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Epistemology and History of Psychology

Code: P109     Acronym: EHP

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Social and Human Sciences

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: https://moodle.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Psychology
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Psychology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIPSI 168 Official Curricular Structure 1 - 3 30 81

Teaching language



This discipline aims the students to be able to:
- to know the main events and theories occurred in the History of Psychology;
- to know the main epistemological theories;
- to apply epistemological theories to Psychology;
- to develop individual capacities of autonomic learning and critical thinking.

Learning outcomes and competences

To think critically about the History of Psychology, according the main theories of Epistemology.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Non applicable.


1.Introduction: the movement of Psychology from Philosophy to exact sciences; brief vision of the History of Psychology.

2.Epistemology: structure and development of science according epistemological theories (reference to Comte, Bachelard, Popper, Kuhn and Foucault); reflection about how to make scientific knowledge.

3.History of Psychology: the independence of Psychology; the development of Psychology in different countries; the mains theories and domains in Psychology.
4.Applying Epistemology to History of Psychology: using Epistemology to think and criticize the psychological knowledge.

Mandatory literature

Comissão Coordenadora para a Comemoração dos 25 anos e Conselho Directivo da FPCEUP; Comemoração dos 25 anos FPCEUP, Porto: SCI - FPCEUP, 2006
Bachelard Gaston; A^filosofia do não. ISBN: 972 23 1430 0
Foucault Michel; A^arqueologia do saber. ISBN: 85-218-0145-9
Brennan James F.; History and systems of psychology. ISBN: 0-13-392209-X
Kuhn Thomas S.; A^estrutura das revoluções científicas. ISBN: 85-273-0111-3
Comte Augusto; O^espirito positivo
Marx Melvin H.; Sistemas e teorias em psicologia
Popper Karl R.; La^logique de la découverte scientifique. ISBN: 2-228-88010-8
Davidoff Linda L.; Introdução à psicologia
Gleitman Henry; Psicologia. ISBN: 972-31-0584-5
Mueller F. L.; História da Psicologia II
Veyne, P. ; Comment on écrit l'histoire. Paris: Editions du Seuil., 1971
Popper Karl R.; O^Universo aberto. ISBN: 972 20 0877 3
Mueller F. L.; História da Psicologia I
Reuchlin Maurice; Histoire de la psychologie
Schultz Duane; A^history of modern psycology. ISBN: 0-12-633060-3
Alferes, V.R., Bidarra, M.G., Lopes, C.A. & Mónico, L.S.; Domínios de investigação, orientações e autores nas revistas portuguesas de Psicologia: tendências de publicação nas últimas quatro décadas do século XX. , Análise Psicológica, XXVII, 1, 3-20., 2009
Blanché Robert; A^epistemologia
Cooper David E. 340; Epistemology. ISBN: 0-631-21088-1
Leahey Thomas Hardy; A^history of modern psychology. ISBN: 0-13-501271-6
Herrnstein Richard J. 340; A^source book in the history of psychology. ISBN: 0-674-82411-3
Benjamin Ludy T.; A^history of psychology in letters. ISBN: 1-4051-2612-4

Complementary Bibliography

Reuchlin Maurice; Les^méthodes en psychologie
Reuchlin Maurice; Psychologie. ISBN: 2-13-036098-X
Popper Karl R.; Sociedade aberta, Universo aberto
Jesuino Jorge Correia; Psicologia. ISBN: 972-709-182-2
Stern, W.; Psicologia geral. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2ª ed., 1981
Wertheimer, M. ; Pequena História da Psicologia. São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1978
Hergenhahn, B.R.; Introducción a la Historia de la Psicologia. Madrid: Paraninfo Thomson Learning., 2001
Fraisse Paul 300; Traité de psychologie expérimentale
Braunstein, J.F. & Pewzner, E. ; História da Psicologia. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget., 2003
Le Moigne, J.; Les épistemologies constructivistes. Paris: PUF. , 1995
Ford Donald H.; Developmental systems theory. ISBN: ISBN 0-8039-4661-9
Carrilho, M. M. ; Epistemologia : posições e criticas. Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian., 1991
Comte, A. ; Discurso sobre o espirito positivo. Lisboa : Seara Nova. , 1947
Comte, A.; Catecismo positivista. Lisboa : Publicações Europa-América. , 1979
Foucault, M.; O nascimento da Clínica. Rio de Janeiro : Forense-Universitária., 1994
Hothersall, D.; História da Psicologia. São Paulo: McGraw-Hill, 4ªed., 2006
Moigne Jean-Louis le; La^théorie du système général. ISBN: 2-13-046515-3
Bertalanffy Ludwig Von; Théorie générale des systèmes. ISBN: ISBN 2-04-007504-6
Foucault Michel; Vigiar e punir. ISBN: ISBN 85.326.0508-7
Lagache Daniel; A^unidade da psicologia
Agra Cândido; Science, maladie mental et dispositifs de l.enfance
Alferes Valentim Rodrigues; Investigação científica em psicologia. ISBN: 972-40-1039-2
Morin, E. ; Ciência com consciência. Lisboa : Publicações Europa-América., 1994
Caparrós, A.; História da Psicologia. Lisboa: Plátano Edições Técnicas., 1999
Foucault Michel; Histoire de la folie à l.âge classique. ISBN: 2-07-029582-6
Kuhn Thomas S.; A^tensão essencial
Bachelard Gaston; O^novo espírito científico
Bachelard Gaston; La^formation de l.esprit scientifique. ISBN: 2-7116-1150-7
Bachelard Gaston; A^epistemologia
Foucault Michel; As^palavras e as coisas. ISBN: 972-44-0531-1
Brock, A. C. ; The future of the history of psychology revisited. History Of Psychology, 19(3), 175-191. doi:10.1037/hop0000037, 2016
Byford, J., & Tileagă, C. ; Accounts of a troubled past: Psychology, history, and texts of experience. Qualitative Psychology, 4(1), 101-117. doi:10.1037/qup0000047, 2017

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical classes presented to a group of students, participation of the students in the chat/forum used in E-Learning, and final written examination. The written report is the participation in the Forum, representing 25% of the final classification, while the exam represents 75%.


Não se aplica


Social sciences > Psychological sciences > Psychology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Exame 75,00
Trabalho escrito 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 26,00
Frequência das aulas 30,00
Trabalho de campo 25,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

The students must have the minimum of 9.5 points in 20 at the global classification of the discipline. Distributed evaluation includes forum/char participation. The written final exam is required and the student should get the minimum value of 8 values in 20. The individual participation at the Moodle Forum/chat is mandatory (25%) but with no mandatory minimum classification. However the non-participation implies to loose automatically 5 points in 20. The presence in class is mandatory according to the regulation in force in FPCEUP.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final classification is the sum of the following tasks:
- 25% written report as an individual participation in the Moodle Forum/chat
- 75%  written final exam

Examinations or Special Assignments

Individual participation in the Moodle Forum/chat.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students with special status can choose and decide if they want to do only the final exam, representing this 100% of the final grade. They must inform the teacher, according information presented at Moodle platform.

Classification improvement

The improvement of classification is done only for the final written exam (valuing 75%); the classification of Moodle Forum/chat stills the same. It is possible to improve the classification once, until the 2nd exam period during the year following the previous year where the student was approved and where the curricular unit has an exam scheduled. 


The discipline uses Moodle platform.

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