform a directed and structured neurological examination,
c) observe a patient with disturbance of consciousness or altered mental status,
d) knowing how to perform a lumbar punctur
e) make a clear and concise presentation.

Analytical skills, capacity to
a) recognise symptoms and signs that could mean a disease of the nervous system,
b) distinguish normal and abnormal signs through the neurological examination,
c) Using the symptoms and signs to determine the topographical location of the lesion,
d) formulation of differential diagnosis based on the topography of the lesion, clinical progression, epidemiology, socio-demographic information,
e) use, and interpretation of ancillary investigations ,
f) Know the basic pharmacological principals and therapeutics of neurological diseases,
g) know how to refer adequately the patients and recognise the emergency,
h) review and interpret medical literature

Artificial Nutrition

OPT4_04 - ECTS Maintaining an adequate nutritional status in patients in whom it's not possible to resort to the normal physiologicals means is recognized as an essential factor in medical training. It is essential for students to know the importance of how to provide an adequate nutritional support to patients. The learning objectives are : to integrate how each organ and systems works, alone and as parts of the whole organism in the healthy individual and in patological situations, and realize what are the limitations that influence an adequate nutritional in each clinical conditions . In this class the student will start his apprenticeship on the study of food, and the mechanisms by which the organism ingests , assimilates and uses the nutrients that provide us with the energy needed for our survival .

Otolaryngology / Ophthalmology

M4_BC04 - ECTS


To have nuclear knowledge in the field of Otorhinolaryngology.

To develop practical understanding in taking a medical history

To develop skills in performing the physical examination, including otoscopy, rhinoscopy, exploration of the pharynx and the oral cavity and in the examination of the neck


To acquire knowledge and skills to collect and report an ophthalmic clinical history, to interpret ocular signs and symptoms, to perform a basic eye examination (according to mandatory procedures performed in practical lessons), and to propose the appropriate treatments or referral (emergency or consultation).

To acquire knowledge about the most prevalent ocular diseases, treatments, and ocular side effects of

Occupational Health

OPT4_02 - ECTS General Objectives

Sensitize future physicians, for the acquisition of knowledge and skills regarding health care in the context of the world of work and action of the Doctor of Labor in these places.

Promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills and basic attitudes conducive to understanding the health problems that affect workers.

Specific Objectives

Knowledge Area
The student must know:

The concept of Occupational Health, its historical evolution in the health system;

The guiding principles of Occupational Medicine and the organizational context;

The promotion of health in the workplace (binomial health / disease);

     The most common occupational risks and the methods of their evaluation;
     Diseases of professional etiology, related and aggravated with work, its prevention, surveillance and rehabilitation.

Legislation on Safety and Health at Work in the European and Portuguese context;

The area of ​​Occupational Safety and its consequences (accidents at work)

Risk Management in Occupational Health

Area of ​​Aptitudes

The student should know:

Collect and treat the Occupational Clinical History in the different health exams;

    Identify health problems / diagnoses in the work context;

Identify occupational and environmental risk factors at work, including psychosocial ones;

    Analyze occupational accidents, occupational diseases and research in this context;

Develop skills to enable professionals to manage their problems (empowerment);

Develop skills for teamwork with other professions in this area;

The integrated management of Occupational Health and Safety

Area of ​​attitudes

The student should:

Adapt communication to the worker and employers;

Apply clinical interview techniques;

Know how to make the action plan for each worker (execution and negotiation);

Promote the improvement of their capacity for self-learning and continuous training (respect, leadership and organization).

General Therapeutics I

M4_BC05 - ECTS

To know the global treatment of respiratory patient (oxygen and drugs)

To gain familiarity with the influence of acid-base balance and fluid therapy in supporting the patient.

To know the general antibiotic therapy rules and hyperbaric adjuvant

General Therapeutics II

M4_BM04 - ECTS

To know the cardiovascular patient, with diabetes, and other important comorbidities (chronic pain, osteoporosis).

To know the patient with multidrug prescription.

To gain familiarity with the psychotropic drugs and intoxications.

Systemic Anatomic Pathology

M4_BM01 - ECTS
  1. Understand the role of Anatomic Pathology, as medical specialty, in the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of patients.
  2. Contextualize the information provided by Anatomic Pathology in the setting of clinical, analytical and imagiological data of the patients
  3. Correlate the morphologic alterations, macroscopic, microscopic, immunophenotypic and genetic
  4. Integrate the general concepts of Anatomic Pathology in the main clinical models of human disease
  5. Acquire and use adequate medical language in the discussion of clinicopathological cases

Medical Deontology and Ethics

M4_BC01 - ECTS

In the context of a secular and multicultural society, to provide the student:

  • Theoretical knowledge in bioethics appropriate to the practice of health care (including organization and research) and that can help in the doctor-patient relationship;
  • The minimum skills to perform an analysis ethically grounded regarding any matter about which there is no consensus;
  • Tools to develop character traits (tolerance, honesty, integrity, courage) necessary for good patient-doctor relationship.
  • Theoretical knowledge in bioethics that are appropriate to the practice of health care (including organization and research) and that can help in the doctor-patient relationship;
  • The minimum skills to perform an analysis ethically grounded regarding any matter about which there is no consensus;
  • Tools to develop character traits (tolerance, honesty, integrity, courage) necessary for good patient-doctor relationship.

Surgery I and Surgical Specialities

M4_BC02 - ECTS

To contribute to the training of competent physicians who provide high quality care by incorporating scientific advances into their clinical practice and to contribute to such advances and to acquire the ability to continue learning during their professional careers

Introduction to Clinical Research I

OPT4_03 - ECTS

Primary objectives:

Provide knowledge of scientific methodology, stimulating creativity and, simultaneously, the development of scientific thinking.

Encourage students to identify clinically relevant problems that deserve to be investigated and to design a research proposal in their different scientific, ethical and financial aspects.

Provide opportunities for initiation into clinical research in various areas of knowledge within the Medical Sciences.

Secondary objectives:

To awaken the scientific vocation, to encourage and identify potential talents among medical students, for their effective participation in research projects.

To awaken a new mentality in relation to the hospital medical activity, regarding the clinical research strand.

Emergency Medicine

M4_BM02 - ECTS

Resuscitation and approaching life at risk situations, destined for all 4th year medical students.

Medicine I and Medical Specialities

M4_BM03 - ECTS

The student should recognize the normal morphology and physiology of the human body and the mechanisms that threaten its homeostasis. She should learn the main clinical syndromes, how to choose the best diagnostic tests and to propose the adequate treatment. The student should recognize the value of the multidisciplinary approach and the limits of his individual action, always guided by the absolute respect for human life. The choice of a specialization will be the next step and it will represent a phase of the professional life where one can accumulate detailed knowledge that will enrich the multidisciplinary way of treating patients. It is demanded that the student be acquainted with this model and actively participate during the learning process.

Research Methodologies in Biopathology

OPT4_05 - ECTS
  1. Understand the Understand the basic principles underlying molecular diagnostics
  2. Know the main techniques and molecular and cellular analysis tools in biopathology and "hands-on" work
  3. Identify the situations in which each methodology is applied and respective limitations
  4. Learn how to design, organize and carry out a laboratory work in the field of biopathology
  5. Increase the scientific communication capabilities across the organization and interpretation of experimental results in the form of a scientific communication.

