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Cristina Queiroz

Fotografia de Cristina Maria Machado de Queiroz Leitão
Nome: Cristina Maria Machado de Queiroz Leitão
Sigla: CMMQL
Estado: Não Ativo
Telf.Alt.: 222 041 666


Data de Fim: 01-06-2022
Vínculo: Outras Colabs. -> Colaborador externo
Faculdade: Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto


Cargo Data de Início
Membro do Conselho Científico da Revista da FDUP 2002-12-17
Membro do Conselho de Redação da Revista da FDUP 2002-12-17

Apresentação Pessoal


Curriculum vitae


I. Relevant Professional Activities

At Present:

1.1. Aggregate Professor, Tenure, Faculty of Law, University of Porto.

1.2. Director, Research Institute ― “Instituto Jurídico Interdisciplinar” (IJI), Faculty of Law, University of Porto.

1.3. Scientific Expert ― evaluation panel, Post-Doctoral Scholarships, “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (FCT), Portugal.

1.4. Register, Scientific Expert, Advisory Group, Priamus Programm, European Commission.

II. Research Activities

2.1. Director, Research Institute ― “Instituto Jurídico Interdisciplinar” (IJI), Faculty of Law, University of Porto.

2.2. Member of the Portuguese Association for Constitutional Law.

2.3. Member of the Luso Brazilian Institute for Comparative Law, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2.4. Member of the “Centro de Investigação Jurídico-Económica” (CIJE), Faculty of Law, University of Porto.

2.5. Member of the Portuguese Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy.

2.6. Member of the Portuguese Society of Criminology.

2.7. Member of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Council of Coimbra Editora.

2.8. Member of the Scientific Committee of “Theses and Monographies”, Faculty of Law, University of Porto.

2.9. Member of the Scientific Council and the Journal's Editorial Council, Faculty of Law, University of Porto.

2.10. Member of the Editorial Board of the Law Faculty of the University of Porto.

2.11. Visiting professor, Max-Planck Institute for Public Comparative Law and Public International Law, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jochen Abr. Frowein (1987-1988; 1992-1996).

2.12. Research scholarship, “Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica” (JNICT) (1993-1996) and “Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian” (1992-1993).

III. Activities and experience in the field of Constitutional Law, European Law and International Law

3.1. Coordination and Direction of Lectures ― Master’s Degree in Law ― “Constitutional Law”, “Fundamental Rights”, “International Law and Foreign Relations Law”, “Methodology and Practicum of Legal and Political Sciences”, and “Security and Criminal Policies/International Human Rights Protection”, Faculty of Law, University of Porto.

3.2. Coordination and Direction of Lectures ― Law’s Degree ― on “Constitutional Law”, “Fundamental Rights”, “Constitutional Justice”, “Theory of Law”, “Public Law” and “International Law and Foreign Re-lations Law”, Faculty of Law, University of Porto.

IV. Participation in selection boards and academic examinations

4.1. Tenure, Assistant Professor: 1.

4.2. Academic Degree/Doctor: 8 ― 7 as arguer.

4.3. Academic Degree/Master: 37 ― 9 as arguer, 21 as Director of Thesis, and 7 as President of the Jury. 

4.4. Process of judicial selection (Centro de Estudos Judiciais): 2.

V. Director/Supervisor of Thesis

5.1. Academic Degree/Doctor: 7.

5.2. Academic Degree/Master: 43.

VI. Public Activities

Public Offices:

6.1. Senior Legal Adviser of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in charge of the written allegations of the Prime Minister and other members of the Government to the High Courts of Justice, v. g., Constitutional Court, Supreme Administrative Court, and Court of Auditors (1997-2005).

6.2. Legal Adviser to the President of the National Council of the Plan (1988-1992).

International Organizations

6.3. Representative of the Portuguese Republic (Presidency of the Council of Ministers) at the 13th Session of the Consultative Committee of the European Convention no 108 (Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data) of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 10-12 December 1997.

VII. Other Activities

7.1. Member of the Scientific Council, Faculty of Law, University of Porto (2002-2014).

7.2. President of the Assembly of Representatives, elected, Faculty of Law, University of Porto (2006-2010).

7.3. Local Director of the Erasmus Programme, Faculty of Law, University of Porto (2001-2005).

7.4. Vice-President of the Scientific Council, Faculty of Law, University of Porto (2004-2005).

7.5. Member of the Assembly of Representatives/Senate, elected, University of Porto (2003-2007).


Publications and other works

Books: 20.

Collective Works: 24.

Law Journal’s: 42.

Other publications: 29.



1. "Justiça Constituciona" ("Constitutional Justice"), Lisboa: Petrony, 2017.

Subject: I. The normative force of the Constitution. II. The Constitutional Court. III. The independence of the Judiciary. IV. The theory of norms control. V. The control of constitutionality and legality of public acts. Vi. The judicial process of control. VII. The effects of decisions. VIII. The multilevel constitutional Jurisdiction. IX. The limits of the process of "judicialization" and "democratization" of politics.


2. “Direito Constitucional Internacional” (“Constitutional International Law”), 2ª ed., Lisboa: Petrony, 2016.

Subject: I. Constitutional International Law. II. Universalism, particularism and the legitimacy of the public order beyond the state. III. Strategies to respond to the challenges of globalization. III. Constitutional Law in the European and global context. IV. Constitutional dimensions of foreign policy.


3. “Direito, Estado e Constituição no limiar do século XXI” (“Law, State and the Constitution at the beginning of the XXI Century”), Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2015.

