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Thermochemistry of 2-amino-3-quinoxalinecarbonitrile-1,4-dioxide. Evaluation of the mean dissociation enthalpy of the (N-O) bond

Thermochemistry of 2-amino-3-quinoxalinecarbonitrile-1,4-dioxide. Evaluation of the mean dissociation enthalpy of the (N-O) bond
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Maria D M C Ribeiro da Silva
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Josï¿¿ R B Gomes
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Emanuel A Sousa
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Siddharth Pandey
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William E Acree, Jr.
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Vol. 2
Páginas: 2507-2512
ISSN: 1477-0520
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-000-DB7
Abstract (EN): The standard enthalpy of formation of the 2-amino-3-quinoxalinecarbonitrile-1,4-dioxide compound in the gas-phase was derived from the enthalpies of combustion of the crystalline solid measured by static bomb combustion calorimetry and its enthalpy of sublimation determined by Knudsen mass-loss effusion at T=298.15 K. This value is (383.8+/-5.4) kJ mol(-1) and was subsequently combined with the experimental gas-phase enthalpy of formation of atomic oxygen and with the computed gas-phase enthalpy of formation of 2-amino-3-quinoxalinecarbonitrile, (382.0+/-6.3) kJ mol(-1), in order to estimate the mean (N-O) bond dissociation enthalpy in the gas-phase of 2-amino-3-quinoxalinecarbonitrile-1,4-dioxide. The result obtained is (248.3+/-8.3) kJ mol(-1), which is in excellent agreement with the B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,2p)//B3LYP/631G(d) computed value.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 6
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