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History of Contemporary Education

Code: E200     Acronym: HEC

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Education

Instance: 2019/2020 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://sigarra.up.pt/fpceup/pt/ucurr_geral.ficha_uc_view?pv_ocorrencia_id=406206
Responsible unit: Education Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: First degree in Educational Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LCED 69 Official Curricular Structure 1 - 6 57 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2020-02-17.

Fields changed: Learning outcomes and competences, Métodos de ensino e atividades de aprendizagem, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final, Avaliação especial, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Obtenção de frequência, Programa, Tipo de avaliação, Melhoria de classificação

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Make contact with the methodology of historical research
Understand the History of Education, as one of the scientific field of Educational Sciences.
From a socio-cultural perspective, it analyses the path followed by education from the domestic [private] to the public space, the organizing of interests in favour of and against the public school, the circulation and appropriation of pedagogical discourses and the ways in which they became materialized in the Portuguese context. The material culture of the school is emphasized as being part of the cultural heritage.


Learning outcomes and competences

     Learning Outcomes:

-- Show  historical knowledge of Portuguese and Western educational reality, which may serve as support for the analysis of diverse educational contexts;

 -- put educational practices into perspective regarding the dialectics of traditions, scientific discourses and pedagogic utopias

Learning skills:

pra-Practice research in History of Education:

   -  Analyzes evidence
   -  Organizes historical documentation
   -  Drawing up written work based on interpretation of sources, reasoning by analogy and        arguments

- develop attitudes valuing educational heritage. 


Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

It is not the case.


1.Brief approach to the methodology of historical research.
 2. Family, religion and the State as promoters of schooling [education in schools]. 2.1. The public and the private in education. 2.2. The  teaching-learning method at the center of pedagogical knowledge and teaching practices (seventeenth and eighteenth centuries).
3. Contributions of the Enlightenment, Liberalism, Republicanism, Socialism and Marxism in the foundation and constitution of the public school in Portugal (18th to 20th centuries). 3.1 Continuities and ruptures in pedagogical thinking, educational policy orientations and pedagogical practices in Portugal. 3.2. The great industrial and colonial exhibitions and their impact on education: from the objectification of the other through the human zoo to the study of "races" and the justification of colonialism as a civilizing action.

4. Schooling systems in Portugal (19th and 20th centuries): structuring of the school network, teacher training and the universal access to education. 4.1. The circulation of educational conceptions, objects, actors and their action in the organization of time and school spaces, teaching materials and teaching practices. 4.2. Education and work: technical education. Social discourse in the 19th century and the 'one school' (escola única) in the 20th century.4.3.The importance of the revolutionary period for the expansion of education.
5.Sociopolitical periodization and educational periodization: differentiation and characterization. Education in the post-World War II period: science and utopia in education. 

Mandatory literature

Adão, Áurea; Estado Absoluto e Ensino das Primeiras Letras. As Escolas Régias (1772-1794) , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian,, 1997
Barroso, João,; Os Liceus. Organização Pedagógica e Administração (1836-1960), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian,, 1995
Caruso, Marcelo; Dussel, Inês; ; La invención del aula. Una genealogia de las formas de enseñar, Ed. Santilhana.
Escolano Benito, Agustín; Tiempos y espacios para la escuela. Ensayos históricos. , Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, 2000
Felgueiras, M. L.; Menezes, M.C. (org.); ; Rogério Fernandes. Questionar a Sociedade, interrogar a História, (re)pensar a Educação., FPCE/Afrontamento, Porto,, 2004
Felgueiras, Margarida Louro; Para Uma História Social do Professorado Primário, em Portugal, no séc. XX, Porto: Campo das Letras / CIIE - FPCEUP, 2008
Gondra, José G.(org.), ; História, Infância e Escolarização, 7 Letras, Rio de Janeiro, , 2002
Fernandes Rogério; A^pedagogia portuguesa contemporânea
Martins,Ernesto Candeias (org.; Actas do Vº Encontro Ibérico de História da Educação. , Alma Azul, 2005
Escolano, Agustin e Fernandes, Rogério; Los caminos hacia la modernidad educativa
Escolano Benito Agustín 1941- 340; Los^caminos hacia la modernidad educativa en Espana y Portugal (1800-1975). ISBN: 84-922389-7-6

