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Introductory Project

Code: CAGR1005     Acronym: CAGR1005

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Agrarian Sciences

Instance: 2021/2022 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Plannings
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Agricultural Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:EA 3 The study plan from 2019 1 - 3 28 81

Teaching language



1. Know the work areas in the training area and understand the structure of the course
2. Develop group work skills;
3. Develop capacities for research, collection, selection and analysis of information, using available online research tools as well as using the University's library;
4. Develop skills to plan and produce written work, following a pre-defined format;
5. Develop skills to plan, prepare and deliver oral communications;
6. Use computer tools to describe data in table format and in graphic format.
7. Develop a project, with emphasis on the context of specialization of your training.

Learning outcomes and competences

Develop skills of scientific analysis and oral presentation and writing.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)



  1. Presentation of the training work areas and course structure.

  2. Team work. Organization of work teams and roles in a team.

  3. Research, selection and collection of information. Sources of technical and scientific information. Bibliographic research online and in the library.

  4. Structuring of written work reports (experimental work report, internship report and research work report).

  5. Citations and bibliographic references.

  6. Structuring oral presentations.

  7. Quantitative information in the form of tables and graphs.

  8. Development of a project dealing with a theme in the context of specialization of training: research, preparation of the written report, preparation of slides and its public oral presentation.

Mandatory literature

A dafinir; Bibliografia específica de acordo com tema de projeto.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical-practical classes: Exposition of the syllabus; presentation of project themes that group students will develop throughout the semester; familiarization with the use of online databases and computer tools for word processing, construction of tables and graphs and slides to support oral communications.
Tutorial classes: Monitoring of the project by a teacher with specialization in student training.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 5,00
Prova oral 35,00
Trabalho escrito 60,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 28,00
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 2,00
Trabalho escrito 28,00
Estudo autónomo 23,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

Minimum attendance (75% of practical classes).
Delivery and presentation of the project.

Calculation formula of final grade

The UC evaluation will consist of the weighted average of the components of:
Participation 5%
Oral Presentation 35%
Written work 60%
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