Code: | F4003 | Acronym: | F4003 | Level: | 400 |
Keywords | |
Classification | Keyword |
OFICIAL | Physics |
Active? | Yes |
Responsible unit: | Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Course/CS Responsible: | Master in Medical Physics |
Acronym | No. of Students | Study Plan | Curricular Years | Credits UCN | Credits ECTS | Contact hours | Total Time |
M:FM | 19 | Study plan since academic year 2023/2024 | 1 | - | 6 | 42 | 162 |
Teacher | Responsibility |
Pedro Manuel Peixoto Teles |
Theoretical and practical : | 3,23 |
Type | Teacher | Classes | Hour |
Theoretical and practical | Totals | 1 | 3,231 |
Pedro Manuel Peixoto Teles | 3,231 |
Understand the major types of ionizing radiation, how these particles interact in physical and biological systems, and the quantities and units used to characterize the intensity of a radiation field.
Understand fundamental concepts used throughout the radiological sciences, such as absorbed dose, linear energy transfer (LET), particle range and stopping power, fluence, fluence rate, radioactive decay, quality factor and the effective dose equivalent.
recognize the advantages and disadvantages of each type of therapy
Understand radiation protection principles (e.g., time, distance and shielding) and key concepts related to radiation therapy.
This course covers aspects of radiation physics necessary for understanding modern radiation therapy and diagnostic. After completing the course the student must:
Ionizing radiation:ypes and sources of IR.; description of iR fields; quantities for describing the interaction of iR with matter; quantities and units for radiation protection.
Radiation Interactions with body tissues.; caracterization of the physics process; cross section of an event.
Interactions of neutral particles: . exponential attenuation; broad and narrow beam geometries; buildup factor; reciprocity theorem.
Photon Interactions: photoelectric effect; Compton Ssattering; Pair Production and anihillation; Rayleigh scattering; probabilities of events calculations.
Neutron Interactions: tpes of Interactions; cross sections studies: limiar for a process.
Interactions of charged heavy particles: interaction mechanisms; Bethe-Bloch formula; Stopping power calculations; restrict stopping power; dose estimates. Fundamentals of proton therapy.
Interactions of light charged particles: dose calculations. Fundamentals of electron therapy.
Solving problems skills in dosimetry and protection.
The contents are detailed in the classroom which may include the discussion and solving of problems. Special guidance on various subjects of study is offered.
Students have an organized set of problems that are resolved or discussed in class
The exposition of the themes is made in the blackboard, but using also the projection.
designation | Weight (%) |
Exame | 100,00 |
Total: | 100,00 |
designation | Time (hours) |
Estudo autónomo | 113,00 |
Frequência das aulas | 49,00 |
Total: | 162,00 |
Retaking final exam according to the Regulamento de Avaliação e do Aproveitamento dos estudantes, da FCUP.