Subject: I. International Law and Foreign Relations Law. II. European Law and European Order. III. Constitutional Law and Constitutional Order. IV. University, critical thought.


4. “O Tribunal Constitucional e os Direitos Sociais” (“The Constitutional Court and Social Rights”), Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2014.

Subject: I. The principle of “salus rei publicae” II. The increase in governmental power and judicial litigation in economic and social domains. III. The arguments. IV. Particularly, the principle of legitimated “confidence”. V. The principle of equality. VI. The principle of proportionality. VI. The issue of judicial activism.


5. “Direito Internacional e Relações Internacionais. Organizações Internacionais” (“International Law and Foreign Relations Law. International Organizations”), Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2013.

Subject: I. Law and International Relations. II. The status of intergovernmental organizations. III. The United Nations system. IV. The growth of global regulatory organizations. V. Regional organizations. VI. European organizations.


6. “Poder Constituinte, Democracia e Direitos Fundamentais. Uma via constitucional para a Europa?” (“Constituent Power, Democracy and Fundamental Rights. A constitutional path to Europe?”), Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2013.

Subject: I. The models “historicist”, “individualistic” and “state centric” in the evolution of fundamental rights. II. Constituent power and constituted powers. III. Democracy, constitution and fundamental rights. IV.

Constituent power and constitutional form: the case of the European Union. V. A constitutional path to Europe?


7. “Os poderes do Presidente da República” (“Presidential Powers”), Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2013.

Subject: I. Form of government and separation of powers. II. The status and powers of the president. III. The president and the political function. IV. Functions and powers. V. Foreign policy. VI. The national defense policy. VII. The responsibility of the president. VIII. Conclusions.


8. “Direitos Fundamentais. Teoria Geral” (“Fundamental Rights. General Theory”), 2ª ed., Coimbra: Wolters Kluwer, 2010.

Subject: I. The concept of Fundamental Rights. II. Constitutional Theory and Fundamental Rights. III. Fundamental Rights General Theory. IV. The norm’s concept of Fundamental Rights. V. The norm’s structure of Fundamental Rights. VI. The norm’s structure of Fundamental Rights (cont.). VII. The interpretation and application of Fundamental Rights. VIII. Fundamental Rights restrictions and configuration. X. The constitutionalization of “new” Fundamental Rights. XI. Delimitation of Fundamental Rights. XI. The “vis expansiva” of Fundamental Rights. XII. The future of Fundamental Rights.


9. “Direito Constitucional. As instituições do Estado democrático e constitucional”(“Constitutional Law. The Institutions of the Democratic and Constitutional State”), Coimbra: Wolters Kluwer, 2009. Also published in Brasil, São Paulo: Revista dos Tribunais, 2009.

Subject: I. State Theory and Constitutional Theory. II. The concept of State. III. The internal organization of political power. IV. The concept of Constitution. V. Systems of Government. VI. Portuguese Constitutions. VII. The legislative procedure. VIII. The theory of norm’s control. IX. Constitution and crisis situations. X. Protection of Fundamental Rights. XI. The current challenges of constitutionalism.


10. “Direito Internacional e Relações Internacionais”, (“International and Foreign Relations Law”), Coimbra: Wolters Kluwer, 2009. 

Suject: I. International Law and Foreign Relations Law. II. International Law in perspective. III. The foundations of International Law. IV. International Law and Domestic Law. V. The International Personality. VI. The International Personality (cont.). VII. The International Jurisdiction of States. VIII. Territorial Sovereignty and International Maritime Spaces. IX. The Law of Treaties. X. The Use of Force. XI. The Peaceful Settlement of Conflicts. XII. International Organizations.


11. “O Parlamento como factor de decisão política” (“The Parliament as a Political Decision-Maker”) Coimbra: Wolters Kluwer, 2009.

Subject: I. Historical and institutional framework. II. Structure and Functions. III. The internal organization of Parliament. IV. The different control techniques. V. The “corrective influence” of the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court in the exercise of the legislative function. VI. Conclusions.


12. “O sistema de governo semi-presidencial” (“The Semi-Presidential System of Government”), Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2007.

Subject: I. The starting concepts. II. The emergence of the semi-presidential system in Europe. III. The resurgence model: Central and Eastern Europe. IV. The Portuguese system of government. V. The definition of the system.


13. “Direitos fundamentais sociais. Funções, âmbito, conteúdo, questões interpretativas e problemas de justiciabilidade” (“Fundamental Social Rights. Functions, scope, content, interpretative questions and problems of justiciability”), Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2006.

Subject: I. The structure of fundamental social rights. II. The diversity of “status” of fundamental social rights. III. The protection of fundamental social rights through legal binding rules. IV. Forms of protection. V. The limits of constitutional interpretation.


14. “Interpretação Constitucional e Poder Judicial. Sobre a epistemologia da construção constitucional” (“Constitutional Interpretation. The Epistemology of Constitutional Construction”), Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2000.

Subject: I. Constitutional Theory and Constitutional Interpretation. II. The Constitution as a (internal) system of norms and principles. III. Constitutional Interpretation. IV. The judicial application of the Constitution. V. The problematic status of the Constitutional Court. VI. Conclusions.


15. “Os Actos Políticos no Estado de Direito. O problema do controle jurídico do poder” (“Political Acts and the Rule of Law. The Problem of the Legal and Jurisdictional Control of Power”), Coimbra: Almedina, 1990.

Subject: I. Constitution and political formula. II. State function and political function. III. Political acts and political function. IV. The nerve of the problem: the jurisdictional control of power. V. The control of the constitutionality of political acts. VI. Political acts and the Rule of Law.





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