Quantitative Methods in Clinic

OPT4_01 - ECTS The course aims to provide students with knowledge of statistical methods applied to clinical research.
The knowledge will be transmitted in a practical approach that complements the theoretical knowledge: teaching will be based on the study of specific cases of investigation and analysis of real data, for students to gain experience on the correct statistical implementation that should be used.
It is intended that students acquire skills that they can use during the execution of his master's thesis.

Clinical Neurosciences

M4_BC03 - ECTS Processual skills, capacity to
a) obtain a complete clinical history,
b) perform a directed and structured neurological examination,
c) observe a patient with disturbance of consciousness or altered mental status,
d) knowing how to perform a lumbar punctur
e) make a clear and concise presentation.

Analytical skills, capacity to
a) recognise symptoms and signs that could mean a disease of the nervous system,
b) distinguish normal and abnormal signs through the neurological examination,
c) Using the symptoms and signs to determine the topographical location of the lesion,
d) formulation of differential diagnosis based on the topography of the lesion, clinical progression, epidemiology, socio-demographic information,
e) use, and interpretation of ancillary investigations ,
f) Know the basic pharmacological principals and therapeutics of neurological diseases,
g) know how to refer adequately the patients and recognise the emergency,
h) review and interpret medical literature

Artificial Nutrition

OPT4_04 - ECTS Maintaining an adequate nutritional status in patients in whom it's not possible to resort to the normal physiologicals means is recognized as an essential factor in medical training. It is essential for students to know the importance of how to provide an adequate nutritional support to patients. The learning objectives are : to integrate how each organ and systems works, alone and as parts of the whole organism in the healthy individual and in patological situations, and realize what are the limitations that influence an adequate nutritional in each clinical conditions . In this class the student will start his apprenticeship on the study of food, and the mechanisms by which the organism ingests , assimilates and uses the nutrients that provide us with the energy needed for our survival .

Otolaryngology / Ophthalmology

M4_BC04 - ECTS


To have nuclear knowledge in the field of Otorhinolaryngology.

To develop practical understanding in taking a medical history

To develop skills in performing the physical examination, including otoscopy, rhinoscopy, exploration of the pharynx and the oral cavity and in the examination of the neck


To acquire knowledge and skills to collect and report an ophthalmic clinical history, to interpret ocular signs and symptoms, to perform a basic eye examination (according to mandatory procedures performed in practical lessons), and to propose the appropriate treatments or referral (emergency or consultation).

To acquire knowledge about the most prevalent ocular diseases, treatments, and ocular side effects of

Occupational Health

OPT4_02 - ECTS General Objectives

Sensitize future physicians, for the acquisition of knowledge and skills regarding health care in the context of the world of work and action of the Doctor of Labor in these places.

Promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills and basic attitudes conducive to understanding the health problems that affect workers.

Specific Objectives

Knowledge Area
The student must know:

The concept of Occupational Health, its historical evolution in the health system;

The guiding principles of Occupational Medicine and the organizational context;

The promotion of health in the workplace (binomial health / disease);

     The most common occupational risks and the methods of their evaluation;
     Diseases of professional etiology, related and aggravated with work, its prevention, surveillance and rehabilitation.

Legislation on Safety and Health at Work in the European and Portuguese context;

The area of ​​Occupational Safety and its consequences (accidents at work)

Risk Management in Occupational Health

Area of ​​Aptitudes

The student should know:

Collect and treat the Occupational Clinical History in the different health exams;

    Identify health problems / diagnoses in the work context;

Identify occupational and environmental risk factors at work, including psychosocial ones;

    Analyze occupational accidents, occupational diseases and research in this context;

Develop skills to enable professionals to manage their problems (empowerment);

Develop skills for teamwork with other professions in this area;

The integrated management of Occupational Health and Safety

Area of ​​attitudes

The student should:

Adapt communication to the worker and employers;

Apply clinical interview techniques;

Know how to make the action plan for each worker (execution and negotiation);

Promote the improvement of their capacity for self-learning and continuous training (respect, leadership and organization).

General Therapeutics I

M4_BC05 - ECTS

To know the global treatment of respiratory patient (oxygen and drugs)

To gain familiarity with the influence of acid-base balance and fluid therapy in supporting the patient.

To know the general antibiotic therapy rules and hyperbaric adjuvant

General Therapeutics II

M4_BM04 - ECTS

To know the cardiovascular patient, with diabetes, and other important comorbidities (chronic pain, osteoporosis).

To know the patient with multidrug prescription.

To gain familiarity with the psychotropic drugs and intoxications.

Anatomic Pathology in Hospital Practice

OPT5_01 - ECTS
  1. Recognize the role of the Pathologist in multidisciplinary teams of the health systems
  2. Identify the main procedures and methodologies that support the activity of the Pathologist, acknowledging its advantages and limitations
  3. Acknowledge the limitations of pathologic diagnosis due to issues of sampling and representativeness
  4. Recognize the mains coding systems and methodologies of quality control in Pathology
  5. Increment the use of adequate medical language in the discussion of clinicopathological cases

Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine I

OPT5_17 - ECTS Learn and evaluate the patient in the preoperative period.
Patient optimization for surgery
Learn the major anesthetic techniques, ventilation modes, and monitoriging.
Learn the old and the very young/young patient clinical caractheristics and needs before surgery.
Learn the optins for labour analgesia.
Learn the more frequent ethical dilemas in the perioperative period.

Angiology and Vascular Surgery

OPT5_27 - ECTS

The objective of the optional Unit of Angiology and Vascular Surgery is to provide to students of Integrated Master Degree in Medicine of the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto, a complement in the acquisition of knowledge in the area of ​​vascular pathology, basic theoretical and practical training acquired  in the Module of Angiology and Vascular Surgery of the Curricular Unit of Surgery II.
Thus, in addition to deepening knowledge in the areas of peripheral obstructive arterial disease, aneurysmal arterial disease, acute limb ischemia, extra-cranial cerebrovascular disease, venous thromboembolism and chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs (varicose veins), the student should have contact with other pathologies, namely with the clinical characteristics and therapeutic needs of diabetic foot, aortic dissection, renovascular hypertension, vascular trauma with a particular emphasis on iatrogenic lesions , hyperhidrosis, vascular malformations, limb lymphedema, diagnostic methods in vascular pathology and therapeutic alternative in  medical as well in  endovascular, , conventional and endoscopic surgery.

Ambulatory Surgery

OPT5_02 - ECTS

Upon successful completion of the course unit, the student should be able to:

-Discriminate the advantages of Ambulatory Surgery (CA) and contextualize it in the World and in Portugal

-Identify the admissibility criteria for the CA, as well as the specialties involved

-Recognize pathologies that can be treated on an outpatient basis, as well as the principles for rigorous patient selection and surgical risk assessment

-Proceed to the collection of the clinical history, review of the personal history and layout of the physical examination;

-Complete and guide all stages of the patient's circuit in an outpatient setting, which include, from the diagnosis to the postoperative follow-up, namely: 1st consultation, pre-surgical consultation, operative block, dressings and postoperative treatments; postoperative consultation and the clinical discharge of the consultation; Phone calls from the previous day, the next day and 30 days

-Recognize the structural and functional organization of the CA Unit and its planning.

