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FEUP |Bolsa de Investigação |SPRINGINESS

Candidaturas entre 19-07-2024 a 08-09-2024

Call open for applications for a research grant within the framework of project “SPRINGINESS - Management of rainwater runoff in urban areas for tackling extreme hydroclimatic events” with the reference Water4All/0006/2022, financed by financed by Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P through national funds, within the scope of the Water4All European partnership, under the following conditions: EditalEN

Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação no âmbito do projeto “SPRINGINESS - Management of rainwater runoff in urban areas for tackling extreme hydroclimatic events” com a referência Water4All/0006/2022, financiado por Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) e no âmbito da parceria europeia Water4All, nas seguintes condições: EditalPT

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