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Internal Regulation of the Documentation Services of the Law Faculty of the University of Porto

(Approved at the Directive Council Meeting of 7 March 2007 and amended at the Directive Council Meetings of 4 March 2009 and 12 February 2010)


Article 1 – Composition and Mission

1. The Documentation Services of the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (hereinafter, SDFDUP) integrate, in functional terms, the juridical Library Prof. Doctor Ribeiro de Faria and the European Documentation Center (CDE) at the University of Porto.
2. The SDFDUP's fundamental mission is to assist and support, primarily, the University of Porto and its Faculty of Law, in promoting research and knowledge dissemination, in the subjects for which they are especially dedicated, providing its users, for that effect, extensive access to available information resources.

Article 2 - Competences

The FDUP Documentation Services are responsible for:
1. Managing all of their bibliographic and documentary heritage.
2. Identifying, selecting, treating, preserving, disseminating and making available to their users the information resources necessary for research and teaching.
3. Making it easier for the entire user community to access information and documentation existing at their premises or outside.
4. Proceeding to identify users' needs.
5. Cooperating with other libraries and similar services in sharing information and in activities of common interest.
6. Ensuring full compliance with the rules contained in this Regulation.


Article 3 - Users

1. As a public service, SDFDUP are open to the whole community, without prejudice to certain services, namely home loan to external users, depending on the acquisition of a reader card.
2. The issuance of the reader card to users external to the University of Porto depends on the filling out of an enrollment form that includes the complete identification of its holder, the payment of an amount to be fixed by the Directive Council and also the authorization by the SDFDUP. It will be valid for one year.
3. The status of reader automatically assigned to teachers, researchers, employees and students of UP, dispenses with the issuance of the card and is valid for the period corresponding to the exercise of their functions, or to their enrollment, in any UP Organic Unit.

Article 4 – Rights and duties of users

1. Users of SDFDUP have the right to use all information resources and equipment therein, under the terms of this regulation, as well as to submit suggestions and complaints to those responsible for services.
2. Users are responsible for the conservation of the resources made available to them (namely the facilities, equipment and bibliographic species), as well as for the full compliance with the regulatory provisions.
3. Users must identify themselves, when requested by SDFDUP employees.
4. It is strictly forbidden to eat, drink, smoke, speak aloud or use mobile phones in the reading rooms, as well as modify the arrangement of furniture and equipment there, or act in any other way that disturbs the working environment.
5. The use of computers installed in the SDFDUP is not permitted for purposes other than those for which they are especially dedicated, namely the search in their catalog, the consultation of material from the SDFDUP in electronic support or other relevant information and research resources.
6. Failure to comply with the regulation may imply the application of sanctions for suspension or permanent loss of the right to use SDFDUP.



Article 5 – Opening hours

1. It is the competence of the Directive Council to approve the opening hours, which must be posted in a visible place and on the official page of the SDFDUP.
2. Any changes to the opening hours will be announced by written notice, placed in a visible place and on the official page of the SDFDUP.

Article 6 – Reading room

1. The SDFDUP work in a free access system, and their users can simultaneously have the publications and resources available there and use their own work and research materials, as long as this does not disturb the normal functioning of these spaces or jeopardize the integrity and the good state of conservation of the works, as well as of the facilities, furniture and equipment.
2. After consultation, the user must place the works in the existing book cars for that purpose, on the floors and rooms to which they belong.
3. The reading of reserved or deposited documents implies the prior request to the service employee.
4. It is not allowed to study in groups, except in the collective study office.

Article 7 – Study offices

1. The SDFDUP have two individual study offices and a collective study office, which can be used during opening hours, under the terms of the following numbers.
2. The individual study offices are primarily intended for use by external researchers in the context of postgraduate studies, and may also be used by other users under the terms of the following numbers.
3. The use of these offices always depends on authorization from SDFDUP and can be the subject of a reservation request made in advance; in this case, the reservation will remain for a period of one hour from the indicated time, after which the office will be made available to other users who request it.
4. The reservation period made by external researchers can have a maximum duration of two weeks; if made by internal users, the reservation can only be confirmed at 15.00h on the eve of the day for which it is intended, such confirmation depending on the absence of reservation requests made by external researchers.
5. Only internal users who have a reader card can use the individual study offices.
6. During the booking period of the office, the user must deliver the respective key to the service desk whenever he / she needs to be away.
7. The use of the group study office may be required only by internal users or cardholders, depending on authorization from the SDFDUP and may be subject to prior reservation.
8. It is not allowed to stay in this office with a number of people that exceed the respective capacity, being expressly prohibited to make noise that disturbs the remaining spaces.
9. The documents, and other work materials, in consultation in the different offices cannot remain there beyond the opening hours of the SDFDUP, and the user who wishes to continue to consult these documents on the following day should mention the fact to the service employee.

Article 8 – Home loan

1. The home loan service is reserved for holders of a reader card or for internal users of the UP.
2. When making the request for home reading, the user becomes responsible for the conservation of the work and for its return within the established period.
3. If the loan of works in poor condition is authorized, the user may request that this indication be included in the loan slip.
4. If the document to be requested is being consulted at the SDFDUP library, the interested person must wait until it is available.
5. It is forbidden to give the requested publications to third parties, whatever the reason invoked.
6. It is possible to make reservation requests for works that are requested, in which case an e-mail will be sent to the interested party when they are returned, stating that he/she can collect them within two working days.
7. The following categories of works are excluded from home loans:
a) Works of general reference, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias or glossaries;
b) Works from the reserved fund;
c) Documents from the EDC fund;
d) Works in poor condition;
e) Documents highly requested for presential reading;
f) Periodic publications;
g) Updatable loose-leaf publications;
h) Other documents that, justifiably, the SDFDUP understand should be excluded, and that will be marked with a red circle.