Surgery II and Surgical Specialities

M5_BC01 - ECTS


The unit of Surgery II and surgical specificities retains the general objectives of the training course started in Surgery I and surgical specificities. A basic knowledge of surgery now expands to areas of surgical oncology. It is intended to familiarize students with the epidemiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of cancers, stimulating further knowledge about malignancies. The Human and ethical aspects surrounding the treatment of cancer, the sequels, the therapeutic options, palliation  and supportive treatment, which should be known by any doctor, are adressed. We developed a theoretical program that addresses the most common malignancy and other themes of general surgery in which the Department of Surgery of HAS- CHP has special differentiation. The program also includes cornerstones topics of Anesthesia, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Urology.



Pediatric Surgery

OPT5_04 - ECTS

Upon the successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

- Understand the pathophysiology, diagnosis and principles of handling common and rare surgical entities, with particular clinical relevance in children and adolescents;

- Promote the improvement of the provision of primary health care and referred to child and adolescent population;

- Know the propaedeutic, pathology and clinical common and relevant situations within the Pediatric Surgery;

- Proceed to the differential diagnosis and begin preoperative handling in emergency situations;

- Seize the moments of surgical treatment and identify when referencing;

- Communicate with the child / adolescent parents and attending assistant, demonstrating a responsible and humanistic attitude.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

OPT5_19 - ECTS

The purpose of Plastic and Reconstrutive Surgery lessons is to provide a concise, practical and comprehensive covering of the entire field of the surgical speciality. The lessons are intended for those medical students interested in plastic surgery but the scope may also make it useful to those interested in related surgical disciplines whose fields share common anatomic turf with plastic surgery. Teachers challenge is to cover the entire spectrum of plastic surgery, yet shorten and condense each topic to its essentials.

The learning combines theoretical and practical lessons done with the group of medical students together.

This course provides the methodological basis for understanding the identification and treatment of the most frequent issues in plastic surgery practice, and the medical students are expected to achieve these goals.

Palliative Care

OPT5_20 - ECTS Acquisition of Palliative Care knowledge in chronic oncological and non-oncological patients.

Emergency Medicine I

OPT5_22 - ECTS

Priority approach to Medical Emergencies (non-trauma), destined to 5th year medical students, in the 1st semester, with a minimum of 6 students (to organize the course) and a maximum of 48 students per semester.

Clinical Hydrology

OPT5_15 - ECTS

Know the reality of the “hydropathic medicine” in its areas of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

Valorize the contextual aspects recognized by the WHO, namely its ICF in Health Promotion, in a preventive/curative way

Acknowledge the Hydrotherapy as a modality of “hydropathic medicine” on the EU

Differentiate the concepts of "classic" and "wellness" hydrotherapy

Apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired

Understand the models of the functioning of a thermal spa, accounting the aspects of health promotion, treatment and rehabilitation

Identify the Portuguese thermal spas and its water types, as the indications and contraindications for a thermal treatment

Have also ideas about thermal reality in the EU area

Apply crenotherapeutic and complementary techniques

Prescribe a dietary and exercise program by assessing the physical condition and risk factors

Understand the regulatory aspects of hydrotherapy as data from hydrological practice at an international level

Clinical Imaging

OPT5_14 - ECTS

Integration of the means of study and clinical information.

Clinical indications for the different diagnostic and therapeutic techniques guided by imaging.

Diagnostic capacity of urgent and non-urgent basic situations.

Diagnostic capability guided by reporting in differentiated situations.

Perspective of technical advances.

Clinical Immunology

OPT5_11 - ECTS

In addition to the general and transversal objectives of the curricular units of the MIM, the main objectives are the optimization of the functional link between theoretical knowledge, clinical practice and therapeutic therapy.

Introduction to Clinical Research II

OPT5_16 - ECTS

Primary objectives:

Provide knowledge of scientific methodology, stimulating creativity and, simultaneously, the development of scientific thinking.

Provide opportunities for initiation into clinical research in various areas of knowledge within the Medical Sciences.

Provide students with the opportunity to carry out the research project developed within the framework of DIIC 1.

Teach students to write a report on the execution of a research project and write an original article.

Secondary objectives:

To awaken the scientific vocation, to encourage and identify potential talents among medical students, for their effective participation in research projects.

To awaken a new mentality in relation to the hospital medical activity, regarding the clinical research strand.

Medicine of Children and Adolescents I

M5_BM01 - ECTS
General aims:
We expect the students to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills that enable them to provide supportive care to the children and adolescent, in their familiar and social context. The students must gather knowledge on health promotion, disease prevention, child and family protection and on the normal child physiology, growth and development, in all its aspects, and on the most common diseases and therapeutic.

Specific aims
The student must be acquire knowledge on:
  • The characteristics of the normal child from 0 to 18 years, including: growth, development, vaccination plan, behavior and normal variants;
  • The identification of the specific characteristics of each age group: Newborn; Extra-uterine life adaptation; Breast-feeding; Preschool age; School age; Adolescence and puberty;
  • The child health surveillance standards;
  • Identification and guidance of the most common clinical situations: acute illness; Child abuse and maltreatment; Accidents; Attitudes and communication skills with the child, the adolescent and their families;
  • Specific ethical aspects of each age group;
  • How to integrate a child health-oriented multidisciplinary team;
  • Learn about the most common diseases in different age group;
  • How to act on the most common urgent and emergency situations;
  • Developing clinical reasoning skills regarding: History and physical examination; Systematization of the main problems; Hierarchical formulation of differential diagnosis; Judicious use of diagnostic laboratory and imagiological tests; Elaboration of a therapeutic plan proposal; Critical analysis of the results of diagnostic tests; Elaboration of a follow-up plan;
  • Communicating appropriately with the child and the family;
  • Understanding and developing an integrated approach, especially in situations of chronic diseases;
  • Knowing the specifics of pediatric medical ethics.

Women's Medicine: Gynecology

M5_BC02 - ECTS

Knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by students:
a) ability to obtain a complete clinical history,
b) recognize symptoms and signs and perform a physical and oriented physical examination, both gynecological and breast,
c) use, indications and interpretation of diagnostic tests,
d) formulate the different differential diagnoses,
e) ability to formulate a definitive diagnosis
f) to know the medical and / or surgical therapies for the prosthesis diagnosis, as well as for differential diagnoses,
g) to have knowledge of different surgical approaches (conventional surgery / minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery) ability to know how to predict evolution, clinical prognosis,
i) to know the degree of severity of the disease and how to solve it, in a "normal", emergency or emergency degree; screening (gynecological and breast).

Women's Medicine: Obstetrics

M5_BC03 - ECTS

Main objective:
- To provide basic information in the field of Obstetrics and to get that students of the MIM to develop related capacities: knowledge about physiology, semiology, pathology and therapeutics, clinical examination and subsidiary examinations, prevention and screening. To underline the coexistence of two potential patients, the mother and the fetus.


