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Physics Laboratory I

Code: F112     Acronym: F112

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2013/2014 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Physics and Astronomy
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Physics

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:AST 0 Plano de Estudos a partir de 2008 1 - 5 -
L:F 50 Plano de estudos a partir de 2008 1 - 5 -
MI:EF 50 Plano de Estudos a partir de 2007 1 - 5 -
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2014-02-04.

Fields changed: Calculation formula of final grade, Avaliação especial, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Observações, Obtenção de frequência

Teaching language



To take measurements and to record data accurately. To familiarise oneself with basic and universal instruments for measuring physical quantities. To use basic techniques of data analysis. To distinguish the concept of "uncertainty" and "error". To motivate the understanding of some concepts in physics. To perform experimental activities in a competent way from the available protocols. To develop cooperative skills in group work. To promote research of relevant information related to the sugested experiments. To write proper reports of the experimental activities.

Learning outcomes and competences

Be able to:

Measure and record data accurately. Use
basic and universalmeasuring instruments. Use basic techniques for data analysis. Understand the concepts of physics associated with the lab. work performed. Perform experimental activities in a competent way, from reading protocols. Perform laboratory work, inserted in a work group. Find information relevant to the experimental job. Prepare and write reports of experimental activities.

Working method



1. In each week: 1h theorectical/exercises classes (T) + 2h laboratory pratical classes (P). 2. Theoretical and Exercise Classes (TP): Presentation of the evaluation methods of this unit. Data analysis: uncertainty, error propagation of uncertainties. Discussion of concepts of physics inherent to laboratory work which has not yet been explored in other course subjects. Exercises on numerical analysis of data and answer questions about the implementation of experimental methods. 3. Laboratory Classes (P): Session 1 Formation of working groups (two students) and reference to some pointers to how they should work. Graphic analysis with linear adjustment of data (using Microsoft Excel "Linest"). Manipulation of an oscilloscope, multimeters, signal generators and micrometers. The work is to be performed in a rotation system between groups and the sugested experiments are indicated in the following list. T 1 Use of the oscilloscope to analyze the behavior of high and low frequency filters: analysis of an RC circuit: amplitude and frequency response. T 2 Wheatstone bridge in equilibrium (determination of resistance) and off-balance (temperature sensor conditioner) T 3 The characteristic curve of a diode (rectifier and Zener) T 4 Frank-Hertz Experiment T 5 Study of Hooke's law in steel, using an optical lever. Elastic hysteresis and other viscoelastic behaviours in vulcanized rubber. T 6 A study of the physical law followed by a cooling body: Newton's law. Phase transition: "fusion" / "solidification" T 7 Determination of the angle at which the maximum range of a projectile is attained. T 8 A study of a cylinder rolling on a horizontal surface: supperposition principle.

Mandatory literature

Manuela Lopes dos Santos; Protocolos dos trabalhos de Lab. Fis I
Manuela Lopes dos Santos; Aulas Teórico-práticas de Lab. Fis. I

Teaching methods and learning activities

The teacher support manifests itself, class after class and from group to group, through: - the personalised discussion of the objectives of each work; - comments and / or insightful questions about the implementation of each experimental method; - questions to ensure understanding of the physics concepts involved in each work; - discussion on the correctness of entries made by students; It is assumed that students: - continue to develop skills in the sense that they would adopt a correct attitude on the experimental work; - interpret and assemble electric circuits with many components; - use appropriately equipment such as: galvanometers and multimeters of various brands and models, current sources and voltage sources, image recording as a process of collecting numerical data, function generators and oscilloscopes and - use some software on automatic data recording, as well as specific numerical analysis software.


MIcrosoftWord; MicrosoftExcel; programas de aquisição e conversão de dados freware e comprados

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Exame 60,00
Trabalho laboratorial 40,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

- The legal maximum number of absences is equal to one quarter of the total number of possible classes. - It is needed the acceptable recording of any five of the eight experimental assignements in the list. It is considered "acceptable" a resulting assesment equal to or more then 9,5 (over 20) points. The individual report to be submitted for evaluation will be indicated by the lecturer during the first three weeks of the semester.

Calculation formula of final grade

1) The final evaluation has three components: -> continuous assessment (AC) -> individual test lab (PIL) and -> written exam (PE). 2) A rating below 7.5 in PIL or PE implies failing to pass. 3) The final grade will be calculated as follows: 0,40 * AC + 0.40 * PE + 0.20 * PIL 4) AC is determined by the expression 0,40 * (RL) + 0.60 * (log) + / - 1 (DL) where -> RL = rank of the individual report -> Log = rank of the group's logbook -> DL = eventual adjustment up to 1 value in AC evaluation, stemming from an evaluation of the performance of the student in the laboratory

Examinations or Special Assignments

A rating above 18 points (over 20) will only be allocated through an oral examination conducted in the laboratory. The student will be questioned about any of the points raised in the discipline, both from a theoretical and a experimental standpoint.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

ASSESSMENT IN SPECIAL SITUATIONS 1) "Students with Job status" and "Student Membership Director": the same rules refered above apply, as far as the logbook and the individual report are concerned. The same expression refered abobe is used in the assesment of the final grade. 2) When the exams PE and/or PIL are taken in subsequent academic years, the expression for calculating the final grade is 0.50 *PE + 0.50 * + PIL NOTE: PE and PIL may be more compreensive in this instance, covering several of the available experimental assignements.

Classification improvement

The improvement of the final grade will only be possible through another PE and / or PIL exam, in the designated legal dates for such goal.


THE USE OF LAPTOP in laboratory classes is allowed and encouraged for data and observation recording.

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