The aim of this conference is to analyse the relations between the Apostolic See and the new political realities emerging in Europe in the first half of the twelfth century. The idea is to tackle the so called “peripheries” through the often overlooked point of view of Rome and to consider both the centre (the Apostolic See) and these kingdoms as “work s in progress”, always looking for opportunities to be acknowledged. This approach will also help in highlighting how external institutions contributed to the elaboration of the Roman primacy.
This conference will be part of the project The Pope’s men. Papal legates, judges delegate, and representatives in the Iberian Peninsula (XI XIII centuries) centuries), FCT 2022.00422.CEECIND
Organising committee: Enrico Veneziani, Universidade do Porto; Luís Carlos Amaral, Universidade do Porto
Scientific committee: Luís Carlos Amaral, Universidade do Porto ; Inês Amorim, Universidade do Porto; Glauco Maria Cantarella, Università di Bologna; Maria Cristina Cunha, Universidade do Porto; Luigi Russo, Università Europea di Roma; Enrico Veneziani, Universidade do Porto.
Invited speakers include:
Prof. Umberto Longo (Università La Sapienza)
Prof. Nicolangelo D’Acunto (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Prof. Glauco Maria Cantarella (Alma Mater Studiorum-Università di Bologna)
Prof. Damian J. Smith St Louis University
Prof. Luís Carlos Amaral Universidade do Porto
Prof. Luigi Russo (Università Europea di Roma)
The selected speakers would be notified by the end of January 2024.