General objectives:

- To know the pre-conceptional care and therelevance of the pre-conceptional consultation

- To know the maternal and fetal-placental physiology.

- To know the intrinsic pathology of pregnancy.

- To Know how certain preexisting conditions can affect pregnancy and vice versa.

- To learn the relevant aspects of an obstetric history, identifying problems pointing patient referrals.

- To know how to monitor a pregnancy, in the dual perspective of the mother and the fetus.

- To understand the reason underlying the request for certain analyzes and imaging tests and at what gestational ages.

- To know the techniques of evaluation of the fetal wellbeing

- To know attitudes and ways of preventing diseases that can affect the success of pregnancy
- To learn to advise pregnant women about lifestyles, diet and habits

- To learn to identify a risky pregnancy
- To learn to solve small problems that may occur during pregnancy and puerperium.
 - To earn to perform a routine obstetrical examination, such as speculum vaginal inspection, bimanual touch, detect fetal heart activity, measure uterine height and diagnose fetal presentation through abdominal palpation in the term.
- To fill the Pregnancy Health Report correctly
- To know the physiology of childbirth, which distinguishes a normal birth from an abnormal birth and the basic care in a normal birth.
- To know postpartum care and the importance of breastfeeding.
- To know the relevant legislation related to pregnancy.


Transplantation Medicine

OPT5_09 - ECTS

Upon the successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

  1. To master the principles of organ donation for transplantation;
  2. Understand that the efficiency of transplantation depends on a number of advances in transplantation immunology, on the handling of several immunosuppressive drugs, on the interpretation of laboratory tests results and imaging results and on ever increasing technical improvements in surgery techniques;
  3. Apply a set of demanding and rigorous measures for evaluation and selection of transplant candidates;
  4. Monitor the patient on the waiting list, in the immediate postoperative period and after post-discharge ;
  5. Understand the ethical norms, as well as national policy regarding organ donation.

Emerging Diseases and Travel Medicine

OPT5_13 - ECTS Acquisition of epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic concepts of the most common issues on Tropical Medicine and emerging illnesses. The student should understand the importance of this subject in a globalised world and its growing "expansion", once restricted to tropical areas.

General and Familiar Medicine I

M5_BM02 - ECTS


The program of this unit of study aims to inform the family doctor as a health agent which acts at the level of Primary Health Care, who knows and manages problems affecting individuals, their family and their community, and are, mainly, the gatekeeper of the health system

Internationally were outlined by The EURACT (European Academy of Teachers in Family Medicine /General Practice) in his Educational Agenda, the fundamental characteristics which the Unit of study and the teaching of Family Medicine must contain, grouping them into six core competencies that once acquired are converted into performance skills aiming its practical application in health care. The core competencies are: Primary Care Management; Person-centered care; Specific problems solving skills; Comprehensive approach; Holistic modelling; Community Orientation.

It is intended that during the semester students acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for a good performance in general practice. Anticipating what will be the year vocational education, it is hoped that through a guided practice, students receive education and training necessary for the practice of medicine in the context outside the hospital.



1 - Goals. Aims future physicians for the acquisition of knowledge in an area with its own characteristics and a specific scope of action. Cause to be learned skills related to the needs of the individual (patient-centered approach), family, and community.

Medicine II and Medical Specialities

M5_BM03 - ECTS

The general objectives to be achieved by the students are divided into: knowledge, clinical skills and attitude & behaviour.

Knowledge: Students should understand the mechanisms and presentation of the main syndromes and pathologies that are included in the different modules of the class, as well as their diagnostic approach and the principles of the therapeutic plan, including the approach of acute situations and prediction of prognosis. The comprehension of the environmental, social and cultural contexts in which diseases occur is essential, as well as knowing the principles of preventive medicine and of a healthy lifestyle, the underlining epidemiology and community healthcare, and how all these principles should be individualized to each particular patient. The ethical and legal aspects inherent to the practice of medicine and the organization of healthcare will also be crucial when providing patient care and should be familiar to the students. 

Clinical skills: Students should communicate appropriately and efficiently with the patients, their relatives and with other healthcare professionals and should be able to work efficiently in a multidisciplinary team. Students should obtain and register a structured medical history, perform correctly a thourough physical examination, make an adequate list of problems, consider the differential diagnosis and propose an investigation plan. The ability to interpret and integrate the findings in the medical history, physical examination and exams will then be essential to reach a diagnosis, propose a therapeutic plan and define the prognosis. Students must also acquire execution skills in basic medical procedures and techniques, that will be specified in each module. 

Attitudes & behaviour: A professional attitude, focused on the best patient care and according to the highest standards of medical practice is fundamental. This includes the respect for cultural, social and linguistic diversity of the patients, colleagues and all healthcare professionals. Students must also acknowledge patient rights, including the confidentiality duty and informed consent; develop clinical investigation skills and critical analysis of scientific data. They should embrace the need to guarantee quality and safety of the care provided to the patient, according to the guidelines of scientific societies and state of the art. Students are also expected to be aware of personal and professional boundaries and should ask for help and provide their help whenever needed.

Intensive Care Medicine

OPT5_06 - ECTS

Upon the successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

- Understand the Intensive Care Medicine as a set of own knowledge, not exclusive to any existing specialty, which is based on intensive monitoring and support of patients with potentially reversible severe organ failures;

- Apply the set of technicalities, classically associated with different specialties required for diagnostic, surveillance, supervision and therapy;

- Understand the own model of practice performance, based on the concept of understanding the logic of pathophysiology, complemented by a strategy of continuous evaluation;

- Assume a responsible and humanistic attitude in end of life situations, which may require difficult ethical choices.

Legal Medicine

M5_BC04 - ECTS Overall objective: to create a period of acquisition of basic skills in forensic science (knowledge, skills and attitudes), in order to prepare the future doctors to act correctly and appropriately, in the best interests of their patients, and always in accordance with the law, when confronted in his professional life with issues of legal nature, regardless of the specialty in which to work, in order to contribute to a good administration of Justice , for the prevention of violence and for the treatment, protection, rehabilitation and reintegration of people concerned with issues of forensics.

Specific objectives: to provide a set of basic knowledge about the various aspects of activity of legal medicine and of other forensic sciences, as regards its scope, objectives, skills and relevant legislation, with particular emphasis on how these science can and must articulate with the remaining areas of medical intervention; Provide a set of basic knowledge of medicolegal semiology relating to different types of injuries and, in particular, about the Biomechanics of the production of lesions, as well as develop skills for the documentation of injuries and sequelae (description and photographic record); Provide a set of basic knowledge about the nature and production of evidence, as well as develop capabilities to its proper identification, documentation, procurement (if necessary) and preservation, packaging and transport, ensuring the chain of custody; Develop ability to interpret certain types of of traumatic and formulate the appropriate differential diagnosis (clinical and medico-legal), particularly relevant aspect when these may constitute evidence of crimes; Provide general guidance on appropriate medical actions for medico-legal situations, with a view to the joint resolution of these cases to trans-disciplinary, not only at the level of the various medical specialties, but also with other areas of knowledge, including law, social work and psychology; Sensitize prospective doctors, through contact with real cases, the need to strive for the protection of victims and prevention of violence (voluntary and involuntary).

