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Animal Biology

Code: BIOL1002     Acronym: BIOL1002     Level: 100

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S Ícone do Moodle Ícone  do Teams

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Biology
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Chemistry

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:CC 1 Plano de estudos a partir de 2014 2 - 6 48 162
L:CTA 80 Plano estudos a partir do ano letivo 2016/17 1 - 6 48 162
L:F 0 Official Study Plan 2 - 6 48 162
L:G 40 study plan from 2017/18 1 - 6 48 162
L:M 1 Official Study Plan 2 - 6 48 162
L:Q 2 study plan from 2016/17 3 - 6 48 162

Teaching language



Study of the main groups of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Morphological features, life cycles, habitat and ecology.

Learning outcomes and competences

To prepare students to identify the main groups of invertebrate and vertebrate animals and known their biology.

Working method



Introduction to Zoology. Architectural pattern of an animal. Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Animals. General features of main animal groups: Protists; Placozoa and Porifera.; Cnidaria and Ctenophora; Platyhelminthes, Mesozoa and Nemertea; Gnathifera and  small Lophotrochozoa; Mollusca; Annelida; small Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Echinodermata; Chaetognatha and Hemichordata. Chordata; Urochordata and Cephalochordata; Vertebrata; Agnata and Gnathostomata; Amphibia; Reptilia; Birds; Mammalia.

Mandatory literature

Hickman, Jr., C.P., Roberts, L.S., Keen, S.L., Eisenhour, D.J., Larson, A., l’Anson, H.;; Integrated principles of zoology, McGraw - Hill, 2014. ISBN: ISBN-978-1-25908078-4
Hickman, Jr., C.P., Keen, S.L., Eisenhour, D.J., Larson, A., l’Anson, H.; Integrated principles of zoology, McGraw - Hill, 2017. ISBN: ISBN- 9781605353753

Complementary Bibliography

Ruppert, E., Fox, R.S., Barnes, R.D.; Zoologia dos invertebrados, Roca, 2005. ISBN: ISBN: 85-7241-571-8
Kardong, K V.; Vertebrates, McGraw - Hill, 2006. ISBN: ISBN: 9780071244572
Brusca, R., Moore, W., Shuster, S.M.; Invertebrates, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers, 2016. ISBN: ISBN-9781605353753
Brusca, R. & Brusca, G.; Invertebrates, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers, 2003. ISBN: ISBN-0-87893-097-3
Kükenthal, W., Mathes, E, Renner, M., ; Guia de trabalhos práticos de Zoologia, Livraria Almedina, 1986
Iuliis, G. & Pulerà, D.; The dissection of verftebrates, Academic Press, 2007. ISBN: ISBN 13:978-0-12-088776-7
Low, P., Molnár, K., Kriska, G.; Atlas of animal anatomy and histology, Springer International Publishing, 2016. ISBN: ISBN 978-3-319-25172-1

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical and practical classes.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Exame 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 114,00
Frequência das aulas 48,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students who had attended at least 75% of previewed practical classes.

Students with attendance in one of the last two school years could be free of practical classes (it should be required).

Calculation formula of final grade

Theorical evaluation: 14 in 20

Practical evaluation:    6 in 20

Students with a final grade equal or higher than 9.5 and at least 30% in each evaluation component (theoretical and practical) will be approved.

The students can be evaluated in two optional frequencies, each with 10 values, distributed by the theoretical component (7 values) and by the practical component (3 values), or by performing the final exam (in the normal or resource period).

The final classification will be obtained by the sum of the classification of the two frequencies or, if the student chooses to take the final exam (in the normal or resource period), the classification obtained in the final exam (canceling the classification obtained in the set of frequencies and the student, in particular, being able to fail, independently of the classification obtained in the two frequencies).

The results of the evaluation obtained either in the two frequencies or in the final exam will automatically be canceled to all students who do not comply to course attendance due to excessive absences from the practical classes (see section on " Eligibility for exams").

All students will be able to take the examination of the application period (provided that they have participated in at least 75% of the practical classes planned or have asked for practical classes to be dismissed - see section " Eligibility for exams ").

Oral exams will not be performed.


Responsibles for the Curricular Unit:

- Aurélia Saraiva (1st part)

- Alexandre Valente (2st part)

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