Pedro Gomes

Service Distribution - 2021/2022

Course Unit Course/Cycle of Studies Term Year Type of Classes Hours (Factor)
Clinical Biochemistry of inflammation PDBM / PDMCE SP 1 T 0,04 (1)
Pharmacology I MIMED 1S 3 TP 2,143 (1)
Redox state: diet, metabolic regulation and aging MBE 2S 1 S 0,024 (1)
Pharmacology II MIMED 2S 3 TP 1,857 (1)

(*) - The factor which determines how these hours are included in total lecturer hours..

Weekly hours in the 1st semester: 2,143       2nd Semester: 1,881       Annual Average: 2,012
Weekly hours Without Term: 0,04