Clinical Microbiology

OPT5_10 - ECTS

The main goal of Clínical Mycrobiology curricular unit is:

- Updating of knowledge to improve professional skills in the areas of clinical and laboratory microbiological diagnosis
- Optimization of the functional connection between the microbiological diagnostic laboratory, clinical practice, therapeutic decision and the control committee of antimicrobial resistance and infection


OPT5_03 - ECTS

After the successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

- Demonstrate basic medical culture, with respect to the generic knowledge about certain neurosurgical pathologies, their incidence and prevalence; particularly in relation to the cranial traumatic pathology, spinal pathology, tumors interesting the nervous system, intracranial hemorrhages and modern functional neurosurgery with a particular focus on the treatment of epilepsy, movement and pain disorders;

- Identify and timely guide problems or medical conditions that may benefit from care from a specialist in Neurosurgery, in order to prevent squeals and inability to cure, or even be responsible for the death or severe disability;

- Understand the differentiation of Neurosurgery, within the neurosciences, as an individual and well-defined area.

Clinical Oncology

OPT5_07 - ECTS Oncology is the field of Medicine that deals with the prevention, screening and the diagnosis, staging, treatment and follow-up of patients with cancer and its complications, including palliative and supportive care. The student should demonstrates the following skills and abilities: a) Understands the natural history, biology and genetics of cancer, as well as the principles of its treatment; b) Acquires the ability to prevent, diagnose and staging cancer; c) Acquires notions on the treatment of principal malignancies, as well as the importance of a multidisciplinary approach; d) Learns to evaluate and control the side effects of various treatments; e) Acquires notions about acting throughout the evolution of different tumors, as well as in individual, family, social and professional contexts, including in these the capacity to communicate adequately with patients and their families; f) Learns to outline, conducting and interpret clinical studies.


M5_BC05 - ECTS

The knowledge about prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases of locomotor system, namely traumatic, congenital, development and degenerative. The “Practical Lessons” are preceded by combined theoretical lessons “Theoretical Primer”.

Gastrointestinal Pathology

OPT5_12 - ECTS

After successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

  1. Understand the scientific basis of Gastroenterology;
  2. Identify the fundamental principles of biology, genetics and clinic of digestive diseases;
  3. Perform collection, recording and reporting of clinical information (history of the disease, objective examination and complementary exams, which will be used to evaluate a list of problems, and objectively examine the patient);
  4. Establish a strategy of diagnosis, with the most appropriate research methodology;
  5. Solve clinical problems with the most appropriate therapeutic approaches;
  6. Differentiate digestive diseases that can be observed in ambulatory.
  7. Distinguish which screening programs, particularly for genetically based diseases, and understand the importance of disease prevention and health promotion

Clinical Practice of Oncology

OPT5_21 - ECTS
  1. Understand the main clinical manifestations and principles of therapy of the most common cancer types
  2. Recognize the importance of multidisciplinarity in the clinical evaluation of cancer patients
  3. Identify the contribution of the several medical specialties involved in the management of cancer patients
  4. Understand the bases of cancer therapy in the main organic systems
  5. Integrate, through the observation of clinical cases, the knowledge acquired previously about cancer epidemiology, biology, pathology, clinics and therapy

Cardiac Rehabilitation

OPT5_26 - ECTS

The general learning objectives to be acquired by students will be obtaining theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation, accompanying patients in the inpatient and outpatient setting, including supervised exercise sessions. The clinical identification and management of cardiovascular risk factors and knowledge of the various components, contents and indications for Cardiac Rehabilitation programs, are the main goals of this curricular unit.

Anatomic Pathology in Hospital Practice

OPT5_01 - ECTS
  1. Recognize the role of the Pathologist in multidisciplinary teams of the health systems
  2. Identify the main procedures and methodologies that support the activity of the Pathologist, acknowledging its advantages and limitations
  3. Acknowledge the limitations of pathologic diagnosis due to issues of sampling and representativeness
  4. Recognize the mains coding systems and methodologies of quality control in Pathology
  5. Increment the use of adequate medical language in the discussion of clinicopathological cases

Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine II

OPT5_18 - ECTS

To know the anaesthetic pharmacology and anaesthesia depth. Familiarity with anaesthesia for the various surgical and medical specialities and outside operating room including regional anaesthesia. To have know how to deal with the critical patient that is going to be operated. Know the most common critical incidents in the operating room.

To have the knowledge for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery

Angiology and Vascular Surgery

OPT5_27 - ECTS The objective of the optional Unit of Angiology and Vascular Surgery is to provide to students of Integrated Master Degree in Medicine of the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto, a complement in the acquisition of knowledge in the area of ​​vascular pathology, basic theoretical and practical training acquired  in the Module of Angiology and Vascular Surgery of the Curricular Unit of Surgery II.
Thus, in addition to deepening knowledge in the areas of peripheral obstructive arterial disease, aneurysmal arterial disease, acute limb ischemia, extra-cranial cerebrovascular disease, venous thromboembolism and chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs (varicose veins), the student should have contact with other pathologies, namely with the clinical characteristics and therapeutic needs of diabetic foot, aortic dissection, renovascular hypertension, vascular trauma with a particular emphasis on iatrogenic lesions , hyperhidrosis, vascular malformations, limb lymphedema, diagnostic methods in vascular pathology and therapeutic alternative in  medical as well in  endovascular, , conventional and endoscopic surgery.

Ambulatory Surgery

OPT5_02 - ECTS

Upon successful completion of the course unit, the student should be able to:

-Discriminate the advantages of Ambulatory Surgery (CA) and contextualize it in the World and in Portugal

-Identify the admissibility criteria for the CA, as well as the specialties involved

-Recognize pathologies that can be treated on an outpatient basis, as well as the principles for rigorous patient selection and surgical risk assessment

-Proceed to the collection of the clinical history, review of the personal history and layout of the physical examination;

-Complete and guide all stages of the patient's circuit in an outpatient setting, which include, from the diagnosis to the postoperative follow-up, namely: 1st consultation, pre-surgical consultation, operative block, dressings and postoperative treatments; postoperative consultation and the clinical discharge of the consultation; Phone calls from the previous day, the next day and 30 days

-Recognize the structural and functional organization of the CA Unit and its planning.

Surgery II and Surgical Specialities

M5_BC01 - ECTS The unit of Surgery II and surgical specificities retains the general objectives of the training course started in Surgery I and surgical specificities. A basic knowledge of surgery now expands to areas of surgical oncology. It is intended to familiarize students with the epidemiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of cancers, stimulating further knowledge about malignancies. The Human and ethical aspects surrounding the treatment of cancer, the sequels, the therapeutic options, palliation  and supportive treatment, which should be known by any doctor, are adressed. We developed a theoretical program that addresses the most common malignancy and other themes of general surgery in which the Department of Surgery of HAS- CHP has special differentiation. The program also includes cornerstones topics of Anesthesia, Plastic Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Urology.

