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Conservation Biology

Code: BIOL3006     Acronym: BIOL3006     Level: 300

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://elearning2.fc.up.pt
Responsible unit: Department of Biology
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Biology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:B 44 Official Study Plan 3 - 6 48 162

Teaching language



To provide theoretical and practical knowledge in Nature Conservation. To promote the acquisition of skills required for the critical analysis and the design of solutions for specific problems on Biological Conservation.

Learning outcomes and competences

After coursing this discipline successfully, the students will be able to analyse real cases involving endangered species/habitats and based on this, they will be able to:

- apply previous knowledge in biology/ecology to identify main factors affecting species and habitats and to conceive new conservation strategies;

- identify main national and European regulations that could support conservation actions;

- identify the need to integrate public participation in conservation actions, as well as the different forms of public participation;

- identify and to recommend the best conservation approaches for each species/habitats;

- identify the different steps in the rehabilitation of a degraded area and corresponding habitats.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Basic knowlegde on ecology and species biology



Conservation Biology: origin, object, objectives, framework in the context of biological sciences. Biological Diversity: concept (s) and main attributes.

Conservation and Taxonomy. Classification and Biological Diversity Systems. In situ conservation versus ex situ conservation (germplasm banks, zoological and botanical gardens).

Management and Conservation of Natural Resources-Agriculture, environment and biodiversity. Agriculture in the world: Centers of origin. Agriculture and soil; Agriculture and Climate, Agriculture and Biodiversity; Agriculture in the European Union.

Agrarian systems: Extensive systems (mountain); Extensive (Mediterranean) systems; the High Nature Value Farmland: Intensive Systems; Intensity and biodiversity.

Agriculture and ecosystem services. IRENA | Indicator Reporting on the Integration of Environmental Concerns into Agriculture Policy. Examples of agriculture, livestock and forestry. National Agricultural Reserve (RAN)

Populations and metapopulations, connections and population size. Key, flag, umbrella and indicator species concepts. Margin effects. Minimum feasible population. Sustainability and ethical issues related to habitat loss.

Methodologies for the study of biological diversity in the context of Conservation Biology. Biodiversity monitoring: principles, methodologies, scales and indicators.

Biodiversity and biological processes of extinction. Endangered species. Exotic and invasive species, colonization mechanisms and consequences for ecosystems. Procedures for eradication /control of exotic species.

Global changes and biodiversity conservation. Challenges posed by global climate changes, with emphasis on mountain regions, coastal zones and polar areas. Global changes and effectiveness of protected area networks.

International conventions, European and national legislation related to biological diversity.

Biological rationale and the main rules for the creation of protected areas and the national ecological reserve. Main national and European legal documents.

Restoration and rehabilitation of ecosystems. Steps in the planning and establishment of ecological restorations.

Public participation in conservation processes (eg citizen science).


 Theoretical-Practical Classes

Studying Biodiversity: characterization and monitoring (practical exercise)

Critical review of legislation: Law by Decree transposing the Habitats and Birds Directives

Habitat Valuation Index

Signs of presence of birds and mammals: identification, non-evasive sampling

Signs of presence of birds and mammals: identification, non-evasive sampling (cont).

Habitat conservation (workshop)

Radio tracking - methodology and equipment

Presentation and Evaluation of Group Works



Mandatory literature

Sodhi, N. S. and P. R. Ehrlich (Eds.). ; Conservation Biology for All. , Oxford University Press., 2010
Richard B. Primack; A Primer of Conservation Biology, Fifth Edition, Sinauer, 2012

