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Intervention with Victims

Code: PJD07     Acronym: IV

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Psychology

Instance: 2023/2024 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Psychology
Course/CS Responsible: Master Degree in Psychology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPSIC 29 Plano Oficial do ano letivo 2021 1 - 6 54 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2023-10-01.

Fields changed: Calculation formula of final grade, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Avaliação especial

Teaching language



At the end of the semester we expect that students:

- Know the most important theories, causes, dynamics and consequences of violence and victimization that enable them to understand, assess and intervene with victims (children, youth and adults).

- Acquire some knowledge in related domains (e.g., Law, Criminology, Legal Medicine).

- Know the main models of risk assessment and  management and of psychological intervention.

- Acquire the basic knowledge and strategies necessary to do psychological and psychosocial interventions with victims of violence/crime.

- Understand the relationships and interactions between intervention with victims and intervention with offenders.

Learning outcomes and competences

At the end of the UC students should:

1. Master the most important theories and intervention models necessary to understand violence and victimization, and to assess and intervene with victims (children, youth and adults).

2. Possess basic skills to:

(a) assess and intervene with victims in different professional contexts (e.g. victim support institutions, shelter homes, hospitals and health centers, police, different instances of the judicial system, psychological consultation services, community projects), as well as competences to work in multidisciplinary teams.

(b) assess and intervene in different violence / victimization cases, either in emergency intervention / risk / danger assessment and response, crisis intervention or in situations of continued psychological support / therapy (individual or in group).

(c) elaborate psychological reports and to intervene in legal proceedings involving victims (including testify in courts).

Working method



- Introduction to Criminology and Victimology.

- Violence, aggression and victimization. Main psychological, psychosocial and criminological theories explaining violence and victimization.

- Victimization: criminal statistics, victimization surveys, victim profiles.

- Types of violence, crime and victimization; contexts and forms of victimization. Gender violence, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, sexual violence, violence against children (e.g., negligence, physical and psychological maltreatment, sexual abuse).

- Dynamics and impact of violence; the specificity of family violence and intimate partner violence, of child maltreatment and of sexual violence.

- Models and strategies of assessment and of psychological / psychosocial intervention with victims of violence and crime (children and adults; individual, couple and group interventions; different strategies, models and programs).

- Victim’s support network.

- Victim - judicial system relationships. Models of restorative justice and mediation.

Mandatory literature

Devaney, J., Bradbury-Jones, C., Macy, R.J., Øverlien, C. & Holt, S. (Eds., 2021). ; The Routledge international handbook of domestic violence and abuse. , Routledge. , 2021
Machado, C. (Coord., 2010). ; Vitimologia. Das novas abordagens teóricas às novas práticas de intervenção., Braga: Ed. Psiquilibrios., 2010
Matos, M. ; Vítimas de crime e violência. Práticas de Intervenção., Braga: Psiquilibrios., 2014
Sani, A. & Caridade, S. (Eds).; Violência, Agressão e Vitimação: Práticas Para a Intervenção. , Lisboa: Almedina., 2018
Manita, C.; Ribeiro, C.; Peixoto, C.; Violência Doméstica: Compreender para intervir. Guia de boas práticas para profissionais de instituições de apoio a vítimas. , Coleção Violência de Género – vol. 2. Lisboa: Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género., 2009
Magalhães Teresa; Maus tratos em crianças e jovens. ISBN: 972-8717-39-3
Holt, S., Øverlien, C., & Devaney, J. (Eds, 2017). ; Responding to Domestic Violence: Emerging Challenges for Policy, Practice and Research in Europe., London: Jessica Kingsley., 2017

