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Code: FIS1013     Acronym: FIS1013

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2023/2024 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: https://moodle.up.pt/course/view.php?id=784
Responsible unit: Department of Physics and Astronomy
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Engineering Physics

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:B 2 Official Study Plan 3 - 6 54 162
L:CC 2 study plan from 2021/22 2 - 6 54 162
L:EF 82 study plan from 2021/22 1 - 6 54 162
L:F 71 Official Study Plan 1 - 6 54 162
L:G 0 study plan from 2017/18 2 - 6 54 162
L:IACD 0 study plan from 2021/22 3 - 6 54 162
L:M 20 Official Study Plan 2 - 6 54 162
L:MA 30 Official Study Plan 2 - 6 54 162
L:Q 0 study plan from 2016/17 3 - 6 54 162

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Joaquim Agostinho Gomes Moreira
Pedro Pina Avelino

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical classes: 2,14
Theoretical and practical : 1,71
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical classes Totals 2 4,286
Joaquim Agostinho Gomes Moreira 2,143
Pedro Pina Avelino 2,143
Theoretical and practical Totals 6 10,284
Maria de Fátima Gonçalves da Mota 5,142
Joaquim Agostinho Gomes Moreira 1,714
Pedro Manuel Peixoto Teles 3,428
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2023-09-22.

Fields changed: Eligibility for exams

Teaching language



This course aims to present the concepts and the basic principles of Classic Mechanics, and relativity, with emphasis on  understanding and application in the analysis of  real world situations . Students should have the ability to manipulate fundamental concepts and knowi how to apply them to solve problems. Students will be motivated to consider the principles of Mechanics in other areas of knowledge and in technology. Particular attention will be paid to training in problem solving by familiarizing students with heuristics and modes of thinking of experienced physicists.

Learning outcomes and competences

 Students should demonstrate good understanding of fundamental mechanical concepts (description of motion, mass, force, linear and angular momentum, energy) and relativity (relativity of space and time, space-time diagrams  and relativistic momentum and energy) by correctly solving problems of direct application of these concepts, and by  modeling and analysing, in terms of mechanics concepts, real world situations.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Basic trigonometry, basic vector calculus, basic derivative of a function, elementary geometry.


Units; dimensions, dimensional analysis
1D movement, speed and acceleration; graphics
Integration. Euler's formula. 2D and 3D movements. Vectors
Freinet formulas: curvilinear movements
Newton's laws: discussion; interactions, contact forces, examples.
Circular and Harmonic Motion
Conservation Principles; work and energy
Movement in a field of forces and potential energy
Potential elastic and gravitational energy
Particle systems; Moment conservation and CM reference frame
Collisions in 1D and 2D. CM Referential; ineelastic coeficient
Variable mass systems.
Angular moment and Torque.
Collisions and angular momentum
Relative movement; Accelerated frmes
Rotating references, Centrifugal and Coriolis forces
Galileo's relativity; postulates of Relativity,
Simultaneity, expansion of times contraction of spaces
Lorentz transformations: tachyons
Moment and energy in Relativity

Mandatory literature

Marcelo Alonso; Fisica. ISBN: 84-03-20990-8 Conjunto 3 vols.

Complementary Bibliography

Feynman Richard P.; The Feynman lectures on physics (Peerless textbook. The best for aspiring physicists. Not easy)
Raymond A. Serway; Principles of physics. ISBN: 0-534-46479-3
Paul A. Tipler; Physics for scientists and engineers. ISBN: 9780716743897
Ford Kenneth W.; Classical and modern physics. ISBN: 0-536-00723-3 Vol. 1 (Veru Lucid writing)
António Jorge Silvestre e Paulo Ivo Cortez Teixeira; Mecânica: uma introdução, Edições Colibri/Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, 2013. ISBN: 978-989-689-295-1

Comments from the literature

The corse textbook is Physics, by Marcelo Alonso and Edward Finn. The topic Mechanics is addressed in numerous books available at the Library of the Faculty of Sciences. In addition to the books indicated as complementary, the student can opt for others that suit him best.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theory classes (with oriented readings), problem solving classes. 

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Trabalho escrito 15,00
Exame 85,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 99,00
Frequência das aulas 63,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students who are unable to attend TP classes will not be excluded of "frequência".

Calculation formula of final grade

The assessment has two components:


1. Problems to be solved in groups in TP's classes. The teacher responsible for each TP class will randomly choose the groups whose problems will be evaluated in each class. The weight of this component will be less than or equal to 15%;


2. Final exam, with a weight greater than or equal to 85%.


The final classification of the UC (NF) is calculated as follows:


 NF = 20*(0.15*P + (1-0.15*P)*E)


where P and E designate, respectively, the grades (from 0 to 1) obtained by each student in the components 1 (problems) and 2 (final exam).

Examinations or Special Assignments


Internship work/project


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students with TE status are exempt from carrying out group work. In this case, the exam will have a weight of 100%.

Classification improvement

Only the exam component is subject to improvement, keeping the calculation formula for the final classification.


Júri da UC:
Fátima Mota
Joaquim Agostinho Gomes Moreira
Pedro Pina Avelino
Pedro teles

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