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Elements of Structural Geology

Code: G110     Acronym: G110

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2011/2012 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Plannings
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Geology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:AST 1 Plano de Estudos a partir de 2008 3 - 5 -
L:B 17 Plano de estudos a partir de 2008 3 - 5 -
L:CC 0 Plano de estudos de 2008 até 2013/14 3 - 5 -
L:F 0 Plano de estudos a partir de 2008 2 - 5 -
L:M 0 Plano de estudos a partir de 2009 3 - 5 -
L:Q 0 Plano de estudos Oficial 3 - 5 -

Teaching language



The aims of Structural Geology are the study of deformed rocks. This is achieved by the description of the geometry of geological structures, by the kinematics that rocks have experienced during their deformation history and by the understanding of the dynamics involved during the deformation. There are studied principles of rock mechanics (stress, strain and reology).


1.Structural geology as a science
2. Aims
3. Structures: examples
4. Scales of observation
5. Structural analysis: descriptive, dynamic and kinematic
1. Stress
1.1 Definition and units
1.2 Normal stress and shear stress
1.3 Principal stress directions
1.4 Stress tensor
2. Two dimensional stress
2.1 The Mohr Diagram stress
2.2 Maximal stress directions
3. Three dimensional stress
3.1 The Mohr Diagram stress
4. Special cases
5. Deviatoric stress
6. Hydrostatic stress
7. Lithostatic stress
8. Exercises
1. Strain
2. Strain parameters
2.1 Changes in lenghts
2.2 Changes in angles
3. Homogeneous and heterogenous deformation
4. Two dimensional homogeneous deformation
4.1 The strain ellipse
4.2 Rotational and non-rotational strain; coaxial and nocoaxial strain
4.3 The Mohr Strain Diagram
4.4 Pure shear and simple shear
5. Determination of strain ellipse
6. Three dimensional strain
6.1 Strain ellipsoid
6.2 Flinn Diagram
6.3 The Mohr Strain Diagram
7.1 7. Strain rates
7.1 Geological strain rates

1.1 Geometry of folds
1.2 Attitude of the fold
1.3 Classifying folds
1.4 Flexural slip fold, buckling
1.5 Kinematic analysis of folding
2. Foliation
2.1 Nature of foliation
2.1.1 Fracture cleavage
2.1.2 Crenulation cleavage
2.1.3 Slaty cleavage and Schistosity
3. Faults
3.1 Strain significance of faults
3.2 Definitions and distinctions
3.3 Dynamic analysis of faulting (Anderson’s theory)
3.4 Normal-slip faults
3.4.1 Ramp-flat geometry.
3.4.2 Listric normal faulting. Detachment faulting. Imbricate listric normal faulting
3.4.3 Normal fault systems.
3.4.4 Horsts and graben.
3.4.5 Rift valleys
3.4.6 Extensional tectonics
3.5 Thrust and reverse -slip faults
3.5.1 Overthrusts
3.5.2 Ramp-flat geometry.
3.6 Strike-slip faulting
3.6.1 Transformant faults
3.6.2 Transpression and transtension
3.6.3 Pull- apart basins
3.6.4 Strike slip faults.Flower structures.
4. Lineations
4.1 Slickensides
4.2 “Boudinage”
4.3 Quatz rods
4.4 Mullions
4.5 Mineral lineations. Lineations a and b.

Practical contents

I- Descriptive geometry. Basically exercises. Applications in Structural Geology. Translative faults.

II- Stereographic projection. Applications in Structural Geology.

III- Block diagrams.

Mandatory literature

Davis, G.H.& Reynolds, S.J.D; Structural geology of rocks and regions. 776 pp., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996
Mattauer, M. ; Ce que disent les pierres. Belin. 144 pp., Belin., 1998
Ramsay, J.G. & Hubner, M.; The techniques of modern structural geology. Strain analysis. Vol.1, 307 pp., Academic Press., 1993
Ramsay, J.G. & Hubner, M.; The techniques of modern structural geology. Folds and fractures., Vol.2, 700 pp., 1983. ISBN: Academic Press

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 56,00
Total: - 0,00
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