Abstract (EN):
It¿s been over three decades since Malcolm Coulthard first published `An Introduction to Discourse Analysis¿ (1977), `Advances in Spoken Discourse Analysis¿ (1992) and ¿Advances in Written Text Analysis¿ (1994). Taken together, the three books, which were preceded by Sinclair and Coulthard¿s `Towards an Analysis of Discourse: English Used by Teachers and Pupils¿ (1974), provide beginners and advanced learners, native and non-native speakers of English alike, with an in-depth knowledge across all areas of applied linguistics, and guidelines on how to analyse the different instances of written and spoken text. `How to Analyse Texts: A Toolkit for Students of English¿ recalls these books for several reasons: not only is the book aimed at students of English across the world, but also, as a textbook, it encourages the readers to think about language use in everyday texts. As it focuses on language patterns both intrinsically and extrinsically, it is a step-by-step resource for understanding and interpreting different texts.
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