Sedimentary Petrology and Pedology
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Geology |
Instance: 2011/2012 - 2S
Cycles of Study/Courses
Teaching language
To provide essential concepts for an understanding of the processes involved in the genesis of the sedimentary rocks and soils.
1.1. Objectives and definition of the Sedimentary Petrology
1.2. Sedimentary Petrology within Geosciences
1.3.Sediment and sedimentary rock definitions
1.4. Volume and relative abundance of sedimentary rocks
2. Sedimentary processes and products
2.1. Sedimentary rocks within rock cycle
2.2. Weathering: Physical and Chemical weathering; Factors that control the rate of weathering; Sedimentary differentiation versus pedologic differentiation; Its importance for the sedimentary rocks-forming and the concentration of elements; Weathering indices and the A-CN-K and A-CNK-FM diagrams
2.3. Mineralogical composition of the sedimentary rocks: Mineralogy of sedimentary rocks; Stable and unstable minerals; detritus and neoformed minerals
2.4. Physico-chemical factors that controls the sedimentation: Differential mobility ion behaviour; Ionic potential; pH; Eh; Eh-pH diagrams; Geochemistry of natural waters
3. Physical processes of sediment transport
3.1. Texture: Grain size: Udden-Wentworth classification; Sorting; Shape and roundness; Fabric, packing, porosity and permeability
3.2. Compositional maturity, its relationship with provenance
3.3. Textural maturity
3.4. Clastic transport and fluid flow
3.5. Transport and deposition of clasts
3.6. Sedimentary structures: a brief introduction
3.7. Experiments in physical sedimentology
4. Detrital sedimentary rocks
4.1. Conglomerates and Breccia
4.2. Sandstones
4.3. Mudrocks
5. Carbonate rocks
5.1. Carbonate geochemistry
5.2. Controls on carbonate deposition
5.3. Carbonate mineral chemistry
5.4. Limestones
5.5. Dolostones
6. Carbonaceous rocks
6.1. Coal as a rock
6.2. Dispersed organic matter (DOM)
6.3. Diagenetic process, coalification and the hydrocarbon generation
7. Other Sedimentary rocks: Chert and siliceous sediments; Evaporites; Iron-rich sedimentary rocks; Phosphorites
8. Pedology: The concept of Pedology; Different concepts of soil; Environmental and socio-economic importance of soil; Factors of soil formation; Soil horizons; Soil profile; Soil structure; Soil texture; Soil colour; FAO-UNESCO soil classification; Soil maps.
Mandatory literature
Prothero, D.R. & Schwab, F., ; Sedimentary Geology: An introduction to sedimentary rocks and stratigraphy., W.H.Freeman and Company, 2004
Pettijohn, F.J., ; Sedimentary rocks, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1975
Carvalho, A.M.G., ; Geologia Sedimentar. Volume I – Sedimentogénese., Âncora Editora, 2003
Adams, A. E. & MacKenzie, W.S.; A colour atlas of carbonate sediments and rocks under the microscope, Masson, 1998
Adams, A. E., MacKenzie, W.S. & Guilford, C.; Atlas of sedimentary rocks under the microscope, Longman, Harlow, 1995
Complementary Bibliography
Tucker, M.E., ; Sedimentary Petrology. An Introduction to the Origin of Sedimentary Rocks, Blackwell Sciences, 2001
Blatt, H., Middleton, G. & Murray, R.; Origin of sedimentary rocks, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972
Raymond, L.A.; Petrology: The Study of Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks, Part III, Wm. C Brown Publishers, 1995
Tucker, M.E.; Sedimentary Petrology. An Introduction to the Origin of Sedimentary Rocks, Blackwell Sciences, 2001
Varennes, A.; Produtividade dos solos e ambiente, Editora Escolar, 2003
Teaching methods and learning activities
Presentation and discussion of the foreseen contents. Its practical application on the characterization and classification of the sedimentary rocks. As didactic resource will be used Powerpoint presentation which will be put on-line ( for the students use.
Evaluation Type
Distributed evaluation with final exam
Eligibility for exams
The students have to attend at least 2/3 of the sessions.
Calculation formula of final grade
Final evaluation (60%) and practical exam (40%).