The Documentation Services provide their users with a set of services whose main objective is to facilitate access to the information resources necessary for teaching and research.
Users have at their disposal PCs for access to the catalog, for support to study and research in the juridical area and for the search of the information resources made available.
User Area - is a resource that allows you to access a personal area, where you can check loans, return dates, renew and reserve documents, and view loan history, according to instructions.
The library has two individual study offices and one of collective study. The use of these offices is ruled by a set of norms described in the Internal Regulation-art. 7
Laptop Loan - Netversia Program
The program established between the Universia Portugal Portal, the University of Porto and this Faculty of Law, enables the availability of two portable computers for students, teachers and other workers of the University of Porto, within the area of the Documentation Services of this Faculty. Lending Rules for Laptop Computers
Reproduction of Documents
The SDFDUP have, in its space, photocopiers for the reproduction of existing documents, for direct use by patrons, taking into account the compliance with copyright legislation.
The use of the photocopier is in "SELF-SERVICE" regime. For this purpose, the user must have a validation PIN. If you do not have it, you will have to ask the service employee for help in obtaining it.
The cost of a single copy is ¤ 0,05 (23% VAT included) and each scan costs 0,01 ¤.