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Code: M503     Acronym: M

Instance: 2019/2020 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Fine Arts Department
Course/CS Responsible: Fine Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
AP 24 Official Study Plan 2011 3 - 4,5 64 121,5

Teaching language



The student most analyze, understand and use various functions in different mosaic techniques previously learned.

Developed the knowledge obtained in the realization of specific outcomes

Be able to distinguish the different techniques learned and its diverse applications

Understand that mosaic is a flexible technology and should be embrace as a contemporary art

Learning outcomes and competences

Realization of two practical works

in cement and stones technique

glue and tesselas vitreous and/or ceramic technique.

Achieving the objectives propose in the discipline

Work plan well structure.

Ability to observe and understand the different applications of the mosaic technique.

Ability to complete the work within the deadline


Realization of a project with small dimensions. Elaboration of a theoretical/practical project and a model for a place in the faculty

-technique chosen by the student

Knowledge of the mosaic heritage

Ability to organize and systematize the work developed

Capacity for reflection and self-criticism

Ability to complete the work within the deadline

Working method



1. The functions of mosaic in the different fields of contemporary art

1.1. the mosaic subjects:

1.2.  The role of Mosaic in the history of Painting, since the origins until today

1.2.1. Knowledge of the different mosaic techniques

1.3. Knowledge of the different material used and tools needed

2. realization of practical exercises

2.1. Development of the mosaic technique in cement and stones, and glue and tesselas vitreous and/or ceramic.

2.2.1. Exercises with natural material, or materials made by the students

2.2.2. 3D projects

2.2.3. Realization of a project with small dimensions. Elaboration of a theoretical/practical project and a model for a place in the faculty

Mandatory literature

Roll Werner 080; Mosaicos
Bertelli Carlo; Les mosaiques. ISBN: 2-04-027012-4
ULL; Mosaiques & fresques
Bovini Giuseppe; Mosaici di Ravenna
Rossi Ferdinando; Mosaics. ISBN: 269-02565-0
Grabar André 080; Greek mosaics of the byzantine period
Kitzinger Ernst 080; Israeli mosaics of the byzantine period
Fiorentini Roncuzzi; Il Mosaico Materiali e Tecniche dalle Origine a Oggi, Longo Ravenna Itália
Stribling Mary Lou; Mosaic Techeniques, Crown New York USA
Arthur Goodwin; The Technique Of Mosaic, Ed. Barsford, 1985

Teaching methods and learning activities

The Working Hours Semester this course is organized as follows: in the working hours of the discipline and in the studio

The contact hours in the semester are distributed by:

Theoretical classes: presentation and explanation of the pregame.

Practical/theoretical classes. Implementation, development and exploration of exercises

Analysis, criticism and evaluation of the results obtained

The remaining working hours are used in the development and research of the practice involved, from the exploration of the materials. 

Participation in workshops



Humanities > Arts > Fine arts > Plastic arts

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 70,00
Trabalho de campo 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 50,00
Trabalho de investigação 30,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

Continuous assessment which involves the systematic presence in the class. The students need to attend ¾ of the lessons

Calculation formula of final grade

Type of evaluation:

Continuous assessment


The assessment is done during the classes regarding the following items:

Achieving the objectives propose in the discipline

Work plan well structure.

Ability to observe and understand the different applications of the mosaic technique.

Knowledge of the mosaic heritage

Interesting in participating in the workshop offer

Ability to organize and systematize the work developed

Involvement and capacity of finishing the work produced

Capacity for reflection and self-criticism

Ability to complete the work within the deadline

Attendance and punctuality

Examinations or Special Assignments

3 works:

1 with glue

1 with cement

1.heoretical/practical project and a model for a place in the faculty

Classification improvement

By frequency in the following year


Taking into account the situation in which we find ourselves and the necessary modifications due to COVID-1, the work plan and date of evaluation was changed, with the following new planning:



Practical classes at the glass workshop from May 28 to June 25

For security reasons, students need to speak to the Professor and present the work to be developed. It is mandatory to make an appointment, as we need to make shifts



June 25-  July 3rd

Conclusion of practical work in the workshop space for students who need to finish the work. All students should take the works from the workshop until the 9 July.


July 19

Deadline for delivering the report. The report can be delivered beforehand.


July 21

14.00-18.00 - Zoom evaluation of all students


works and options:

  1. a) For students returning to college. Develop 1 practical work using the cement technique;
  2. b) For students who do not return to the workshop to develop practical work at home with cement and / or alternative materials


All students have a far evaluation regarding the option taken.


The final evaluation contains the following items:



  1. Public Art work. To the wall of the university made during quarantine and presented in the zoom class on April 30 and delivered on the same date;
  2. Practical works:  a) tile work and b) cement work and / or alternative materials;
  3. Report to be sent by the stipulated deadline, July 19;
  4. Presentation of the work developed and respective report on July 21th;
  5. Attendances are counted before the college has closed.



The final report must contain:


Index and bibliography

Synopsis about the work developed: motivation and concept;

Reference artists;

Ideas, drawings of the two works that would be carried out with the respective techniques;

Photographs of the realization and evolution of practical work, for a better understanding.

State which job got the best result and what was more pleasant to work





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