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Psychological Intervention in Career Guidance

Code: PEDH04     Acronym: CPOV

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Psychology

Instance: 2021/2022 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Psychology
Course/CS Responsible: Master Degree in Psychology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPSIC 18 Plano Oficial do ano letivo 2021 1 - 6 54 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


As far as vocational development general processes are concerned, students should be able to: 1.Question common sense knowledge and personal theories originated by the socialization process; 2. Critically read both theoretical and empirical production, to be able to develop further complex interpretations and present a differentiated and coherent speech, as well as ability to mobilize knowledge for the planning of psychological intervention; 3. Characterize and fundament developmental, ecological and constructive perspective and respective reconstructive exploration of vocational investment, by using the action – integration strategy within the context of significant interpersonal relationships, critically comparing them with other existent; 4. Select, adapt or develop measures and activities strategically articulated with the identified vocational problems and changes to be promoted, taking into consideration its respective advantages, limitations and differential efficacy; 5. To build a personal integrative synthesis of the performed learning, organizing them in a structure that can provide a framework for professional practice.

Learning outcomes and competences


Working method



- To define vocational development intervention process to analyze and promote (“direction and meaning of the relationship between the subject, learning and work, throughout the life cycle, intertwined with other life dimensions”) and analyze different ways to formulate and perspective this development throughout the 20th century; the option for a developmental, ecological, constructivist psychological perspective; - The contribution from vocational psychology for the analysis and promotion of the reconstructive exploration process of the vocational investment by the action-integration methodology: social-cognitive approach to vocational behavior (Lent, Brown & Hacket); vocational identity theories (E. Erickson e J. Marcia; J. Bowlby e M. Ainsworth); cognitive vocational structures (L. Knefelkamp e R. Slepitza; E. Welfel); vocational development stages (D. Super e L. Seligman); Circumscription and compromise model of choice (L. Gottfredson); social constructive and narrative perspectives; vocational development in social contexto (family, school, ….) - Main features and structuring processes and counseling dimensions: relationship construction; contextual specific exploration of the problem; contract and formal features and goal definition of the intervention; confrontation of motives, values, interests, preferences and meanings; confrontation com training opportunities and professional practice, as well as fomenting action; vocational investment by constructing a new balance between personal wishes, demands, opportunities and environmental barriers. Main References Brown, D. & Brooks, L.(2002).;Career choice and development (4.ª Ed.) , San Francisco: Jossey Bass Campos, B. (1997).Educação e desenvolvimento pessoal e social (pp.133-141). (2.ª Ed.) , Porto: Afrontamento. Campos, B. P.(1980).A orientação vocacional numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento psicológico., Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, XIV, 195-230. Campos, B.P., & Coimbra, J.L. (1991).Consulta psicológica e exploração do investimento vocacional, Cadernos de Consulta Psicológica, 7, 11-19. Coimbra, J.L., Campos, B.P., & Imaginário, L. (1994).Career intervention from a psychological perspective: Definition of the main ingredients of an ecological-developmental methodology, Paper presented at the 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology. Guichard, J. & Huteau, M. (2010).Psychology de l' Orientation, Paris: Dunod. Leitão, L. M. (coord.)(2004).Avaliação psicológica em orientação escolar e profissional, Coimbra: Quarteto. Watts, A., G, Law, B., Killeen, J., Kidd, J., Hawthorn, R. & Watts, T. (1996).Rethinking Careers Education and Guidance: Theory, Policy and Practice, London: Routledge.

Mandatory literature

Brown, D. & Brooks, L.; Career choice and development (4.ª Ed.), San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2002
Campos, B. ; Educação e desenvolvimento pessoal e social (pp.133-141). (2.ª Ed.) , Porto: Afrontamento, 1997
Campos, B. P. ; A orientação vocacional numa perspectiva de desenvolvimento psicológico., Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, XIV, 195-230, 1980
Campos, B.P., & Coimbra, J.L. ; Consulta psicológica e exploração do investimento vocacional, Cadernos de Consulta Psicológica, 7, 11-19, 1991
Coimbra, J.L., Campos, B.P., & Imaginário, L. ; Career intervention from a psychological perspective: Definition of the main ingredients of an ecological-developmental methodology, Paper presented at the 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology , 1994
Guichard, J. & Huteau, M. ; Psychology de l' Orientation, Paris: Dunod, 2001
Leitão, L. M. (coord.); Avaliação psicológica em orientação escolar e profissional, Coimbra: Quarteto, 2004
Watts, A., G, Law, B., Killeen, J., Kidd, J., Hawthorn, R. & Watts, T. ; Rethinking Careers Education and Guidance: Theory, Policy and Practice, London: Routledge, 1996

Teaching methods and learning activities

To create conditions for professionals to embed themselves in the domain of the main means and modalities of psychological intervention within the vocational development, through specific opportunities of action and direct/indirect exploration. Furthermore, these training opportunities are object of analysis and discussion by the students, in order to foment the cognitive, emotional and behavioral integration.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Teste 50,00
Trabalho laboratorial 50,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 40,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Trabalho escrito 14,00
Trabalho laboratorial 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Frequency and approval are dependent of minimal levels of attendance, quality of participation in the classroom and success of the totality of the learning opportunities. 1. Attendance and motivation, involvement and competence demonstrated by the student in the learning opportunities; A. Learning activity I, in form of a reading of a book and the writing of a paper (max. 5 pages) B. Learning activity II: Exploration, supported in research, reading and reflection of the themes lectured in the classroom (contact hours). The product of these activities and learning experiences will be produced as final outcome, elaborated in situation, with a initial point provided by the lecturer.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final score will resume the sum of the classification of each learning components: 1. Attendance, motivation, involvement in the learning opportunities (only 3 absences are permitted) 2.1. Learning Activity I: 20% 2.2. Learning Activity II: 80%

Examinations or Special Assignments

The above described program, in all its components, is applicable to working students.

Classification improvement

It is only allowed improvement of final grade within a new inscription of the subject in another lective year.

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