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The CoRoT evolution and seismic tools activity - Goals and tasks

The CoRoT evolution and seismic tools activity - Goals and tasks
Artigo em Revista Científica Internacional
Lebreton, Y
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Montalban, J
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Moya, A
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Baglin, A
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Christensen Dalsgaard, J
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J Goupil
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Michel, E
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Provost, J
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Roxburgh, IW
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Scuflaire, R
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Vol. 316
Páginas: 1-12
ISSN: 0004-640X
Editora: Springer Nature
Classificação Científica
FOS: Ciências exactas e naturais > Física
CORDIS: Ciências Físicas > Astronomia > Astrofísica ; Ciências Físicas > Astronomia ; Ciências Físicas
Outras Informações
ID Authenticus: P-003-X4W
Abstract (EN): The forthcoming data expected from space missions such as CoRoT require the capacity of the available tools to provide accurate models whose numerical precision is well above the expected observational errors. In order to secure that these tools meet the specifications, a team has been established to test and, when necessary, to improve the codes available in the community. The CoRoT Evolution and Seismic Tool Activity (ESTA) has been set up with this mission. Several groups have been involved. The present paper describes the motivation and the organisation of this activity, providing the context and the basis for the presentation of the results that have been achieved so far. This is not a finished task as future even better data will continue to demand more precise and complete tools for asteroseismology.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 12
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