Complementary Bibliography

Geffner, R.A., Jaffe, P.G. & Sudermann, M. (Eds); Children Exposed to Domestic Violence., Binghamton, NY: Haworth., 2000
Baker, N., Buick, J., Kim, S., Moniz, S., & Nava, L.; Lessons from examining same-sex intimate partner violence., Sex Roles, 69, 182-192. , 2013
Edleson Jeffrey L. ed. lit.; Future interventions with battered women and their families. ISBN: ISBN 0-8039-5945-1
Sandra Walklate ; Handbook of Victims and Victimology., McGraw-Hill., 2007
Freeman, J. & Lobovits. D. ; Playful Approaches to Serious Problems: Narrative Therapy with Children and their Families., W. W. Norton & Company., 1997
Magalhães, T. (Coord.); Abuso de Crianças e Jovens - Da suspeita ao diagnóstico., Lidel, 2010. ISBN: 9789727576555
Sani, A. & Caridade, S. (Eds). ; Práticas de Intervenção na Violência e no Crime. , Lisboa: Pactor., 2016
Gil, E. ; Helping Abused and Traumatized Children: Integrating Directive and Nondirective Approaches., New York: The Guilford Press, 2006
Gonçalves, R. & Machado, C. (Coords., 2002). ; Violência e Vítimas de crimes. Vol.1 – Adultos. , Coimbra: Quarteto., 2002
Gonçalves, R. & Machado, C. (Coords., 2002). ; Violência e Vítimas de crimes. Vol.2 – Crianças. , Coimbra: Quarteto., 2002

Teaching methods and learning activities

- Theoretical classes.

- Theoretical-practical classes with active participation of students, individually and in groups.

- Practical Case-studies.

- Viewing and discussion of videos with topics related to violence/victimization and to the intervention with victims.
- If possible (it will always depend on the consent from the victims), live observation of a consultation with a victim at GEAV - Gabinete de Estudos e de Atendimento a Agressores e Vítimas da UP, through the one-way mirror room of the FPCEUP Counselling Service

- Development of practical work by the students, in small groups, which involves the description of a victimization / victim’s case and the characterization and application of an evaluation and intervention proposal for that case. This type of work requires analysis of theoretical contents and, above all, critical reflection on knowledge and practices, in addition to an exercise of practical application of the knowledge and skills acquired.

- Tutorial supervision of theoretical and practical assignments carried out by students, as well as providing the necessary conditions to develop independent study/work, including research and literature search, in order to facilitate the assimilation of contents.


Social sciences > Psychological sciences > Psychology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Trabalho de campo 30,00
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 30,00
Frequência das aulas 46,00
Trabalho de campo 50,00
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 6,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

- Students’ attendance in each class will be monitored. Students must attend 75% of the total number of classes taught. In exceptional cases, legally foreseen, the traditional class attendance may be substituted by the submission of a research assignment. 

- In accordance with the regulation of evaluation, students must have a minimum grade of 10 points to obtain final approval (none of the assessment components can sum less than 8 points). The failure to achieve the minimum score of 10 points implies non approval in the discipline and the obligation to repeat the evaluation.


Calculation formula of final grade

Final grade expressed on a scale of 0 to 20.

- 60% of the final grade in the UC results from the evaluation of the practical assignment carried out by the students in small groups: an assignment in which students have to plan and describe an intervention with a victim or group of victims of crime / violence (including the case design, the victim assessment, clinical formulation of the case and intervention steps and strategies). This work is developed during the semestre and presented at the end of the semestre, as a group role-playing of the intervention.
[this assignment includes the following evaluation components: "Field work" (30%) + "Practical work or project" (30%)].

 - 40% of the final grade in the UC results from a written work, carried out individually, in which the student will either (i) complete 2 short worksheets, one made available halfway the semester and the other at the end of the semester; or (ii) if they do not choose to fulfill the worksheets, to present a written assignment describing the theoretical framework of one of the modalities, programs or intervention strategies used with victims.
[this assignment includes the evaluation component of "Written work" (40%)].


Examinations or Special Assignments

In the legally provided situations, in which students cannot carry out the same assessment assignments that their colleagues will present, the student must negotiate with the responsible teacher the delivery of alternative works, with the same objectives and an equivalent content.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In exceptional cases, foreseen in the regulations or in cases duly justified and accepted as valid by the School’s competent committees, students may be evaluated outside the usual context and regular calendar, through the completion of a written project with a content similar to what other students have done to assess the practical and the theoretical components.

In these cases, the student should contact the teacher responsible for the discipline at the beginning of the semester to define the rules and methodologies of the alternative evaluation.

Classification improvement

There is a possibility of reformulating the individual written work, once, until the “época de recurso” of the following school year in which the student obtained the approval.
There is no possibility of repeating the practical work / the group role-playing.

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