Pediatric Surgery

OPT5_04 - ECTS

Upon the successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

 - Understand the pathophysiology, diagnosis and principles of handling common and rare surgical entities, with particular clinical relevance in children and adolescents;

 - Promote the improvement of the provision of primary health care and referred to child and adolescent population;

 - Know the propaedeutic, pathology and clinical common and relevant situations within the Pediatric Surgery;

 - Proceed to the differential diagnosis and begin preoperative handling in emergency situations;

 - Seize the moments of surgical treatment and identify when referencing;

 - Communicate with the child / adolescent parents and attending assistant, demonstrating a responsible and humanistic attitude.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

OPT5_19 - ECTS

The purpose of Plastic and Reconstrutive Surgery lessons is to provide a concise, practical and comprehensive covering of the entire field of the surgical speciality. The lessons are intended for those medical students interested in plastic surgery but the scope may also make it useful to those interested in related surgical disciplines whose fields share common anatomic turf with plastic surgery. Teachers challenge is to cover the entire spectrum of plastic surgery, yet shorten and condense each topic to its essentials.

The learning combines theoretical and practical lessons done with the group of medical students together.

This course provides the methodological basis for understanding the identification and treatment of the most frequent issues in plastic surgery practice, and the medical students are expected to achieve these goals.

Palliative Care

OPT5_20 - ECTS Acquisition of Palliative Care knowledge in chronic oncological and non-oncological patients.

Emergency Medicine II

OPT5_23 - ECTS

Priority approach to Trauma related medical emergencies, destined to 5th year medical students, during the 2nd semester, with a minimum of 6 students (to organize the course) and a maximum of 48 students per semester.

Clinical Hydrology

OPT5_15 - ECTS

Know the reality of the “hydropathic medicine” in its areas of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation

Valorize the contextual aspects recognized by the WHO, namely its ICF in Health Promotion, in a preventive/curative way

Acknowledge the Hydrotherapy as a modality of “hydropathic medicine” on the EU

Differentiate the concepts of "classic" and "wellness" hydrotherapy

Apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired

Understand the models of the functioning of a thermal spa, accounting the aspects of health promotion, treatment and rehabilitation

Identify the Portuguese thermal spas and its water types, as the indications and contraindications for a thermal treatment

Have also ideas about thermal reality in the EU area

Apply crenotherapeutic and complementary techniques

Prescribe a dietary and exercise program by assessing the physical condition and risk factors

Understand the regulatory aspects of hydrotherapy as data from hydrological practice at an intern

Clinical Imaging

OPT5_14 - ECTS

Integration of the means of study and clinical information.

Clinical indications for the different diagnostic and therapeutic techniques guided by imaging.

Diagnostic capacity of urgent and non-urgent basic situations.

Diagnostic capability guided by reporting in differentiated situations.

Perspective of technical advances.

Clinical Immunology

OPT5_11 - ECTS

In addition to the general and transversal objectives of the curricular units of the MIM, the main objectives are the optimization of the functional link between theoretical knowledge, clinical practice and therapeutic therapy.

Introduction to Clinical Research II

OPT5_16 - ECTS

Primary objectives:

Provide knowledge of scientific methodology, stimulating creativity and, simultaneously, the development of scientific thinking.

Provide opportunities for initiation into clinical research in various areas of knowledge within the Medical Sciences.

Provide students with the opportunity to carry out the research project developed within the framework of DIIC 1.

Teach students to write a report on the execution of a research project and write an original article.

Secondary objectives:

To awaken the scientific vocation, to encourage and identify potential talents among medical students, for their effective participation in research projects.

To awaken a new mentality in relation to the hospital medical activity, regarding the clinical research strand.

Medicine of Children and Adolescents I

M5_BM01 - ECTS
General aims:
We expect the students to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills that enable them to provide supportive care to the children and adolescent, in their familiar and social context. The students must gather knowledge on health promotion, disease prevention, child and family protection and on the normal child physiology, growth and development, in all its aspects, and on the most common diseases and therapeutic.

Specific aims
The student must be acquire knowledge on:
  • The characteristics of the normal child from 0 to 18 years, including: growth, development, vaccination plan, behavior and normal variants;
  • The identification of the specific characteristics of each age group: Newborn; Extra-uterine life adaptation; Breast-feeding; Preschool age; School age; Adolescence and puberty;
  • The child health surveillance standards;
  • Identification and guidance of the most common clinical situations: acute illness; Child abuse and maltreatment; Accidents; Attitudes and communication skills with the child, the adolescent and their families;
  • Specific ethical aspects of each age group;
  • How to integrate a child health-oriented multidisciplinary team;
  • Learn about the most common diseases in different age group;
  • How to act on the most common urgent and emergency situations;
  • Developing clinical reasoning skills regarding: History and physical examination; Systematization of the main problems; Hierarchical formulation of differential diagnosis; Judicious use of diagnostic laboratory and imagiological tests; Elaboration of a therapeutic plan proposal; Critical analysis of the results of diagnostic tests; Elaboration of a follow-up plan;
  • Communicating appropriately with the child and the family;
  • Understanding and developing an integrated approach, especially in situations of chronic diseases;
  • Knowing the specifics of pediatric medical ethics.

Women's Medicine: Gynecology

M5_BC02 - ECTS

Knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by students:
a) ability to obtain a complete clinical history,
b) recognize symptoms and signs and perform a physical and oriented physical examination, both gynecological and breast,
c) use, indications and interpretation of diagnostic tests,
d) formulate the different differential diagnoses,
e) ability to formulate a definitive diagnosis
f) to know the medical and / or surgical therapies for the prosthesis diagnosis, as well as for differential diagnoses,
g) to have knowledge of different surgical approaches (conventional surgery / minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery) ability to know how to predict evolution, clinical prognosis,
i) to know the degree of severity of the disease and how to solve it, in a "normal", emergency or emergency degree; screening (gynecological and breast).

Women's Medicine: Obstetrics

M5_BC03 - ECTS

Main objective:
- To provide basic information in the field of Obstetrics and to get that students of the MIM to develop related capacities: knowledge about physiology, semiology, pathology and therapeutics, clinical examination and subsidiary examinations, prevention and screening. To underline the coexistence of two potential patients, the mother and the fetus.


General objectives:

- To know the pre-conceptional care and therelevance of the pre-conceptional consultation

- To know the maternal and fetal-placental physiology.

- To know the intrinsic pathology of pregnancy.

- To Know how certain preexisting conditions can affect pregnancy and vice versa.

- To learn the relevant aspects of an obstetric history, identifying problems pointing patient referrals.

- To know how to monitor a pregnancy, in the dual perspective of the mother and the fetus.

- To understand the reason underlying the request for certain analyzes and imaging tests and at what gestational ages.

- To know the techniques of evaluation of the fetal wellbeing

- To know attitudes and ways of preventing diseases that can affect the success of pregnancy
- To learn to advise pregnant women about lifestyles, diet and habits

- To learn to identify a risky pregnancy
- To learn to solve small problems that may occur during pregnancy and puerperium.
 - To earn to perform a routine obstetrical examination, such as speculum vaginal inspection, bimanual touch, detect fetal heart activity, measure uterine height and diagnose fetal presentation through abdominal palpation in the term.
- To fill the Pregnancy Health Report correctly
- To know the physiology of childbirth, which distinguishes a normal birth from an abnormal birth and the basic care in a normal birth.
- To know postpartum care and the importance of breastfeeding.
- To know the relevant legislation related to pregnancy.