Complementary Bibliography

Bennett, G.; Linkages in Practice: a Review of Their Conservation Practice., IUCN, Gland, 2008
Biodiversity: resources for environmental literacy, Environmental Literacy Council and National Science Teachers Association, 2007
Cabral M.J. (coord.), J. Almeida, P.R. Almeida, T. Dellinger, N. Ferrand de Almeida, M.E. Oliveira, J.M. Palmeirim, A.I. Queiroz, L. Rogado & M. Santos-Reis ; Livro vermelho dos Vertebrados de Portugal. Peixes Dulciaquícolas e Migradores, Anfíbios, Répteis, Aves e Mamíferos, Instituto da Conservação da Natureza, Lisboa, 2005
Committee on the Evaluation, Design, and Monitoring of Marine Reserves and Protected Areas in the United States ; MARINE PROTECTED AREAS. TOOLS FOR SUSTAINING OCEAN ECOSYSTEMS, NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS Washington, D.C.
Dobson, A. ; Conservation And Biodiversity, WH Freeman, 1999
Elton, C.; . The ecology of invasions by animals and plants, The University of Chicago Press, 2000
Equipa Atlas ; Atlas das Aves Nidificantes em Portugal (1999-2005). , ICNB, SPEA, PNM, SRAM. Assírio e Alvim, 2008
Farinha, J. e A. Trindade; Contribuição para o inventário e caracterização de Zonas Húmidas em Portugal Continental, ICN, 1994
GEIB ; TOP 20: Las 20 especies exóticas invasoras más dañinas presentes en España, GEIB, Serie Técnica N.2. Pp.: 116, 2006
Leadlay, E. & Jury, S.; Taxonomy and Plant Conservation, Cambridge University Press, 2006. ISBN: 0521607205
Loureiro, A., N. Almeida, M. Carretero e O. Paulo ; Atlas dos Anfíbios e dos Répteis de Portugal, ICN, 2009
Norse E. A. and Crowder, l.B. ; Marine Conservation Biology: the science of maintaining the sea’s biodiversity, Island Press, Washington, 2005
Pearce, D. & Dominic Moran (Eds.) ; The Economic Value of Biodiversity, IUCN, 1994
Perrings, C., Mooney, H. And Williamson, M. ; Bioinvasions and globalization: ecology, economics, management and policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010
Primack, R.B.; Essentials of Conservation Biology, Sinauer Associates , 2002
Ray, G.C. & J. McCormick-Ray ; Coastal-Marine Conservation: Science and Policy, Blackwell Pub., 2004
Sutherland, W.J. and Hill, D.A. (Eds.); Managing Habitats for Conservation, Cambridge University Press, 1995
Sutherland, W.J. ; The conservation Handbook: research, management and policy, Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, 2000

Comments from the literature

The students will also receive several complementary bibliography (e.g. recently published papers on the subject), which could be updated each year.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical and practical classes. Students are expected to perform, present and discuss a written work on a topic related with the discipline.


Natural sciences > Environmental science > Ecology > Applied ecology
Natural sciences > Biological sciences > Biodiversity > Sustainable exploitation
Natural sciences > Environmental science > Natural resources management > Environmental protection

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Exame 75,00
Trabalho escrito 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Frequência das aulas 42,00
Estudo autónomo 86,00
Total: 168,00

Eligibility for exams

Physical presence in 3/4 of the theoretical/practical classes; 

Calculation formula of final grade

Final classification= Exam classification (Max. 15 values) + pratical work (Max. 5 values)

Exam classification= Theoretical (Máx. 12 values) + Theoretical/Practical (TP) (Max. 3 values).

The classification of the monography includes the written text, the oral presentation and the discussion. Thus, the monography will be classificated with 5 values (maximum).

The field visit to be made within the scope of the CU will be evaluated in the theoretical exam. Thus, 1.5 out of  3 values attributed to the TP component, will score questions targeting the contents approached during the visit.

Examinations or Special Assignments

During the semester students will be involved in practical/theoretical works, in the TP classes. The practical subjects will be evaluated in the final exam.

Classification improvement

According to FCUP rules, it is only possible for the final exam.


Students should ask permission to see corrected exams, in the week after  the publication of the classification.

Ruth Pereira is responsible by this CU.
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