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General Zootechnics

Code: AGR212     Acronym: AGR212

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Agrarian Sciences

Instance: 2015/2016 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Plannings
Course/CS Responsible: First Degree in Engineering Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:AST 0 Plano de Estudos a partir de 2008 3 - 5 49 135
L:B 1 Plano de estudos a partir de 2008 3 - 5 49 135
L:F 0 Plano de estudos a partir de 2008 3 - 5 49 135
L:G 0 P.E - estudantes com 1ª matricula anterior a 09/10 3 - 5 49 135
P.E - estudantes com 1ª matricula em 09/10 3 - 5 49 135
L:M 0 Plano de estudos a partir de 2009 3 - 5 49 135
L:Q 0 Plano de estudos Oficial 3 - 5 49 135

Teaching language



Provide students with a set of theoretical and practical knowledge that will enable them grounded the various animal production systems understanding, enabling a contact with the different techniques and the specific operations of the productive areas studied. Provide concepts and knowledge of the main biological, environmental and socio-economic factors that underlie and condition the productive phenomena. It is intended that students understand how to organize and develop agricultural and livestock production, with due regard for animal welfare and production efficiency, bearing in mind the economic and environmental sustainability of production, with the ultimate goal of obtaining products quality for the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, power industry and the landscape and environmental level.

Learning outcomes and competences

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

- Know the relative importance of animal science at national, European and global level, the main indicators used in animal husbandry;

- Identify the main characteristics of the different indigenous / exotic breeds, and relate them to the different production systems and functional skills;

- Characterization of different production systems and animal exploitation;

- Apply technical management of food, health, reproductive, prophylactic, for sustainable production;

- Designing, implementing various projects of livestock nature and properly size the infrastructure necessary

Working method



Theoretical Teaching

Chapter 1. General concepts
1. Introduction
2. Concepts of animal science and animal production
3. Evolution and futuro of the animal production
4. Animal production as an integrated sistem of food production
5. Conditioning factors od the animal production
5.1. Environmental and biological factors
5.2. Human factors

Chapter 2. Animal Production Systems
6. Intensive system
7. Extensive system

Chapter 3. Production of non-Ruminant Animals
Rabbits Production
8. Historical evolution and characterization of rabbit production
8.1. Rabbit characteristics with interest for meat production
8.2. Intensive production
9. Physiological characteristics of the rabbit
10. Housing
Poultry Production
11. Poultry production in Portugal and worldwide
11.1. Main production regions
11.2. Egg and meat poultry
11.3. Horizontal and vertical integration
12. Chicken reproductive characteristics
13. Production cycle
14. Housing
Swine Production
15. Nationaland international sector characterization
16. Production evolution
17. General characteristics, anatomy, digestive and reproduction systems
18. Reproduction cycle
19. Production unity and the product
20. Production systems

Chapter 4. Production of Ruminant Animals
Milk Production
21. Milk as a food for Men
22. Biological and economical efficiency of milk production
23. Evolution of milk production in Portugal
23.1. Classification system e milk payment
24. Production cycle
25. Production modulator factors
26. Dairy farm management technical indexes
27. Housing
Meat Production
28. Production cycles
29. Meat production systems
29.1. Animals from dairy farms
29.2. Intensive fattening
29.3. More extensive system
30. Housing

Practical Teaching

Chapter 1. General Concepts
1. Chronometry, dehorning, body score
2. Animal science ethnology

Chapter 2. Animal Production Systems
3. Environmental impact of the animal production

Chapter 3. Production of non-Ruminant Animals
Rabbits Production
4. Autochthonous and exotic breeds
5. Practical exercise in a traditional system
5.1. Calculation of the reposition nucleus and the number of Grand Parents
5.2. Calculation of the maternity cage and numerical productivity per maternity cage
6. Field visit
Poultry Production
7. Autochthonous and exotic breeds
Swine Production
8. Autochthonous and exotic breeds

Chapter 4. Production of Ruminant Animals
Milk Production
9. Autochthonous and exotic breeds
10. Mechanical milking
11. Contrast
11.1. Epidemiological analysis with specific software
Meat Production
12. Autochthonous and exotic breeds
12.1. National Production systems
13. Evolution of an effective system

Mandatory literature

Habault Paul; Elementos de zootecnia general. ISBN: 84-7114-035-7
King J. O. L. John Oliver Letts; Introducción a la zootecnia. ISBN: 84-200-0461-8
Torrent Mollevi Mateo; Zootecnia básica aplicada. ISBN: 84-7003-254-2
Church D. C.; Basic animal nutrition and feeding. ISBN: 0-471-87514-7
Farner Donald S.; Photoperiodism in animals
Bowman John C.; An Introduction to Animal Breeding. ISBN: 0-7131-2446-6
Hafez B. 340; Reproduction in farm animals. ISBN: 9780683305777
Jean-Blain Marcel; Traité de zootechnie générale
Jarrige R. 340; Alimentação dos bovinos, ovinos e caprinos. ISBN: 972-1-03173-9

Teaching methods and learning activities

The activities of classroom work are distributed as follows: The lectures take place in the classroom , using the audiovisual media, with exposure of the material comprising the syllabus of the course. Practical classes and field classes will focus on visualization depicting the major operations management in different production animals, as well as direct contact with the various animal species, mainly for the demonstration of aspects related to reproductive, productive, food, hygiene and prophylaxis management. These aspects will fit in a series of field trips to farms of the Entre Douro e Minho region.

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Teste 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 49,00
Total: 49,00

Eligibility for exams

For attendance course, the student has to compulsorily attend at least 75% of the practical classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

Students can opt for continuous assessment and final examination. In the case of opting for continuous assessment, the final rating will be obtained by the arithmetic mean of the written evaluation. Students will only be admitted to the second test if a score of 8 or higher is achieved. Students not approved or that missed the written assessment tests will be assessed in the final written exam on the materials taught in lectures, that will correspond to 100% of the final classification. Students are considered approved when they get a final score equal equal or greater than 9.5 in the continuous evaluation or final exam.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students subject to special regimes (TE, DA, ...) will be assessed in the final exam.

Classification improvement

The grade improvement will always be held on the final exam. Students who have initially opted for continuous assessment, from the moment they deliver the exam to be corrected, the note used to calculate the final mark will always be the final exam, whether higher or lower than the weighted average of the tests . The final exam will represent 70% of the final grade.
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