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Architectural Design 5

Code: 500501     Acronym: 500501

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Architecture and Urbanism

Instance: 2012/2013 - A

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Arquitectura (A)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 60 MIARQ 5 - 21 - 567

Teaching language



We pretend to develop a pedagogical process leading to a deep thoughat about the city and architecture, in order to give to the future professional, the skill to intervene in a dynamic enviroment.
The work that we are developing should enable the student to find his own research and communication process’s.
We also pretend to prepare the student to be able to build policies concerning the transformation of the city, taking in consideration the present and future problems and needs of the society.
Finally we want to enhance that the urbanistic thought is shared by several branches of knowledge, and that it is essential to help the student to develop his capacity to work with a team.


The central theme of our work will be the “Urban Project” which is understood as a link betweem Plan an Project, between city and architecture.
The “Urban Project” must answer to the demands expressed by the society, by diverse urban situations and by events of endogenous or exogenous origins.
It has different levels of flexibility and uses the most efficient planning tools (Plano de Urbanização, Plano de Pormenor, etc.), aiming the resolution of existing problems or the implementation of diverse urban policies.
A special attention will be given to the Public Space System because of its importance on the design of the urban structure.
We will develop an “Urban Project” concerning a complex and well dimensioned fragment of the city, taking in consideration the existing urban dynamics, the gols and objectives of the different urban actors, the existing planning tools, the urban managemeut system and the design of public space.

Mandatory literature

ASCHER, François; Les nouveaux príncipes de l’urbanisme – la fin des villes n’est pas à l’ ordre du jour, Ed. de L’Aube, 2001
BORJA, J.; MUXI, Z; El espacio público: ciudad e ciudadania, Ed Diputació de Barcelona, Electra, 2003
FONT, António (coordenador); Planeamiento Urbanístico – De la controversia à la renovación, Ed Diputació de Barcelona – Xarxa de Municipis, Electra , 2003
GREGOTTI, Vitório; La città visibile, Ed. Einuadi, 1993
KOOLHAAS, R.; S, M, L, XL, 1995
KOSTOF, Spiro; The city assembled, the elements of urban form throught history, Ed. Bulfinch Press Book, 1991
KOSTOF, Spiro; The city shaped: urban patterns and meanings trough history, Ed Bulfinch Press Book, Boston/London, 1993
LYNCH, K.; Good city form, 1985
LYNCH, K.; A imagem da cidade, Ed Arte e Comunicação, 1960
MANGIN, David; PANERAI, Philippe; Projet urbain, Ed. Parenthéses, Marseille, 1999
MAZZA, Luigi; Piani Ordinativi e Piani Strategici, CRU, 1995
NORBERG-SCHULZ Christian; Genius Loci, Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture, Rizzoli, New York, 1980
PANERAI, Philippe; DEPAULE, Jean-Charles; DEMORGON, Marcelle; VEYRENCH, Michel; Elements d’analyse urbaine, AAM Ed., Bruxelles , 1980
PORTAS, Nuno (coordenação); Políticas urbanas – tendências, estratégias e oportunidades, CEFA/FCG, Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2003
PORTAS, Nuno (coordenação); Políticas Urbanas II – transformações, regulações e projectos, CEFA/FCG, Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2011
SECCHI, Bernardo; Un progetto per l’úrbanistica, Ed. Einaudi, Torino, 1989
SOLÀ-MORALES, Ignasi; Territórios, Ed. Gustavo Gili, SA, Barcelona, 2002
SOLÀ-MORALES I RUBIO, Manuel de; Les formes de creixement urbá, Laboratori dÚrbanisme, Ed. UPC, Barcelona, 1993
SOLÀ-MORALES e OUTROS; Ciutat funcional i morfologia urbana, Ed UPC, Quaderns d’arquitectes, Barcelona, 1994
VENTURI, R.; Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, The Museum of Modern Art Press, New York, 1966

Teaching methods and learning activities

The pedagonical process will be organised in theoretical classes and theoretical/ practical classes.
In the theoretical classes we will discuss themes that are important to de developont of the current Urban Project. The classes will be performed by the regular teachers or by specialists in relevant matters .
The theoretical/practical classes will follow the ordinary work of the students aiming the continuos criticism of the creative process.
Each group of 3 to 5 students will be the basic discussion unit.
Individual and team work will be made according to the following phasing:

1 – Individual sketch of a part of the studied area - Middle October.
2 – Team work aiming the analysis of the area and the presentation of a basic master plan – Christmas Hollidays.
3 – Team work aiming the presentation of the Master Plan of the studied area – Carnival.
4 – Individual presentation of the project of an important part of the studied area – Easter.
5 – Final version of the individual project and proposal of a planning policy for the studied area – end of the year.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Eligibility for exams

The evaluation will follow a continuous process, without final examinations.
Partial evaluations will be done after each phase of the work and they will be related to individual and team work.
The final mark will be the result of the consideration of the partial evaluations and the progress that the student reveals during the pedagogical process.
The following items will be considered:
-Participation in the learning process;
-Knowledge of the studied subjects;
-Capacity to research and resolve the problems;
-Quantity and quality of the presented work.
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