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Pharmacology II

Code: MI074132     Acronym: FCOL2

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Health Sciences

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Pharmacology Laboratory
Course/CS Responsible: MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MICF 186 Official Curriculum 4 - 6,5 65 175,5

Teaching language



To obtain a solid knowledge in immunopharmacology, respiratory, cardiovascular and renal, gastrointestinal and endocrine pharmacology. To know the main groups of drugs used in the different areas covered, understand their mechanisms of action and adverse reactions.

Learning outcomes and competences

As learning outcomes, it is expected, by concluding this course, students must:

a) have a detailed knowledge of pharmacological targets and reference drugs used in different pathologies;
b) be able to critically evaluate evolution and the state of the art in each of the pharmacological areas addressed;
c) demonstrate a thorough knowledge of recent research advances in each area and be able to gather and select relevant information and to communicate it efficiently to different audiences and through different channels;
d) develop dynamic work inter-group and intra-group and demonstrate skills to communicate and discuss the pharmacological knowledge through various forms of communication and to different audiences.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Students should have knowledge of human physiology as well as the general principles of the general cycle of drugs in the body.




Cellular and molecular framework of immunopharmacology. Historical background, synthesis, release and inactivation of the main mediators, and potential pharmacological interventions with reference to the most representative drugs in each pathway and respetive therapeutic indications.
General aspects of the host defense mechanisms. The recognition mechanisms of the strange or of danger in innate and acquired immunity: cells, messengers, cascades and metabolic pathways involved.
The inflammatory response and its phases (induction and resolution). Inflammatory mediators: cells, release mechanisms and forms of pharmacological intervention.
Bradykinin (kalicreina / kinin system).
NO and other gaseous messengers.
The complement cascade.
Cytokines: families and best known members and respective effects.
Lipidic messengers. Eicosanoids.
Other lipid messengers: PAF and endocannabinoids.
The intracellular pathways involved in cell death and survival and opportunities for pharmacological intervention.
Mechanisms to integrate intra- and extracellular signaling pathways. The example of the ALX receptor.

The mechanisms of the classic anti-inflammatory drugs under the new molecular bases.
1.2.1 Anti-inflammatory drugs: major groups and differential pharmacological profiles.
Corticosteroids: representative drugs and respective pharmacological profiles.

Imunodrugs in specific contexts
Rheumatic diseases
Asthma and other respiratory diseases
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Cardiovascular inflammatory diseases


Integrative pharmacology of major cardiovascular diseases; mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetic properties and adverse effects of the following groups os drugs:
2.1.1 Drugs used in hypertension and diuretics.
2.1.2 Vasodilatatores and treatment of angina pectoris.
2.1.3 Drugs used in heart failure.
2.1.4 Drugs used in cardiac arrhythmias.


Main pathologies that affect the endocrine system: mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetic characteristics and adverse effects of drugs and hormones used in the treatment of these pathologies.

3.1.1 Hormone replacement therapy in hypothyroidism. Antithyroid drugs used in thyrotoxicosis.
3.1.2 Pituitary hormones analogues used in the treatment of GH deficiency. Drugs used to treat acromegaly / gigantism.
3.1.3 Contraceptive drugs.
3.1.4 Gonadotrophins and analogues to treat infertility.
3.1.5 Oxytocin and drugs that modify pregnancy and lactation.

3.2 Drugs used in diabetes mellitus: insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agents.


1. Assays to test pharmacodynamic effects of drugs in the cardiovascular system and on immunity: effects of NO on vascular tonus and effects of drugs on macrophage polarization.
2. In silico models to predict the pharmacokinetic profile of drugs.
3. Bibliographic research and presentation of a pharmacological framework within inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Mandatory literature

B.G. Satzung, A.J. Trevor; Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, McGraw Hill Education, 2015. ISBN: 978-0-07-182505-4

Comments from the literature


Other sources available in UP virtual library.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The teaching methodologies adopted in lectures are based on general expositions by the teaching staff, with presentations of the state of the art in each of the topics mentioned, with the aim of helping students succeed in reaching the learning outcomes.
It is our aim to stimulate the participation of students, circumventing the limitations of having a huge group through the use of the Socrative program.

In practical / laboratory course, the methodologies adopted will be: (i) laboratory assays, using models of isolated cells or organs, to broaden the knowledge of the experimental methods of Pharmacology; (ii) simulations, using in silico models, of pharmacokinetic problems, and (iii) development of work in groups, on emergent topics in Pharmacology, with the aims of  increasing the competencies to collect  and select  scientific information and in the effective communication to their peers.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Exame 80,00
Trabalho laboratorial 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico
Estudo autónomo 80,00
Frequência das aulas 65,00
Trabalho laboratorial 30,00
Total: 175,00

Eligibility for exams

The students must be present in 3/4 of the laboratory classes to obtain frequency and be allowed to perform the final exam. The attendance at theoretical lesson is not compulsory.

Calculation formula of final grade

The assessment will cover all subjects taught in theoretical and practical lessons. 

FINAL MARK (0-20) = practical assessment (0-4) + final exam (0-16). 

For the practical assessment to be considered, the students must obtain the minimum score 7.0 values in the final exam. 
The final exam will consist of a questionnaire with multiple choice questions and two with short answers. It will be made in the Moodle platform.

Examinations or Special Assignments

The practical assessment will include two events, each comprising (i) the preparation of a summary of a topic of the area assigned to the group and (ii) the response to an individual questionnaire about topics summarized by the different groups of their class. Each event will have a maximum of 2.0 values.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Worker students and ERASMUS students may waive the practical assessment. In this case they will be assessed only in a final exam (scored of 20 values) that will cover all matters of theoretical and practical lessons. Students should notify their decision to the responsible of the discipline, early in the semester. In any case, ERASMUS students will have to attend practical classes.

Classification improvement

According to the evaluation standards of FFUP.

The student will have to repeat only the final exam, and the final score will be the sum of the score obtained in the written examination and that obtained in the practical component.

The final mark will be the highest score obtained in the tests performed.


The course may be taught in English.
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