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Intrumental Methods of Analysis II

Code: MI072218     Acronym: MIA2

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Physical Sciences

Instance: 2013/2014 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Applied Chemistry Laboratory
Course/CS Responsible: MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MICF 205 Official Curriculum 2 - 5,5 52 148,5

Teaching language



The objectives of the curricular unitInstrumental Methods of Analysis II” is to develop student’s abilities in the following areas:

 - Principles and analytical processes based on instrumental electroanalysis.

Learning outcomes and competences

- Use of the main electroanalytical techniques in the laboratory.

- To interpret and evaluate the quality of the results provided.


Working method



Introduction to instrumental analysis; electrochemical cells;potential cells; electrode potentials and calculation of potentials from cell potential electrodes; currents in electrochemical cells, types of electroanalytical methods. -Potentiometry: reference electrodes, metal electrodes indicators; indicators membrane electrodes; selective electrodes; instruments for measurements of potential; direct potentiometric measurements, potentiometric titrations. -Conductimetry: reference to some electrical quantities electrical quantities applied to electrolyte solutions; conductance (or conductivity) equivalent; conductance (or conductivity) ionic equivalent; conductance (or conductivity) ion equivalent to infinite dilution; conductimetric titrations. -Electrogravimetry: relationship between current and voltage during electrolysis; coulometry methods of analysis; coulometric titrations. –Voltammetry and polarography; electrodes; instrumentation for voltammetry, hydrodynamic voltammetry, differential pulse polarography; square wave; cyclic voltammetry, , stripping methods, voltammetric methods modified; amperometric titrations. -Chromatography: Introduction to analytical separation, chromatographic separations, major basic mechanisms of chromatographic separation processes, classification of chromatographic methods. General theoretical aspects: a migration of the mixture components, the widening of the bands ("peaks") / column efficiency; variables affecting efficiency; major chromatographic parameters obtained from the chromatogram (resolution, no. of theoretical plates, the plate height, ...); the importance of chromatographic techniques in modern analysis (pharmaceutical, medical, etc).

 Laboratory component - Potentiometric titration of a sample containing acetylsalicylic acid using sodium hydroxide as titrant. - Study of a potassium ion sensitive electrode (ESI) determination of potassium in wine- Determination of nitrate content in water by a direct potentiometry and the method of addition. - Conductometric titration for determination of acetic acid. -Coulometric Titration Determination of ascorbic acid by FIA with amperometric detection. -Voltammetric determination of dopamine. Determination chromatography


Mandatory literature

Rouessac Francis; Chemical analysis: modern instrumental methods and techniques. ISBN: 0-471-97261-4
Skoog Douglas A.; ; Principles of instrumental analysis.
Harris Daniel C; Quantitative chemical analysis
Tiago Fernandes-REIT; Titulo Teste
Poldinger Walter; Compêndio de psicofarmacoterapia

Teaching methods and learning activities


The program of “Instrumental Methods of Analysis II” is transmitted through lectures and laboratory classes. The lectures are held with the support of audio-visual equipment available. The laboratory work is conducted in groups of 2-3 students in a rotation regimen according to a timetable. Main bibliography: Douglas A. Skoog, Principles of instrumental analysis. ISBN: 0-03-001229-5 Rouessac Francis; Chemical analysis: modern instrumental methods and techniques. ISBN: 0-471-97261-4 Daniel C. Harris, Quantitative chemical analysis. ISBN: 0-7167-4464-3.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Exame 80,00
Participação presencial 0,00
Trabalho laboratorial 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 52,00
Total: 52,00

Calculation formula of final grade

The classification of the curricular unit is obtained by the weighted average of the marks obtained in the laboratory evaluation (either obtained in a distributed evaluation form, or in the practical part of the final exam), with a percentage contribution of 20%, and in the written test with a percentage contribution of 80%. The laboratory evaluation is quantified (0-20) and performed during the laboratory classes, accompanied by the delivery of reports containing the recording of experimental data and associated calculations. Students rated below 9.5 are considered failed and need to make a practical test on the final exam. The approval of the laboratory part (either in the distributed evaluation, i.e. during the practical classes or in the practical part of the final exam) is a prerequisite for admission to the student's written proof of the final exam. Students who, by law, are exempted from attending classes (and therefore cannot be subject to distributed evaluation) must be called to perform the final practical exam. The final exam includes: Practical test - covers the content taught in the laboratory component of the curricular unit. It represents the execution of a laboratory work accompanied by the elaboration of a report. The rating is on a scale of 0 to 20. In addition to the other cases foreseen by law, the practical test is intended only to students with frequency but that obtained a score lower than 9.5 in the laboratory evaluation. Written Test - Covers all matters contained in the program effectively taught. The rating is on a scale of 0 to 20. Students rated below 8.5 are considered reproved. Students with a rating equal to or greater than 8.5 are considered approved if the weighted average with the practical test shows a value equal to or greater than 10.


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