10 years Consumer Sciences (2007-2017)
This degree provides the following competences: critical thinking regarding new challenges in food consumption; understanding of the factors currently determining food consumption and the respective implications of the link between food technology and the development of novel products; the ability to raise awareness of and change attitudes to healthy eating habits; insight into the processes of creation, development and implementation of novel food products, as well as the adaptation of existing products; and the ability to conceive and implement research projects in consumer science and nutrition.
Employment Prospects
This degree is intended for any first cycle holder of a degree in the natural sciences, health science, life sciences or technology who is interested and currently working in the area of food consumption and nutrition, namely in the following sectors: modern retail (supermarkets); the food industry; animal and plant production; entities of public administration involved in food consumption (ASAE, DGConsumidor, etc); NGO’s involved in issues of food consumption (DECO, daycare centres, etc); specialised media; and research and teaching.
Admissions Requirements
Criteria for Selection and Ranking
The Course is delivered through blended learning, with the face-to-face modules taking place on Fridays throughout the day, and Saturday mornings. Some sessions will be held on Saturday afternoon.Application Dates 2016-2017
Course fully accredited by
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and does not preclude consultation of the Official Gazette.