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Age and Health in Employment Systems

Code: P753     Acronym: ISSE

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Psychology

Instance: 2020/2021 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Psychology
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Psychology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIPSI 15 Official Curricular Structure 4 - 6 54 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


At the end of this curricular unit the students should be able to:
- know and to understand the dynamic inter relations between health, age and work, demonstrating the ability to integrate different theoretical and methodological contributions explained in lectures, field work, and the theoretical and practical exercises, as well as in times of formal assessment;
- Understand the importance of knowledge on the evolution of employment systems and subsystems for the intervention of the work psychologistnamely with regard to the relations between work and aging, while promoting local and regional development;
- Organize with clarity, accuracy and consistency the argumentation and justification of the theoretical and methodological options taken in different situations;
- Produce reflections and original processes for addressing the issues under consideration;
- Safeguard the ability of self-criticism and understanding of the standpoint of their interlocutors.

Learning outcomes and competences

1. Ability to integrate different types of contributions;

2. Ability to organize with clarity, precision and coherence arguments and the justification of theoretical and methodological options;

3. Ability to produce original ideas and processes for addressing the topics under analysis;

4. Self-criticism and understanding of the interlocutors point of view.

Working method



This curricular unit aims to:
- Establish the theoretical and methodological topics in the aging study at work;
- Characterize the demographic trends of the employed population, the evolution of the work, some public policies, the employment prospects and the conditions in which it can now be assumed in various sectors of economic activity;
- Synthetically establish the theoretical changes in labor markets analysis in industrialized economies, stressing the contribution of other social sciences, beyond economic science;
- Characterize the evolution and the mutations of employment systems in Portugal, highlighting in particular regional and sectoral specificities;
- Relate the regional and sectorial specificities with intervention projects for local development;
- Discuss new forms of territorial management that seek to unleash multi-actor coordination processes, integrating them within a renewed commitment between global and local.

Mandatory literature

Reis, J. ; Ensaios de economia impura. , Almedina, 2007
M. J. Rodrigues ; O sistema de emprego em Portugal., Publicações Dom Quixote., 1988
Bartoli, H. ; Repenser le développement. , Paris : UNESCO, 1999
Boyer, R. ; Théorie de la régulation: une analyse critique. , La découverte., 1986
G. S. Becker; The human capital: a theorical and empirical analysis with special reference to education. , Columbia University Press, 1964
Piore, M. & Berger, S.; Dualism and discontinuity in industrial societies. , Cambridge University Press., 1980
A. H. Oliveira Marques; História de Portugal. , Palas Editores, Vol. III, 1984
Lopes, A.S.; Desenvolvimento regional, Gulbenkian, 2001
Bessa, N. & Lacomblez, M. ; Endiguer le travail du temps de travail sur la santé: un débat de normes et de valeurs dans l’aménagement des horaires postés, Octarès, 2012 (In François Hubault (Coord.), Y a-t-il un âge pour travailler ? )
Lacomblez, M ; Enjeux pour la santé, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2012 (in Pierre Desmarez, Matéo Alaluf et Marcelle Stroobants (Eds), Mesures et démesures du travail. )
Molinié Anne-Françoise 570; La^vie professionnelle. ISBN: 978-2915346-96-1
Ramos, S. & Lacomblez, M. ; Envelhecimento, trabalho e cognição: 80 anos de investigação, Laboreal, 1, (1), 52-60, 2005 (http://laboreal.up.pt/revista/artigo.php?id=48u56oTV65822342746:64:472)

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures. Preparation, organization, presentation and discussion of data and texts related to the topics of the discipline. Meetings and discussions with actors of certain sectors of economic activity in Portugal. Fieldwork + guidance / mentoring. Online Resources.


Social sciences > Psychological sciences
Social sciences > Sociology
Social sciences > Demography
Social sciences > Geography
Social sciences > Economics

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Teste 40,00
Trabalho de campo 40,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 38,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Trabalho de campo 50,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Classes are subject to verification of attendance.

Calculation formula of final grade

In the evaluation are weighted the following components:
- Practical work undertaken within classes - 20%
- Field work (small groups) and its presentation in class - 40%
- Summary of the theoretical reflection (5 pag./individual test) - 40%

Failing to accomplish one of the components implies a zero classification in that particular component. The minimum score required is 8 values in all components.
The review or improvement of classification are limited to components which by their nature are repeatable and, therefore, allow the revaluation initially assigned.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Special situations concerning the evaluation will be discussed with the teaching team at the beginning of the UC.


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