Transplantation Medicine

OPT5_09 - ECTS

Upon the successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

  1. To master the principles of organ donation for transplantation;
  2. Understand that the efficiency of transplantation depends on a number of advances in transplantation immunology, on the handling of several immunosuppressive drugs, on the interpretation of laboratory tests results and imaging results and on ever increasing technical improvements in surgery techniques;
  3. Apply a set of demanding and rigorous measures for evaluation and selection of transplant candidates;
  4. Monitor the patient on the waiting list, in the immediate postoperative period and after post-discharge ;
  5. Understand the ethical norms, as well as national policy regarding organ donation.

Emerging Diseases and Travel Medicine

OPT5_13 - ECTS

Acquisition of epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic concepts of the most common issues on Tropical Medicine and emerging illnesses. The student should understand the importance of this subject in a globalised world and its growing "expansion", once restricted to tropical areas.

General and Familiar Medicine I

M5_BM02 - ECTS


The program of this unit of study aims to inform the family doctor as a health agent which acts at the level of Primary Health Care, who knows and manages problems affecting individuals, their family and their community, and are, mainly, the gatekeeper of the health system

Internationally were outlined by The EURACT (European Academy of Teachers in Family Medicine /General Practice) in his Educational Agenda, the fundamental characteristics which the Unit of study and the teaching of Family Medicine must contain, grouping them into six core competencies that once acquired are converted into performance skills aiming its practical application in health care. The core competencies are: Primary Care Management; Person-centered care; Specific problems solving skills; Comprehensive approach; Holistic modelling; Community Orientation.

It is intended that during the semester students acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for a good performance in general practice. Anticipating what will be the year vocational education, it is hoped that through a guided practice, students receive education and training necessary for the practice of medicine in the context outside the hospital.



1 - Goals. Aims future physicians for the acquisition of knowledge in an area with its own characteristics and a specific scope of action. Cause to be learned skills related to the needs of the individual (patient-centered approach), family, and community.

Medicine II and Medical Specialities

M5_BM03 - ECTS

The general objectives to be achieved by the students are divided into: knowledge, clinical skills and attitude & behaviour.

Knowledge: Students should understand the mechanisms and presentation of the main syndromes and pathologies that are included in the different modules of the class, as well as their diagnostic approach and the principles of the therapeutic plan, including the approach of acute situations and prediction of prognosis. The comprehension of the environmental, social and cultural contexts in which diseases occur is essential, as well as knowing the principles of preventive medicine and of a healthy lifestyle, the underlining epidemiology and community healthcare, and how all these principles should be individualized to each particular patient. The ethical and legal aspects inherent to the practice of medicine and the organization of healthcare will also be crucial when providing patient care and should be familiar to the students. 

Clinical skills: Students should communicate appropriately and efficiently with the patients, their relatives and with other healthcare professionals and should be able to work efficiently in a multidisciplinary team. Students should obtain and register a structured medical history, perform correctly a thourough physical examination, make an adequate list of problems, consider the differential diagnosis and propose an investigation plan. The ability to interpret and integrate the findings in the medical history, physical examination and exams will then be essential to reach a diagnosis, propose a therapeutic plan and define the prognosis. Students must also acquire execution skills in basic medical procedures and techniques, that will be specified in each module. 

Attitudes & behaviour: A professional attitude, focused on the best patient care and according to the highest standards of medical practice is fundamental. This includes the respect for cultural, social and linguistic diversity of the patients, colleagues and all healthcare professionals. Students must also acknowledge patient rights, including the confidentiality duty and informed consent; develop clinical investigation skills and critical analysis of scientific data. They should embrace the need to guarantee quality and safety of the care provided to the patient, according to the guidelines of scientific societies and state of the art. Students are also expected to be aware of personal and professional boundaries and should ask for help and provide their help whenever needed.

Intensive Care Medicine

OPT5_06 - ECTS

Upon the successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

- Understand the Intensive Care Medicine as a set of own knowledge, not exclusive to any existing specialty, which is based on intensive monitoring and support of patients with potentially reversible severe organ failures;

- Apply the set of technicalities, classically associated with different specialties required for diagnostic, surveillance, supervision and therapy;

- Understand the own model of practice performance, based on the concept of understanding the logic of pathophysiology, complemented by a strategy of continuous evaluation;

- Assume a responsible and humanistic attitude in end of life situations, which may require difficult ethical choices.

Legal Medicine

M5_BC04 - ECTS Overall objective: to create a period of acquisition of basic skills in forensic science (knowledge, skills and attitudes), in order to prepare the future doctors to act correctly and appropriately, in the best interests of their patients, and always in accordance with the law, when confronted in his professional life with issues of legal nature, regardless of the specialty in which to work, in order to contribute to a good administration of Justice , for the prevention of violence and for the treatment, protection, rehabilitation and reintegration of people concerned with issues of forensics.

Specific objectives: to provide a set of basic knowledge about the various aspects of activity of legal medicine and of other forensic sciences, as regards its scope, objectives, skills and relevant legislation, with particular emphasis on how these science can and must articulate with the remaining areas of medical intervention; Provide a set of basic knowledge of medicolegal semiology relating to different types of injuries and, in particular, about the Biomechanics of the production of lesions, as well as develop skills for the documentation of injuries and sequelae (description and photographic record); Provide a set of basic knowledge about the nature and production of evidence, as well as develop capabilities to its proper identification, documentation, procurement (if necessary) and preservation, packaging and transport, ensuring the chain of custody; Develop ability to interpret certain types of of traumatic and formulate the appropriate differential diagnosis (clinical and medico-legal), particularly relevant aspect when these may constitute evidence of crimes; Provide general guidance on appropriate medical actions for medico-legal situations, with a view to the joint resolution of these cases to trans-disciplinary, not only at the level of the various medical specialties, but also with other areas of knowledge, including law, social work and psychology; Sensitize prospective doctors, through contact with real cases, the need to strive for the protection of victims and prevention of violence (voluntary and involuntary).

Clinical Microbiology

OPT5_10 - ECTS

The main goal of Clínical Mycrobiology curricular unit is:

- Updating of knowledge to improve professional skills in the areas of clinical and laboratory microbiological diagnosis
- Optimization of the functional connection between the microbiological diagnostic laboratory, clinical practice, therapeutic decision and the control committee of antimicrobial resistance and infection


OPT5_03 - ECTS

After the successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

- Demonstrate basic medical culture, with respect to the generic knowledge about certain neurosurgical pathologies, their incidence and prevalence; particularly in relation to the cranial traumatic pathology, spinal pathology, tumors interesting the nervous system, intracranial hemorrhages and modern functional neurosurgery with a particular focus on the treatment of epilepsy, movement and pain disorders;

- Identify and timely guide problems or medical conditions that may benefit from care from a specialist in Neurosurgery, in order to prevent squeals and inability to cure, or even be responsible for the death or severe disability;

- Understand the differentiation of Neurosurgery, within the neurosciences, as an individual and well-defined area.