Complementary Bibliography

Correia, José Alberto, Stoleroff, Alan D., Stoer, Stephen, R.,; A ideologia da modernização no sistema educativo em Portugal, Cadernos de Ciências Sociais, nº 12/13, Janeiro , 1993
Vidal, Diana Gonçalves(org.); Grupos escolares (1893-1971), Mercado das Letras, Campinas,S.P., , 2006
Araújo, Helena Costa;; “Precocidade e “retórica” na construção da escola de massas em Portugal”, in Educação, Sociedade e Culturas, nº 5, , CIIE/Afrontamento, 1996
Nóvoa, António; Evidentemente - Histórias da Educação , Asa
Chateau, Jean; Os grandes pedagogos, Livros do Brasil
Nóvoa, António; Idem, Os Professores e as Reformas de Ensino na Viragem do Século (1886-1906) , Asa
Martins, Ernesto Candeias (Coord./Org.); António S. Faria de Vasconcelos nos meandros do Movimento da Escola Nova: pioneiro da educação do futuro., Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco, 2019. ISBN: 987-989-691-808-8

Comments from the literature

Other bibliography specific to each subject will be indicated in the summaries and in the classes.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The contact activities will be based on a mixed methodology, of theoretical exposition and of debate in large or small groups on texts and materials of analysis (images, videos, research done by the students). Students are encouraged to prepare questions and streamline classes.
There will be two mini-tests during the semester on the subjects exposed in class.
-Group work on a theme to be chosen, from a proposed set, with specific tasks for each element. As a result, each group will present a poster in the middle of the semester and a final written paper, of 10 pages, that requires a deepening and collective appropriation of the work produced by each element in the group. These  moment for presenting and discussing the results of the group work, in order to constitute thematic summaries by major historical-educational periods, is previously scheduled with the students in the first class.

The division of topics by groups and presentation of results is done with the whole class; the groups organize the research and analysis of texts and syntheses, whose orientation is guaranteed by the mandatory tutorials carried out with the small groups.
Is planned

-Participation in the Winter Days of History of Education, Cultural Heritage and Museology and in seminars with specialists, followed by debate, whenever appropriate.

Autonomous work activities - Reading and analysis of texts of the recommended bibliography for each theme and work and research, interpretation and writing of the final text.
All the syntheses performed by the groups will be presented and debated in the class group.


Entrevista TV Paulo Freire - Museus escolares
DVD História(s) da História da Educação.


Social sciences > Educational sciences
Humanities > History
Social sciences > Cultural studies

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 20,00
Participação presencial 15,00
Exame 45,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 40,00
Frequência das aulas 45,00
Trabalho de investigação 10,00
Trabalho escrito 15,00
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 10,00
Total: 120,00

Eligibility for exams

The evaluation modality adopted is the distributed evaluation with final exam. Following the principles of this modality the evaluation of the UC includes three instruments:  Evaluation of active participation in classes TP and in group work, in conducting research and is result as a poster presentation and  a paper; final exame. 
1. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION: the result of this activity must translate into asking questions in class or making them more dynamic based on a text or other suitable material; presence in tutorial sessions, timely completion of tasks in the group.
2. REALIZATION AND PRESENTATION OF THE POSTER AND WRITTEN TEXT: supposes individual and group research, which must be translated into an oral presentation, during the semester of a poster with a written text, in group but with individual contributions, of ten pages.
3. FINAL EXAMINATION: must show knowledge of the development of the themes presented in class, as well as the individual work invested in the course.

Failure to perform any of the three elements of the assessment implies that there 
are not enough elements for the student to be assessed. Failure to deliver the
group's Written Work or failure to participate in the oral presentations (poster
and defense of the group work) implies a classification of zero in any of the missing
components. A minimum of 10 values ​​is required in any of the installments (participation;
poster with written work and oral presentation in class; final exam). Non-presence
in the orientation tutorials will be taken into account in the component "In-person participation".

Calculation formula of final grade


Active participation in classes and presence in tutorials - 15%.

1 poster and its presentation (20%)with 1 written group work, 10 pages, with 
individualized tasks and oral presentation (20%)=45%
Final Exame - 40% The classification of each of these portions of the evaluation is calculated on
the scale of 0 to 20. Minimum positive evaluation (10 values) is required in each
of the components to obtain approval in this unit.

Examinations or Special Assignments

 Students are encouraged to participate in the Winter International Conference on History of Education and Cultural Heritage and whenever possible in seminars and visitis.

Internship work/project

It is not the case.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

For students who are unable to attend regular classes due to the impossibility of scheduling, participation in group work will be replaced by individual work, under the guidance of the UC conductor. In oral presentations (in poster ) will have to respect the collectively negotiated calendar. The students in this situation will have to sign with the regent of the UC the work plan to be carried out and its schedule. They will have to do the mini-tests as well. They should hold two tutorials throughout the semester.

Classification improvement

The oral presentations of the poster and of the written work, which compose the evaluation, there is no possibility of appeal. The written work may be reformulated, requiring in this case more research and in-depth re-evaluation of the initial text.


Evaluation procedures may be changed after being analyzed by the Pedagogical Council.

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