Article 9 – Loan terms and renewal conditions

1. The loan terms, differentiated according to users and the type of documents in question, are shown in the following table:

Documents/Users Teachers - FDUP PhD Students and Staff - FDUP Masters, Postgraduate and Continuing Education Students - FDUP Undergraduate students of FDUP and other cardholders
Delivery time (days) - monographs 60 30 7 3
Delivery time (days) - dissertations 3 3 3 3
Maximum number of documents 15 6 3 3

2. The return date must always appear on the receipt issued when requesting the work.
3. At the end of the loan term, the reader must deliver the requested work in the SDFDUP, in order to proceed with its return or request the renewal of the loan.
4. The SDFDUP may decide, when the search for certain documents so justifies, that the respective delivery period is the same as that provided for the loan of dissertations; documents in these conditions will be identified with a yellow circle.
5. The request for renewal of the loan term will be authorized when there is no loss for other readers, and will be refused when a reservation request has been made by another user.
6. Failure to comply with the return period does not allow the user to request any other work for home loans, without prejudice to the obligation to pay a monetary amount for each day of delay, to be fixed by the Directive Council.
7. In exceptional circumstances, and duly substantiated, the SDFDUP may request a user to return a document before the deadline initially set.

Article 10 – Loan for research projects

Books purchased by teachers with funds obtained under research projects can be requested by the respective responsible for a period identical to that of the referred project, and in these cases the loan may be granted for a period of up to six months.

Article 11 – Long-term requisition

1. Long-term requisition consists of the loan of publications for a period of one year, renewable, from which FDUP Schools, Institutes, Research Centers and Services may benefit.
2. The long-term requisition does not apply to the works listed in nº 7 of art. 8.
3. The loan of works under a long-term requisition regime is made through the person in charge of the requesting entity, who is responsible for ensuring compliance with this regulation.
4. Each entity cannot have, simultaneously, more than 10 titles in its possession under a long-term requisition regime.
5. The requesting entity must return or request the renewal of the loan term of the works it holds, under this title, until the 1st of July of each year.

Article 12 – Interlibrary loan (ILL)

1. FDUP employees and students, as well as users of other libraries, have access to the ILL through their services.
2. In case of requesting a loan of works to other libraries under this service, the requesting users are fully responsible for the costs of the service.
3. The requests referred to in the preceding paragraph presuppose full compliance, on the part of the user, with the conditions set by the assigning library, and the requested works cannot be the subject of a home loan.
4. Except for duly justified exceptions, the SDFDUP will only assign three works to other libraries simultaneously, with the respective return period of fifteen days.
5. The assignment of works by the SDFDUP presupposes the payment of a fee by the requesting entity, applied to each assigned title, which will be fixed by the Directive Council taking into account, namely, registered postage.
6. The requesting library is the only responsible for the works assigned under the ILL regime and for their return within the established term, and all loan requests must be signed by the responsible librarian.

Article 13 – Document reproduction

1. Users can reproduce the documents existing in the SDFDUP, with the exception of those whose state of conservation does not allow their handling, using the photocopiers provided.
2. The use of photocopiers will be made in accordance with the rules established by the Directive Council.
3. The reproduction of documents by the users presupposes the respect of the copyright legislation, being their exclusive responsibility any violation of the applicable rules.
4. The applicable price list will be posted in a visible place.



Article 14 - Fees, penalties and compensation

1. The use of SDFDUP presupposes, on the part of the users, the respect and acceptance of the provisions of the present Regulation.
2. Any user who, not complying with the provisions of this Regulation, is responsible for the loss or damage of publications and other equipment of the SDFDUP is subject to penalties, which may consist of the payment of a monetary amount, or the suspension or loss of the right to take advantage of SDFDUP resources.
3. In case of damage or loss of publications, the calculation of the amount to be paid will take into account the real value of the publication, as well as all the expenses inherent to the process of purchasing a new copy.
4. Theft of publications, as well as its attempt, implies, at least, the suspension of the right to use SDFDUP for a period of one year, without prejudice to other disciplinary or criminal sanctions.
5. All sanctions established by this Regulation, with the exception of those resulting in the payment of a monetary amount for delay in the delivery of publications, will be decided by the President of the Directive Council.

Article 15 - Interpretation, integration and review

1. It is incumbent upon the Directive Council to decide on the interpretation and integration of gaps in this Regulation.
2. The present Regulation enters into force immediately, and may be changed at any time by the Directive Council.


ANNEX – APPLICABLE FEES AND PENALTIES TABLE (Ratified at the Executive Council Meeting of 3/6/2011)

Annex – Applicable fees and penalties table

Price (¤)

Reader Card for External Users


- First acquisition


- Anual renewal


Use of the ILL service (includes postage):


- National (1):

- Abroad (1):


- U.Porto Institutions:


- Scanning (2) up to 25 pages (3)


- Scanning (2) between 26 and 50 pages (3)


Penalties for non-compliance with the return deadlines (values per book and per day)


(1) A fixed fee is charged for each monograph requested by libraries outside the University of Porto.
(2) Addition deliberated in a Directive Council meeting of 12 February 2010.
(3) Articles or parts of books requested by ILL will preferably be scanned and sent by email.



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