Clinical Oncology

OPT5_07 - ECTS Oncology is the field of Medicine that deals with the prevention, screening and the diagnosis, staging, treatment and follow-up of patients with cancer and its complications, including palliative and supportive care. The student should demonstrates the following skills and abilities: a) Understands the natural history, biology and genetics of cancer, as well as the principles of its treatment; b) Acquires the ability to prevent, diagnose and staging cancer; c) Acquires notions on the treatment of principal malignancies, as well as the importance of a multidisciplinary approach; d) Learns to evaluate and control the side effects of various treatments; e) Acquires notions about acting throughout the evolution of different tumors, as well as in individual, family, social and professional contexts, including in these the capacity to communicate adequately with patients and their families; f) Learns to outline, conducting and interpret clinical studies.


M5_BC05 - ECTS


The knowledge about prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases of locomotor system, namely traumatic, congenital, development and degenerative. The “Practical Lessons” are preceded by combined theoretical lessons “Theoretical Primer”.


Gastrointestinal Pathology

OPT5_12 - ECTS

After successful conclusion of the curricular unit, the student must be able to:

  1. Understand the scientific basis of Gastroenterology;
  2. Identify the fundamental principles of biology, genetics and clinic of digestive diseases;
  3. Perform collection, recording and reporting of clinical information (history of the disease, objective examination and complementary exams, which will be used to evaluate a list of problems, and objectively examine the patient);
  4. Establish a strategy of diagnosis, with the most appropriate research methodology;
  5. Solve clinical problems with the most appropriate therapeutic approaches;
  6. Differentiate digestive diseases that can be observed in ambulatory.
  7. Distinguish which screening programs, particularly for genetically based diseases, and understand the importance of disease prevention and health promotion

Clinical Practice of Oncology

OPT5_21 - ECTS
  1. Understand the main clinical manifestations and principles of therapy of the most common cancer types
  2. Recognize the importance of multidisciplinarity in the clinical evaluation of cancer patients
  3. Identify the contribution of the several medical specialties involved in the management of cancer patients
  4. Understand the bases of cancer therapy in the main organic systems
  5. Integrate, through the observation of clinical cases, the knowledge acquired previously about cancer epidemiology, biology, pathology, clinics and therapy


M5_BC06 - ECTS Provide students with the basic knowledge of the course, in particular, their integration in the context of medical science, its methodological and clinical characteristics and with the clinical aspects of mental disorders with most epidemiological relevance

Cardiac Rehabilitation

OPT5_26 - ECTS

The general learning objectives to be acquired by students will be obtaining theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation, accompanying patients in the inpatient and outpatient setting, including supervised exercise sessions. The clinical identification and management of cardiovascular risk factors and knowledge of the various components, contents and indications for Cardiac Rehabilitation programs, are the main goals of this curricular unit.


Dissertation/ Project/ Internship

M601 - ECTS The student freely chooses one of the modalities of the Unit, scheduling and developing work with support from a supervisor, and possibly a co-supervisor. All modalities are equally legitimate and valued. The redacted work is valued by a jury, and is supplemented by a formal presentation and public discussion session.

Hospital Surgery

M605 - ECTS


Acquisition by students of knowledge, skills and attitudes:

Can understand the medical procedure and to demonstrate professional and ethical behavior in their realization
Ability to communicate with patients and other professionals
Ability to apply knowledge and scientific method to solve clinical problems
Ability to harvest a history of a targeted and comprehensive way
Ability to perform a physical examination and proper mental.
Ability to select, justify and interpret ancillary diagnostic tests and imaging
Capacity to understand and perform a variety of procedures and basic clinical techniques
Ability to record, display, search, criticize and organize, control clinical information
The ability to diagnose and to explain clinical problems in terms of pathogenesis, to develop basic differential diagnoses, learning and demonstrate the ability to identify and solve clinical problems
Ability to understand and select clinical interventions in the natural history of the disease, including basic strategies preventive, curative and palliative.
Can understand and make a prediction about the future health and development of an individual's disease based on the patient's understanding of the natural history of the disease and knowledge of alternative interventions
Ability to provide appropriate and practical clinical care taking into consideration the age, sex, personal preferences, family, medical knowledge, culture, religion and economic status of the patient. Take into account ethical, moral and legal perspectives relevant, including protection of the patient and public health concerns and the capabilities and limitations of the health system.



Medicine of Children and Adolescents II

M606 - ECTS It is intended that the student strengthens the knowledge obtained in the Child and Adolescent Health Course I and takes part in the clinical tasks, following the Department’s activities, with the objective of improving the training in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric conditions and training for the National Ranking and Evaluation Examination of the Medical Internship.

Woman's Medicine

M604 - ECTS

Learning Objectives
(knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by students)
a) the ability to obtain a complete obstetrical history,
b) to recognize symptoms and signs and perform a structured and oriented physical examination
c)the utilization, indications and interpretation of diagnostic tests,
d) to formulate the different differential diagnoses,
e) the ability to formulate a definitive diagnosis,
f) to know the medical and / or surgical therapeutics for the proposed diagnosis, as well as for differential diagnoses,
g) to be aware of different surgical approaches,
h) the ability to predict the evolution, clinical prognosis,
i) to know the degree of severity of the disease and its form of resolution, to a "normal" degree, urgency or emergency,
j) to have knowledge of epidemiology, principles of prevention and screening

General and Familiar Medicine II

M602 - ECTS It is the aim of Family Medicine discipline to present the Family Physician as an active agentworking in Primary Health Care, not only dealing with the individual health problems, but also with that of his family and their community.
Particularly in Family Medicine II - a course in the continuity of Family Medicine I -, the students will be given access to the contents and the training required for the practice of Medicine within the Primary Health Care The European Academy of Teacher's in FamilyMedicine/ General Practice (EURACT), in their
Educational Agenda, indicates the following six core competencies as the fundamental ones for the teaching of Family Medicine:
1) Primary Care Management
2) Person-centred care
3) Specific problem solving skills
4) Comprehensive approach
5) Community orientation
6) Holistic modelling
These will be assessed in the course of Family Medicine I and II.
1 - Goals. Aims future physicians for the acquisition of knowledge in an area with its own characteristics and a specific scope of action. Cause to be learned skills related to the needs of the individual, family, and community.
Training objectives
Adoption of a sistemic and centered-patient approached practice Achievement of the six core competencies by the students

Hospital Medicine

M607 - ECTS

In this Course Unit, the students practice medicine under tutorial guidance integrating the knowledge previously acquired throughout the course.


  1. Specific aims
  • Know how to identify the patient's problems, register them appropriately according to the Weed's clinical method and define the information needed to solve them.
  • Be able to research the literature and relevant databases, to select the most adequate studies and to apply rules of evidence to check their validity.
  • Contact with tertiary care, during a week, at a Continuing Care Unit to:
  1. Understand the importance of continuous care for the patient’s rehabilitation at different levels;
  2. Know the continuous care integrated network in Portugal and the different types of Units
  3. Understand the importance of the organization of Continuous Care Units and their coordination;
  4. Understand the basis of the organization and clinical management of teams for integrated continuous care.
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